A drawing of four scenes, with caricatured figures with large heads and very small bodies. Upper left: A man with a monocle (right) inquires of the butler on a threshold with pillar to his left, “Is your master within. No Mr. Smallfeast he’s gone out to dinner. Oh dear me, well your mistress will do just the same. & She’s out Sir. How provoking. Well, I’ll set down by the fire till they come home. I’m sorry to tell you that that’s gone out to.” Upper right: A soldier is shot by a man (Turk?) hiding in the tall grass and pointing a rifle. Lower half, left: In a pulpit a bald minister with spectacles rants and he holds up a Bible in his left hand ready to throw it at the sleeping congregation below, ” Ye sleepy crew if ye wont hear the word of God ye shall feel it.” Lower right: A simpleton in artist attire holds up a piece of paper with a stick figure drawing and says, “Don’t you think I improve.”
- Creator: Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, artist.
- Title: A disappointed dinnerhunter [drawing].
- Created: [England], [between 1830 and 1852?]
Catalog Record & Digital Collection
Drawings G761 no. 3 Box 123
Acquired November 2013