Destruction of the furious elephant at Exeter Change

description below

“The death of Chunee, a large Asian elephant, kept at the Exeter Change menagerie; to the left; a group of soldiers and others, all carrying guns; some observing and others firing on Chunee to the right; who, roaring, breaks the bars of his wooden cage; blood pouring from many wounds and soaking the floor; the keeper, in shirtsleeves, stabbing the elephant with a bayonet; smoke obscuring the scene; behind; small iron-barred cages containg an agitated lion and tiger respectively; above hutches containing monkeys, one grasping the bars.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, printmaker.
  • Title: Destruction of the furious elephant at Exeter Change [graphic] / G. Cruikshank fect.
  • Publication: London : Pubd. March 6th, 1826, by J. Harrison, 56 Long Acre, [6 March 1826]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

Carlo Khan dethron’d, or, Billy’s triumph

description belowOn the left, Charles Fox, dressed as an Oriental prince, lies on the ground having fallen off an elephant who has the face of Lord North; Fox’s dice and dice box are scattered on the pavement. In the speech bubble above his head: “Perdition, take thee for the chanse is thing.” To his right, William Pitt sits astride the elephant who stands at the entrance to the East India House, his face turned toward the viewer. Pitt offers in his left hand a “New India Bill” and holds three others under his arm and in his pocket: “Stamp […] act”, “Sup … lies”, and “Military Act …”. The building on the left has been extended to as far as Pitt’s back.

  • Title: Carlo Khan dethron’d, or, Billy’s triumph [graphic].
  • Edition: [State with elephant’s face turned towards viewer].
  • Publication: [London] : Publish’d as the act directs March 24th, 1784, by S. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly, [24 March 1784]

Catalog Record


Acquired December 2019

Bengal troops on the line of march : a panaoramic sketch

Plate 1 of 6

  • Printmaker: Ludlow, William Andrew.
  • TitleBengal troops on the line of march : a panaoramic sketch / by an officer of that army [i.e. Capt. Ludlow].
  • Published[London] : Day and Haghe’s Zincy, [1850?]

Catalog Record

Folio 81 835 L945

Acquired November 2017