Iohn Bull as Justice weighing a commander

“John Bull, blindfold, stands on a massive truncated pillar holding the beam of a pair of scales. In one scale (left), near the ground, Mrs. Clarke sits composedly among a mass of papers, holding one inscribed My dear Dearest Dearest Darling [see British Museum satires no. 11228, &c.]. The others are inscribed: Sandon, Toyne [Tonyn], Dowler, Omeara, Carter, French, Knight, Clavering. In the other scale the Duke of York swings high in the air, and shouts down to three men on the ground: Save me save me Save my Honour [cf. British Museum satires no. 11269]. They haul hard at ropes attached to his scale, which they tilt sideways so that he is in danger of falling out. One, a drink-blotched bishop wearing a mitre, says: Pull away Pull away the Church is in danger; the other two say: Pull away Pull away we lose all our Places, and Pull away pull away we shall lose our Noble Commander. On the pillar Britannia is depicted seated with her shield and lion; she holds the broken staff of a flag.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, Isaac, 1756?-1811?, printmaker.
  • Title: Iohn Bull as Justice weighing a commander [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. by J. Johnstone, 101 Cheapside, April 1809.

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2019

The celebrated Clark

see description below“Mrs. Clarke auctions commissions from a rostrum to a crowd of bidders, while the Duke of York acts as her clerk. All are unconscious of a net in which they are enclosed, and with which the Devil flies off into flames (right). Mrs. Clarke (right), in profile to the left, with raised hammer, holds out a paper headed Commission. She says: Going for no more than £500 a Commission Positively worth 5000. An officer, probably Dowler, see British Museum satires no. 11253, holds out his arms towards her, saying, my dear dear dear Angel Knock it down to me or I am ruin’d. Another says: Let the good Bishop [the Duke, see British Museum satires no. 11227] have the Game & we my Boy will have the Cream. The other applicants are in civilian dress; one says to the bidder: my dear fellow dont be so anxious for depend upon it these tricks will be Found out & all will be Lost. The Duke of York, in uniform, records the bids in a book, his pen resting on the figure 500. He says Thus am I content to record & ratify the Destruction of the Army, my Country & myself, rather than loose my dear DARLING to [cf. British Museum satires no. 11228]. The Devil looks over his shoulder at Mrs. Clarke to say with a baleful grin: Going, Going Gon you may now say, for I have You tight enough my dear Honey.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: The celebrated Clark, exalted to the pulpit by the humility of a royal bishop [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. 22nd April 1809 by J.H. Warl, London, [22 April 1809]

Catalog Record 


Acquired September 2019


The old English ‘squire

Plates: The old squire — Fetching the midwife — Dressing the young squire — Young squire gets ferrul’d for neglecting his studies — Breaking cover, or Hunting in Hampshire — Tries a new shooting pony, which won’t do — Crammed at college by his tutor for a degree — Gets cheated by his miller who grinds oats for him — Young squire goes to London and gets his pockets eased — Takes lessons in dancing — Sits for his portrait — Goes to the opera — Buys an historical picture. St. Anthony preaching to the fishes — Goes to a picture sale — Rides home on a borrowed horse — Mistakes mushrooms for game and spoils their shape — Meets with a small accident — His gun misses fire, because he had forgot to load it — Goes with some friends to shoot grouse on the moors — Not the safest way to carry loaded guns in a wood — Spurs himself in the wrong place — Sees a water kelpy — The village schoolmaster, fond of little bits — A cheerful dance.

  • Author: Chatto, William Andrew, 1799-1864, author.
  • Title: The old English ‘squire : “a jovial gay fox hunter, bold, frank and free” : a poem in ten cantos / by John Careless, Esq. ; illustrated with plates by one of the family.
  • Publication: London : Printed for Thomas M’Lean, 26, Haymarket, by Howlett and Brimmer, Frith Street, Soho, 1821.

Catalog Record 

53 C4 821

Acquired May 2019

Puzzled which to choose!!

“An African chief displays to a naval officer three black women, who stand together (right), grinning and coy, and absurdly squat and obese, with huge posteriors like those of the Hottentot Venus (see British Museum satire no. 11577). The officer, Lieut. Lyon, bows in profile to the right, right hand on his breast, staring with humorous and wary appraisal at the women. The chief, who smiles blandly, seated on a low slab, wears a huge nose-ring, a plume of ostrich feathers, and a sword for which his left ear serves as hilt. Immediately behind him is a bodyguard of four warriors holding tall spears on each of which a skull is transfixed. Two grin, one looks with sour possessiveness at the women. All the Africans are very negroid, and naked except for small aprons. Behind the women are more Africans, much amused. Behind Lyon stand an astonished naval officer and two amused military officers; all are in dress uniform. Behind these are grinning sailors and on the extreme left the tips of the bayonets of the escort, with a Union flag.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, printmaker.
  • Title: Puzzled which to choose!! or, the King of Timbuctoo offering one of his daughters in marriage to Capt. — {anticipated result of [the] African Mission} / [anchor] ; G. Cruikshank, sculpt.
  • Publication: London : Pubd. Octr. 10, 1818 by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s Street, [10 October 1818]

Catalog Record


Acquired October 2017

Old Nick’s gatherings!

“he Devil, laden with Tories, strides to the left, quoting the Duke of Newcastle with a gloating grin: ‘Can’t I do what I like with MY OWN’ [see BM Satires No. 15884, &c.]. Across his shoulder is a trident on which a bloated bishop is spiked. From the lower end of the handle a rat-trap (see BM Satires No. 15734), on which Peel sits, hangs by a rope. Wellington, encircled by the barbed tail, is dragged along, kicking violently. He is in uniform with spurred boots; a gibbet projects from his cocked hat. Under the Devil’s arm are two lawyers: Wetherell in his slovenly dress, and Lyndhurst. The remainder are tied by ropes to the Devil’s back; most prominent (left to right) are Ellenborough, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Croker. The others are scarcely characterized; a Scots cap may denote Lauderdale, a renegade.”–Britism Museum online catalogue.

  • PrintmakerGrant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker.
  • TitleOld Nick’s gatherings! [graphic] : “A pretty considerable damn’d hard day’s work I’ve had on’t!”.
  • Publication[London] : [W. Chubb], [1832]

Catalog Record

Folio 75 G750 832 no. 6 (Oversize)

Acquired November 2016

A sweep-ing reform among the clergy

Two policemen are shown arresting chimney sweeps, roughly pulling one by the arm and another pushing an adult chimney sweep away while carrying four little boys on his back or in his arm. Two chimney sweeps on the left and one on the right complain of the crackdown on their trade.

  • PrintmakerGrant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker.
  • TitleA sweep-ing reform among the clergy [graphic] / C.J.G.
  • Publication[London] : Printed and published by G. Drake, 12, Houghton Street, Clare Market, [ca. 1833]

Catalog Record and Digital Collection

Folio 75 G750 833 Copy 2 (Oversize) no. 55

Acquired December 2016

Facetiae; being a general collection of the jeux d’esprits

“A list of new and popular works, published by William Kidd, No. 14, Chandos Street, West Strand”–Following illustrations in Cruikshank v. Agnew; or, A view of Sir Andrew Agnew’s bill for the better observance of the Lord’s day.

  • TitleFacetiae; being a general collection of the jeux d’esprits which have been illustrated by Robert Cruikshank.
  • PublishedLondon, W. Kidd, 1831-[34]

Catalog Record

75 C9 833

Acquired December 2016

The rat hunt


“The head and shoulders of the dog, who has a handsome collar inscribed ‘John Bull’, project into the design from the right. One paw presses down a rat with the head of Wellington, who looks up in anguish at the dog’s angry jowl. Behind are other frightened rats with human heads: a bloated bishop, Peel, Wetherell, Eldon, Cumberland, and two others. The rats have been robbing the barn of ears of wheat.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • PrintmakerGrant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker.
  • TitleThe rat hunt [graphic].
  • Publication[London : W. Chubb, 1832]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection

Folio 75 G750 823 no. 7

Acquired November 2016

Croesus and Thalia


Print shows an ugly and leering elderly man, identified as the London banker Thomas Coutts, embracing the actress Harriet Mellon (later Mrs. Coutts, and subsequently Duchess of St. Albans).

  • PrintmakerRowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker.
  • TitleCroesus and Thalia [print] : as rich as Croesus, as ripe as a melon / Rowlandson invt.
  • Publication[London : Pub. 15 May, 1815, by T. Palser, Surry Side Westr. Bridge, 15 May 1815]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired June 2016

Lovat to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland sends greeting

Click for larger image

Simon Fraser, eleventh Lord Lovat (1667/8-1747), Jacobite conspirator, army officer, and outlaw is shown sitting on a chair in a jail cell (The Tower of London?), his gouty foot raised on a small stool. He has a pen in his hand and on the table beside him rests an open journal and a box with two ink pots.

  • Title: Lovat to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland sends greeting
  • Published: [London? : s.n., ca. 1746]

Catalog record & Digital collection


Acquired November 2012