Journeymen hatters dipping their master in the dye

description below

Four employees of a hatter force their employer into a bath of black dye. One of the journeymen holds a beaver by its tail as it cries “He robbed me of my coat, and blam’d others for it.” A young apprentice entering from the right holds out a fish to the beaver. In the foreground a black demon whose speech balloon reads, “Push him through my lads. I’ll adopt him as one of my children.”

  • Printmaker: Charles, William, 1776-1820, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: Journeymen hatters dipping their master in the dye [graphic] / Charles del. et sculp.
  • Publication: [London?] : [publisher not identified], publishd. April 14th, 1806.

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2024

Destruction of the furious elephant at Exeter Change

description below

“The death of Chunee, a large Asian elephant, kept at the Exeter Change menagerie; to the left; a group of soldiers and others, all carrying guns; some observing and others firing on Chunee to the right; who, roaring, breaks the bars of his wooden cage; blood pouring from many wounds and soaking the floor; the keeper, in shirtsleeves, stabbing the elephant with a bayonet; smoke obscuring the scene; behind; small iron-barred cages containg an agitated lion and tiger respectively; above hutches containing monkeys, one grasping the bars.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, printmaker.
  • Title: Destruction of the furious elephant at Exeter Change [graphic] / G. Cruikshank fect.
  • Publication: London : Pubd. March 6th, 1826, by J. Harrison, 56 Long Acre, [6 March 1826]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

The political cocks

description below

“Two fighting-cocks, with the heads of Napoleon and Pitt, face each other across the English Channel. Napoleon (left) has a large ruff of tricolour feathers and enormously long spurs, but his wings and tail feathers are clipped. His cliff is the higher; he leans forward, saying, “Eh Master Billy, if I could but take a flight over this Brook I would soon stop your Crowing, I would Knock you off that Perch, I swear by Mahomet, the Pope and all the Idols I have ever Worshiped.” Pitt stands on a large royal crown which brings his feet almost to a level with those of Bonaparte; he stands erect, thus towering above his rival; he has very short spurs but a fine tail and wings; he crows: “Tuck a roo – too that you never can do!!!” Below them lies the sea with a fleet of ships in full sail close to the English coast.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: The political cocks [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. March 27th, 1803, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly, [27 March 1803]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2023

Adulation, or, A coronation oration by the Jack Pudding of the nation

description below

“George IV, crowned, and with orb and sceptre, sits on a coronation chair in Westminster Abbey (right). The Archbishop, well characterized, stands beside him, holding his mitre, his right hand on the chair. On the King’s right hand stands Londonderry (Castlereagh) in Garter robes; other peers stand behind him. All watch the antics of Canning, dressed in parti-coloured clothes as a merry-andrew or buffoon. He kneels on the dais at the King’s feet, arms flung wide; at his feet is a high-crowned hat with a peacock’s feather; on the back of his tunic are the letters M P and P C. He declaims: The delight of the Nation at the Celebration of your Majesty’s Coronation, the Exultation throughout the Creation exceeds all Imagination. the Expectation to which the Anticipation of this Consumation has given occasion is beyond Contemplation; we offer the Oblation of our Congratulation, without Hesitation or Trepidation; no Tribulation can effect a Cessation of the Sensation which pervades every Station; no Situation in whatever Deprivation will utter an Execration for the Association are in Preparation to effect an Extirpation of all Defamation. We hope the Expectation of a Decollation will produce Annihilation of all Deviation from strict Regulation; we submit to Subjugation without Hesitation, and we offer our Oration with gratefull Adoration upon this Jollification. The King composedly touches (or kicks) Canning’s chin with his toe. Peeresses stand in a gallery across the north transept, holding their coronets. Above them is a second and more crowded gallery.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: Adulation, or, A coronation oration by the Jack Pudding of the nation [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. July 1821 by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly, [July 1821]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

The talle-ho’ parson standing at bay

description below

A clergyman in bands and gown, his hat on the pavement, squares up to a watchman holding a lantern and stick, his fists raised. He has evidently knocked out one watchman already, who lies on the ground, wig dislodged and still touching his lantern, while a third approaches from the left. Possibly from a series featuring a pugnacious parson’s brushes with the law.

  • Title: The talle-ho’ parson standing at bay [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. by Darly, 39 Strand, Sepr. 14, 1778.

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

Relieving the distress’d travellers

description below

A fashionable couple walk on a country road past a cottage. A woman carrying a small child and carrying bags on her back approach them from behind and one of her small children on foot doffs his cap and reaches out his hand for alms. Another small child, also cap in hand, hangs onto his mother’s skirts. Also on the road, heading in the opposite direction is a wagon filled with recruits and soldiers and one woman holding onto a large trunk.

  • Title: Relieving the distress’d travellers [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Printed for & sold by Bowles & Carver, No. 69 St Paul’s Church Yard, London, [approximately 1812]
  • Manufacture: [printed 1812]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

When two ride upon one horse one must ride behind

description below

“William IV rides (left to right) on a country road, with a large document under his arm: ‘Plan Bridge over Canal for Public’; Wellington sits insecurely behind the saddle. Both are in civilian dress. The King: ‘Now I’ve got him up behind I’ll just do as I like’. Wellington (slyly): ‘This is a very bad Seat, not such a one as I have been used to lately. I am afraid I shall be off.–Open the Park indeed for the Public: I don’t like giving way to the Public!!!’ A signpost (left) points (right) ‘To Holland House’.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Heath, Henry, active 1824-1850, printmaker.
  • Title: When two ride upon one horse one must ride behind [graphic]/H. Heath fect.
  • Publication: [London] : Published 1830 by S.W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly, London, [approximately July 1830]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

Caroline, Queen of England

description below

Portrait of Queen Caroline seated on a red armchair wearing a black dress with frilled collar and a black feather hat.

  • Creator: Contencin, P., artist.
  • Title: Caroline, Queen of England [graphic] / drawn by P. Contencin.
  • Production: [England], [approximately 1820]

Catalog Record

Drawings Un58 no. 98 Box D166

Acquired July 2023

Thomas Haines Jun. fly waggons to London

description below

An illustrated advertising handbill for Thomas Haines’s fly waggons and fly vans, running from the Blossoms Inn in the City of London to the Royal Hotel Yard, Cheltenham. Illustrated with a vignette at head of a covered fly waggon driven by two men; and a vignette at foot of a fly van with driver at front and armed coachman at rear.

  • Author: Thomas Haines Jun. (Firm)
  • Title: Thomas Haines Jun. fly waggons to London … [graphic].
  • Publication: [Cheltenham] : S.Y. Griffith & Co., copper plate printers, [182-?]
  • Manufacture: [1824?]

Catalog Record

File 66 824 T457+

Acquired August 2023

Het beest van Babel is aan ‘t vluchten

description below

“A Dutch broadside satirising the arrival of William III in England and the overthrow of James II and his Roman Catholic policies; with an engraving showing in the foreground on the right William (7) in armour mounted on the Dutch lion (1), attacking the many-headed Babylonian dragon (2) with his lance. Above William flies the angel of Providence (3). To left, priests and Catholic officials (4) flee, some riding on goats, wolves and asses. The dragon carries the infant Prince of Wales holding a windmill (5) held by Father Petre (6). The lion rides over fallen monks and Jesuits (8) and two decapitated heads of the dragon. In the centre background William is received by English notables (9). To left, James (10) departs in a small boat from a shore with a ruined church; to right; he is received by Louis XIV (11), together with Mary of Modena and the infant Prince of Wales. With engraved title, false publication line “Gisling Geneve exc.”, and numbering 1-10, and with letterpress verses, including legend, in two columns.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: Het beest van Babel is aan ‘t vluchten [graphic] : de godsdienst heeft niet meer te duchten!.
  • Publication: [Amsterdam?] : Gisling Geneve exc. [that is, Romeyn de Hooghe?], [1688]

Catalog Record


Acquired February 2024