Amusements des Anglais à Paris

description below

“A grossly obese John Bull and his lean and ugly wife, both wearing hats, sit on upright chairs, gormandizing. The man holds a whole chicken to his mouth, taking a huge bite. The woman (left) faces him, biting a large melon which she holds with both hands to an enormous mouth. He is morosely savage, she is melancholy; both are gap-toothed. On the ground (right) by the man’s chair are collected a ham or gigot, a large irregular (?) galantine, a raised pie: ‘pâté de périgueux’, a huge jar of ‘vin de lafitte’ round which four bottles are grouped: ‘frontignac’, ‘Clos de Vouge[ot]’, and ‘. . . seac’. Beside the woman are a basket and tray filled with grapes, peaches, and pears. Through a wide doorway (left) the street is seen with a seated fruit-seller who serves three grotesquely hideous Englishwomen. Two are lank and emaciated, one tries to stuff a big peach into an immense mouth, holding an armful of grapes and peaches; the other gnaws at a bunch of grapes held in both hands. The third, also with bulging cheeks, bites a peach. The fruit-seller’s tray is empty; she holds out her last peach. All the women wear small absurd hats or caps, tight long-waisted bodices (coloured) with long white skirts (cf. No. 12359).”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: Amusements des Anglais à Paris [graphic].
  • Publication: A Paris : Chez Martinet, Libraire, Rue de Coq St. Honoré, [between 1814 and 1815]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2024

Coming out of a country theatre

description below

A large crowd of theatregoers file out of a theater and onto the street in a pouring rainfall and high winds that turns umbrellas inside out. One man has fallen and broken his lantern as a woman falls back over him as her shoes are being changed. The audience is a mix of classes, couples, old women, young boys, some carrying lanterns, one with a cane.

  • Artist: Byron, Frederick George, 1764-1792, artist.
  • Title: [Coming out of a country theatre] [art original] / F.G. Byron 1802.
  • Production: [England], [1802]

Catalog Record

Drawer Drawings B995 no. 2

Acquired April 2024

La taverne anglaise

description below

Interior view of an English tavern, with two men dining at a table in the left foreground (their dogs beside them looking up at the food) and another man reading a newspaper at a table to the right. A fourth man stands in the right background, his back to the viewer, looking out a window. A waiter carries a plate of food from the left.

  • Title: La taverne anglaise [graphic].
  • Publication: A Paris : Chez Martinet, et presentement chez Basset Md. d’Estampes et fabricant de papiers, peints, rue St. Jacques au coin de celle des Mathurins, No. 64, [not before 1806]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2024

The Cyprian of St. Stephen’s

printed title page

  • Title: The cyprian of St. Stephen’s, or, Princely protection illustrated ; in a poetical flight to the Pierian Spring / by Sam Satiricus.
  • Published: Bath, England : J. Browne, 1809.

Catalog Record

53 C599 S809

Acquired April 2024