Lottery puffs with Twelfth Night characters

description below

Twenty-four letterpress and engraved lottery puffs uncut on one sheet. Each puff includes engravings of Twelfth night character by George Cruikshank and an 8-line poem.


  • Creator: J. & J. Sivewright (Firm)
  • Title: Lottery puffs with Twelfth Night characters engraved by George Cruikshank.
  • Publication: [London] : J. & J. Sivewright … 37, Cornhill, 11, Holburn, 38 Haymarket, 141, Oxford-St, [December 1819?]

Catalog Record

Drawer 819.12.00.02

Acquired March 2024

A congress for peace

description below

“Plate from the ‘Satirist’, xiii. 193. In the text the title continues ‘. . ., “alias” War’. A satire on the Congress of Prague. Four sovereigns, completely unlike the men in question, in conference. The Tsar sits behind a small rectangular table on which are displayed implements of war in miniature: cannon, pyramids of cannon-balls, muskets, swords, drums, &c., and flags on one of which are fleurs-de-lis. On the left stand the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria, on the right is Napoleon. Alexander extends his hands rhetorically, turning to the left, with a puckered scowl, to say to the two Germans: “Come Gentlemen see first if you can agree–if not we’ll all fight!” He has quasi-Kalmuck features, and wears an odd-shaped crown, an ermine-bordered robe, with a jewelled necklace and a Greek cross. Frederick William III, on the extreme left, clutches the hilt of his sword and puts his left hand to his cocked hat as if ready to doff it, he turns to Francis I, towards whom a label issues from his mouth: “I am ready to treat or to fight”; a second label floats to the left, inscribed ‘Infernal Scoundrel’. Francis I, looking distracted, stands directed to the right, legs apart, and in his left hand is his sabre, the blade of which curves over the Tsar’s head, but both hands touch his crown, and he says: “I will wear an independant Crown.” He wears hussar uniform, cloak, sash, and elaborately embroidered tunic and pantaloons. Napoleon, tall and burly, with heavy whisker and aquiline profile, wears a plumed bicorne with tricolour cockade and very tattered uniform leaving his legs almost bare, with one dilapidated jack-boot and one damaged stocking; he has a long sword. He stands aggressively with arms dramatically extended, saying, “My Friends! all we wish is Peace.” A chain is attached to each great toe, which is fastened to the necks of two miserable princes, tiny figures standing between his outstretched legs. One (left), Charles IV of Spain, wearing a crown and robe, grotesquely knock-kneed and despairing, stands full-face. The other, wearing a crown with uniform and sword, stoops in profile, looking up abjectly at Napoleon’s legs. On the extreme right, in the middle distance, is a tall Spanish don, much emaciated, wrapped in a cloak. He looks down with folded arms at a fat British officer beside him, who says: “I ll countenance Austria into our interests.” The Spaniard: “I’ll be damned if I go to meet a Frenchman in Prague, while there is a Frenchman to meet in Spain!!!” Behind them in the background a tiny Napoleon, wearing a grotesque crown and holding a sword, marches downhill at the head of his soldiers carrying flags; he has a melancholy expression and approaches the edge of a precipitous descent.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Brooke, William Henry, 1772-1860, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: A congress for peace [graphic] / Satirist invt. ; W.H. Ekoorb [that is, Brooke] delt. et fecit.
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], [1 September 1813]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

Elements of Bacchus

printed text

A volume with caricatures illustrating toasts and satirical anecdotes.

  • Artist: Woodward, G. M. (George Moutard), approximately 1760-1809, author, artist.
  • Title: Elements of Bacchus, or, Toasts and sentiments given by distinguished characters. : Illustrated with forty portraits in aqua tinta, of the most celebrated bon vivants in Great Britain. With a variety of anecdotes and remarkable traits, prefixed to each portrait / written and designed by George Murgatroyd Woodward.
  • Publication: London : Published by W. Holland, No. 50, Oxford-Street, 1792.

Catalog Record

75 W87 792 Copy 2

Acquired February 2024

The peddigree of Corporal Violet

description below

“The base of the design is a dunghill from which rises the head of Napoleon as a young republican officer, not caricatured. His head is covered by a large cup-shaped fungus, decorated with a tricolour cockade and resembling a Cap of Liberty; from its apex ascends a curving stalk, terminating in the large yellow rosette of a sunflower, centred by the head of Napoleon as Emperor, larger than that of the base, and representing an older man; like the lower one it is directed slightly to the right. Below it, leaves project from the stalk, balancing the design. On Napoleon’s head is an arrangement of stamens in the form of an imperial crown. These unite to form the long scraggy neck of the third Napoleon, a head in profile to the right, emaciated and desperate. On this head is a larger fungus than that below, projecting like an enormous hat. From it ascend the stems of a bunch of violets, copied from No. 12511, but with the addition of more flowers, and on a larger scale. It contains the profiles of Napoleon, Marie Louise, and the King of Rome, arranged exactly as in British Museum Satires No. 12511. Smaller fungi sprout from the dunghill, some flat and some conical, like caps of Liberty; on the latter tricolour cockades are indicated. Four little figures are on a slope (left) leading towards the dunghill, prepared to clear it away. In front are Blücher and Wellington, running forward, and talking to each other; one holds a spade, the other a broad hoe. Behind them is the Tsar, shouldering a pickaxe. Behind again stands Louis XVIII, with splayed gouty legs, supported on a crutch. He waves his hat to cheer them on.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, George, 1780-1842, printmaker.
  • Title: The peddigree of Corporal Violet [graphic] / etchd. by G. Cruikk. ; G.H. invt. et del.
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. by H. Humphrey June 9th, 1815 – No. 27 St. James’s St., [9 June 1815]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023

London sportsmen recharging

description below

Print shows one of two huntsmen negligently using a ramrod. A barnyard rooster hangs from his waist. His companion leans against a fence, voraciously gnawing a cold chicken, a bottle of ‘Porter’ in front of him. Near him lies a dead cat. The men are accompanied by two dogs.


  • Title: London sportsmen recharging [graphic].
  • Publication: [Alnwick] : Printed and published by W. Davison, Alnwick, [between 1812 and 1817]

Catalog Record


Acquired August 2022

A royal salute

description below

A caricature of Queen Caroline embracing her lover Bartolomeo Bergami.

  • Printmaker: Heath, William, 1795-1840, printmaker.
  • Title: A royal salute [graphic] : le cannon est en bas.
  • Publication: [London] : Pub. Aug. 28, 1820, by S.W. Fores, 41 Picadilli [sic], [28 August 1820]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023

London sportsmen finding a hare

description below

A satire on London hunters: A hare crouching in long grass beside an old tree at left while a young man runs forward dragging his gun, and holding out his hat to throw it over the animal. Two dogs follow behind him and a second man squats down with his gun to watch.


  • Title: London sportsmen finding a hare [graphic].
  • Publication: [Alnwick] : Printed and published by W. Davison, Alnwick, [between 1812 and 1817]

Catalog Record


Acquired August 2022

The faith of treaties exemplified

description below

“A huge bull, snorting fire, rushes with lowered head towards a French fort (left) from which cannon-balls descend upon him. Beneath the fort sansculottes on one knee fire at the bull while standing French soldiers, correctly dressed, also fire. On the fortress stand Frenchmen, firing and waving their hats; they shout: “Vive la republic, Blood & plunder, no Quarter to John Bull!” A huge tricolour flag has a staff surmounted by a skull. To the bull’s back is strapped a bundle inscribed ‘Debt Debt’. One horn has been shot off and lies on the ground. To his left hind leg is chained a heavy weight inscribed ‘Subsidies’. Nevertheless, he cries: “Now my brave Allies let us all stand firm together & make a bold push, & I’ll be Answerable for the Event.” But behind him (right) his allies have all turned their backs and are departing in directions indicated by signposts. A fat Dutchman smoking a pipe goes ‘To Amsterdam’, saying, “I care not who beats, I’ll join the Strongest Party”. Frederick William II (father-in-law of the Duke of York) walks off ‘To Berlin’, saying, “I’ve fingerd the Cash from both Sides, & will now employ it to Secure the Partition of Poland”; “Negociate with Robertspierre privately & then – Damn Relationship!!!” Next, a Spanish don, Charles IV, goes ‘To Madrid’, saying, “Whats the Bourbon Family to me when they Impede my Interest. Hush!! I am now treating for a Separate peace with that Blackguard Roberspere to Secure my own Crown – I must enlarge the Powers of the Inquisition”. On the extreme right Francis II and Mack in a two-wheeled gig, on which is the Habsburg eagle, are driving off ‘To Vienna’. The Emperor says: “Well Mack we have made a Glorious Campaign of it; of what use are the Low Countries without they continue to fill my Coffers? As for John Bull, let him settle the business as he can he loves to be meddling”.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, Isaac, 1756?-1811?, printmaker.
  • Title: The faith of treaties exemplified, or, John Bulls last effort to oblige his false friends [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pub. July 17, 1794, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly, [17 July 1794]

Catalog Record


Acquired January 2021

A riding-house

description belowA view of the interior of a riding-school: A number of men riding round in a circle; those in the foreground ride from right to left, those in the background from left to right. The riding-master stands in the centre, pointing with hand and cane, and grinning at a short fat man in a clerical wig who is running across the room, alarmed at the horses. A short obese man in back-view on the extreme right, who is about to mount his horse has been identified as Captain Grose. Next him is a man with a grotesque impression of alarm riding a plunging horse. Among the riders are two with clerical wigs. One horse is galloping, out of control, the others are quietly ambling round. Two sides of a high rectangular room or hall are visible; in each wall are two high arch-topped windows.

  • Printmaker: Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker.
  • Title: A riding-house [graphic] / Mr. Bunbury del. ; Js. Bretherton f.
  • Publication: [London] : Published by Js. Bretherton, 15 Feby. 1780.

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2019