Term time, or, The lawyers all alive in Westminster Hall

description below

A watercolor drawing of a scene in Westminster Hall with three judges presiding over a crowded courtroom.

  • Artist: Dighton, Robert, 1752-1814, artist.
  • Title: Term time, or, The lawyers all alive in Westminster Hall [art original] / Dighton del.
  • Production: [England], [1795]

Catalog Record

Drawings D574 no. 7 Box D205

Acquired March 2024

A broad hint

description below

Lyndhurst in Chancellor’s wig and gown, stands between Wellington (left, standing beside a writing table) and Brougham (right, also in a wig and gown), who face each other in profile. Lyndhurst looks at Wellington while gesturing with his left arm at Brougham who steps toward him. In a speech balloon, Lyndhurst says: My honourable & learned Friend wishes to Enroll himself amoung Your Graces political friends.


  • Printmaker: Doyle, John, 1797-1868, printmaker.
  • Title: A broad hint [graphic] / HB.
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. by S. Gans, 15 Southampton St., Strand, [ca. July 1829]
  • Manufacture: [London] : Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand

Catalog Record


Acquired June 2020

Taking possession of his father’s effects

description below

Copy in reverse of the first state of Plate 1 of Hogarth’s ‘The Rake’s Progress’ (Paulson 132): the Jacobean interior of the house of Tom Rakewell’s late father with Tom at left being measured for a suit as he gives a handful of coins to the pregnant Sarah Young; behind him sits a lawyer compiling inventories; on the floor are boxes of miscellaneous goods, piles of mortgages, indentures, bond certificates and other documents; an old woman brings faggots to light a fire and an upholsterer attaching fabric (purchased from William Tothall of Covent Garden) to the wall reveals a hiding place for coins which tumble out.–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: Taking possession of his father’s effects [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Publish’d wth. [the] consent of Mrs. Hogarth, by Henry Parker, at No. 82 in Cornhill, March 25, 1768.

Catalog Record 

Hogarth 768.03.25.01+ Box 210

Acquired December 2019

Bat, Cat and Mat

Caricature with Queen Caroline with her arms linked to those of Bergami and her lawyer

Caricature with Queen Caroline with her arms linked to those of Bergami and her lawyer, as they step along the road between St Omer and Calais. The Queen wears a watch at her waist and two miniature portraits hang from cords at her bosom. In the background her coach awaits with a coachman in tall boots smiling at the scene. A re-issue with new background of a plate first published on 19 January 1821.

  • Printmaker: Lane, Theodore, 1800-1828, printmaker.
  • Title: Bat, Cat and Mat [graphic] : how happy could I be with either.
  • Publication: London : Published by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s St., June 1, 1821.

Catalog Record 


Acquired March 2019

Melancholy loss of the medal

A magistrate sits behind his table listening intently to the angry harangue of a naval officer

“A magistrate sits behind his table listening intently to the angry harangue of a naval officer (right) who faces the accused (left), demure-looking, plainly-dressed woman, wearing a checked apron tucked round her waist, but evidently a prostitute. She is supported by two keen-looking lawyers. The officer, who is paunchy and wears very wide white trousers, stands with legs apart, right arm extended with pointing forefinger. He shouts: No. No. I’ve found my Breeches, but consider your Worship how I shall be Quized–The L–d H–h-A–l knows all about it. I never was before the Public but once, shant forget that in a hurry–Yes–yes I found the breeches, but where’s my Silver Gilt Trafalgar Medal eh? I’ll have it if it costs me a Thousand Pounds. I could’ent live without it. Ay Ay she’s the Thief but I will not hang her unless your worship wishes it–If I had her aboard my Ship D–n me I’de give her a round dozen–I would. Behind him stand a footboy in livery and two rough-looking men. The woman extends both arms and says pathetically I never robbed you Sir. The lawyer says: There’s no proof you cant Harm–her.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Heath, William, 1795-1840, printmaker.
  • Title: Melancholy loss of the medal [graphic].
  • Publication: [London?] : [publisher not identified], [1828?]

Catalog Record 

828.00.00.01+ Impression 2

Acquired October 2018

Bat, Cat & Mat, or, How happy could I be with either

Caricature with Queen Caroline on the arms of Bergami (left) and Alderman Wood (right), jubilant on the sidewalk before the door of “Mother Wood”. The Queen wears a watch at her waist and two miniature portraits hanging from cords from her bosom.

  • PrintmakerLane, Theodore, 1800-1828, printmaker.
  • TitleBat, Cat & Mat, or, How happy could I be with either [graphic].
  • PublicationLondon : Pub. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s St., Jan. 19, 1821.

Catalog Record


Acquired March 2017

The grounds

Satire on Robert Walpole, showing the grounds for the Motion to remove him from office.

  • TitleThe grounds [graphic].
  • Publication[London] : [publisher not identified], publish’d according to act of Parliament, March 7, 1741.

Catalog Record


Acquired March 2017

The first day of term, or, The devil among the lawyers

Click for larger image

“An altered copy of British Museum number 3764 (circa 1792), a mezzotint after Dighton. The dress of the two non-barristers has been modernized, one or two background heads have been omitted. The principal barrister has been altered from a grotesque to a portrait of MacNally, adapted, in reverse, from No. 11409. It is he who holds out his hand for coins to a melancholy countryman, and has a large brief inscribed ‘Gaffer Flatscull agt Ralph Clodpole’. This and all other inscriptions are as in No. 3764. The attorney (right), who stands in profile to the left holding a pamphlet: ‘Practic'[sic] of petty Fogging’, wears a top-hat and has short cropped hair, and is better characterized than in the original and may be a portrait.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: The first day of term, or, The devil among the lawyers [graphic].
  • Published: [Dublin : Pub’d by T. O’Callaghan, 11 Bride St., one door from Ross Lane, 1809?]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired November 2013