Goddem! moi être par terre tombé sans le gigot

description below

“Satire: an Englishman falls while reaching out for a side of meat; in the background a wall with mock advertisements.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: Goddem! moi être par terre tombé sans le gigot [graphic].
  • Publication: A Paris : Chez Basset, rue St. Jacques, No. 64, [17 February 1816?]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2024

Promenade d’Anglais

description below

“Two very tall and lank Englishmen walk arm-in-arm in profile to the left; one grasps a big (red) umbrella, and looks down at a dog. Before them walks a dwarfish man holding a tall cane, perhaps a servant, but dressed in the fashion of the day apart from striped trousers. Behind walks a second couple, shorter, broader, and more cheerful. All have flower-pot hats, and all double-breasted long-tailed coats, except one of the second pair, who wears top-boots. The others wear either long tight trousers or tight gaiters reaching above the knee. Two have large bows suspended from their fobs, to which seal and watch-key are attached. Three wear neckcloths with projecting ends.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: Promenade d’Anglais [graphic].
  • Publication: A Paris : Chez Genty, rue St. Jacques, [between 1814 and 1815?]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2024

Drawings compiled by a member of the Mordaunt family

description below

description below

An album of illustrations by various artists, probably compiled by a member of the Mordaunt family. The album contains views of coastlines and ports including Port Eliot, home of Mordaunt friends the Eliots of Port Eliot, in the Parish of St. Germans, Cornwall, drawings of ruins, rural scenes with livestock, and a pencil portrait of a girl aged about 10.

  • Creator: Mordaunt family, collector.
  • Title: [Drawings compiled by a member of the Mordaunt family] [art original].
  • Production: [England], [between 1815 and 1829]

Catalog Record

724 815M

Acquired May 2024

A toast and sentiment, up standing and uncover’d

description below

A well dressed man in a uniform, holding a hat in his left hand and raising a jug in his right, stands with a water pump just behind him and a prison wall and door in the background.

  • Title: A toast and sentiment, up standing and uncover’d [graphic] : the lawyers, and may the Devil fetch em.
  • Publication: [London] : Published by G. Tregear, Cheapside, London, [approximately 1833]

Catalog Record


Acquired May 2024

A mushroom for the Royal Society!

description below

“A giant mushroom reaches the upper margin of the design; in its summit a cask is embedded. The butler stands on a ladder (left) holding out the spigot, and saying to Banks who stands below (right): “here’s a pretty “Tale of a tub, all the Wine’s gone!!” Sir Joseph stands in back view, capering delightedly; he holds up both arms, a stick in the left hand, and says with head thrown back: “It is a most Glorious discovery cut it down & send it to the Museum had the Wine been Bottled, it wod not have been half so Interesting.” Against the wall of the cellar are wine-bins, stacked with bottles, four inscribed respectively ‘Curious Tinta’; ‘Cypress’; ‘Very Curious’; ‘Wine drank by the Grt Mogul’. Flasks on the top of the bins are ‘Nile Water’ and ‘Water from Tombuctoo’. On the ground (left) is a two-handled covered vase: ‘A small portion of the Sabine left by Horace at his death contained in this Vase preserved for dinners of the R S.’.”–British Museum online catalogue.
“Below the title: ‘–Dedicated to the worthy President–Sir Joseph Banks having a Cask of Wine rather too sweet for use, he directed that it shod be placed in a Cellar that the Saccharine matter it contain’d might be more perfectly decomposed by age–At the end of three years he directed his Butler to ascertain the state of the Wine, when on attempting to open the Cellar door he was prevented by some powerful obstacle–the Door was therefore cut down & the Cellar was found to be completely fill’d with a firm fungus vegetable production–the Cask was Empty & carried up to the deling where it was supported by the surface of the Fungus.–(vide Monthly Magazine).'”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: A mushroom for the Royal Society!, or, A view of a fungus lately grown on their own banks [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pub. by J. Sidebotham, 287 Strand & sold also at No. 20 Princes St., March 1819.

Catalog Record


Acquired May 2024

The compliments of the season

description below

A man hunched over a fire in an empty room as eight tradespeople — a chandler, a baker, a butcher, a dairy woman, a tailor, and a dustman — fight to present their unpaid bills, long scrolls of paper that they show to the bankrupt man. He responds: ‘God bless me Wot a Posse of ye – I’m very Sorry to inform ye my good Folks that I’ve just been turn’d a Bankrupt’.

  • Printmaker: Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker.
  • Title: The compliments of the season [graphic] / C.J. Grant.
  • Publication: [London] : Pub. by Tregear, Cheapside, London, Jany. 1832.

Catalog Record


Acquired March 2024

Journeymen hatters dipping their master in the dye

description below

Four employees of a hatter force their employer into a bath of black dye. One of the journeymen holds a beaver by its tail as it cries “He robbed me of my coat, and blam’d others for it.” A young apprentice entering from the right holds out a fish to the beaver. In the foreground a black demon whose speech balloon reads, “Push him through my lads. I’ll adopt him as one of my children.”

  • Printmaker: Charles, William, 1776-1820, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: Journeymen hatters dipping their master in the dye [graphic] / Charles del. et sculp.
  • Publication: [London?] : [publisher not identified], publishd. April 14th, 1806.

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2024

Funeral procession of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte

description below

“View of the procession in St. George’s Chapel. The body is carried on the shoulders of some yeomen of the guard, under a canopy of black velvet, which is borne by eight gentlemen ushers, the pall is supported by baronesses who are preceded by the Lord Chamberlain and Vice Chamberlain of His Majesty’s household, Garter, Principal, King-of-Arms, bearing his sceptre, the coronet is borne by Colonel Akenbroke, and followed by the chief mourner, Prince Leopold whose train is carried by Baron de Hardenbroke and Sir Robert Gardiner; on one side is the Duke of York, on the other the Duke of Clarence, who are followed by other princes of the royal blood.”–Reid, G.W. Descriptive catalogue of the works of George Cruikshank.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, printmaker.
  • Title: Funeral procession of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte [graphic] / G. Cruikshank fect.
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. by W. Hone, Old Bailey, Novr. 19, 1817.

Catalog Record


Acquired July 2023

An historical essay on the dress of the ancient and modern Irish

printed text

  • Author: Walker, Joseph C. (Joseph Cooper), 1761-1810.
  • Title: An historical essay on the dress of the ancient and modern Irish: addressed to the Right Honourable the earl of Charlemont. To which is subjoined, a memoir on the armour and weapons of the Irish / By Joseph C. Walker…
  • Publication: Dublin : Printed for the author by George Grierson, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, MDCCLXXXVIII [1788]

Catalog Record

49 3390

Acquired December 2023