Iohn Bull refreshing the bears memory

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“John Bull, a sturdy citizen, displays to the Tsar who is a crowned bear on its hind-legs (left), an enormous open book: ‘John Bulls Journal’. This rests on the ground, and reaches to John’s chest; he points to the right.-hand page: ‘The Great the Magnanimous Catherine of Russia seized upon One third of the Kingdom of Poland and Kept it to herself – These Peaceful Danes Seiz’d on the City of Hamburgh.’ He says: “So you say Master Bruin, that my visit to Denmark has no parallel in History- do be so good as to turn your spectacles to this page and refresh Your Memory.” The bear peers gloomily through huge spectacles at the page. Round his neck is a collar: ‘This Bear belongs to Napoleo[n]’.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, Isaac, 1764-1811, printmaker.
  • Title: Iohn Bull refreshing the bears memory [graphic] / Cruickshank [sic] sct.
  • Publication: London : Published by T. Tegg, 111 Cheapside, Decr. 20, 1807.

Catalog Record


Acquired February 2024

French alias Corsican villainy, or, The contrast to English humanity

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“Two designs placed side by side, the title so arranged that ‘The Contrast’ applies to both, the first four and last two words to the two designs respectively. [1] A scene outside Jaffa where the French flag flies from a fort on a rock at whose base are hospital tents (left), in which the sick can be seen. In the foreground Napoleon (a poor portrait) points with an imperious gesture to a bottle of ‘Opium’ in the hand of a distressed doctor in civilian dress. He says: “Don’t talk to me of Humanity & the feelings of a generous heart, I say Poison those Sick dogs they are a burthen to me, & can no longer fight my Battles!!! I say destroy them – As for those Turks, them up in the Garrison, turn all the Guns upon them, Men, Women, & Children & blow them to atoms, they are too bold & resolute for me to suffer them to live, they are in my Way.” In the middle distance (left) is a body of Turks, their arms tied behind them, guarded by a French soldier who points at Napoleon. Behind Napoleon two French officers exchange glances, acutely dismayed at the orders.” … [2] Two black soldiers, in neat regimentals, prepare to kill three haggard French officers. One raises an axe to smite a bound prisoner. Two British officers (left) interpose with outstretched arms; one says: “We know they are our Enemies, & yours, & the Enemies of all Mankind, nevertheless Humanity is so strongly planted in the Breast of an Englisman [sic], that he can become an humble beggar, for the lives, even of his enemies, when they are subdued.” The other adds: “A mercy unexpected, undeserved surprises more.”–British Museum online catalogue.

On the verso are newspaper clippings on a variety of topics: Sir Lionel Darell and the benevolence of the King to grant him land for his greenhouses in Richmond Park; “Observations on the rot of sheep”; Poem entitled “Leamington Spa”; “Balloon Ascension” an extract from a letter from Bristol, dated Sept 26.; an report of the death of Simon Southward, a miller who was a prisoner for 43 years for debt and the delusion of being the Earl of Derby.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: French alias Corsican villainy, or, The contrast to English humanity [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. Jany. 13, 1804, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly, [13 January 1804]

Catalog Record


Acquired February 2024

A congress for peace

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“Plate from the ‘Satirist’, xiii. 193. In the text the title continues ‘. . ., “alias” War’. A satire on the Congress of Prague. Four sovereigns, completely unlike the men in question, in conference. The Tsar sits behind a small rectangular table on which are displayed implements of war in miniature: cannon, pyramids of cannon-balls, muskets, swords, drums, &c., and flags on one of which are fleurs-de-lis. On the left stand the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria, on the right is Napoleon. Alexander extends his hands rhetorically, turning to the left, with a puckered scowl, to say to the two Germans: “Come Gentlemen see first if you can agree–if not we’ll all fight!” He has quasi-Kalmuck features, and wears an odd-shaped crown, an ermine-bordered robe, with a jewelled necklace and a Greek cross. Frederick William III, on the extreme left, clutches the hilt of his sword and puts his left hand to his cocked hat as if ready to doff it, he turns to Francis I, towards whom a label issues from his mouth: “I am ready to treat or to fight”; a second label floats to the left, inscribed ‘Infernal Scoundrel’. Francis I, looking distracted, stands directed to the right, legs apart, and in his left hand is his sabre, the blade of which curves over the Tsar’s head, but both hands touch his crown, and he says: “I will wear an independant Crown.” He wears hussar uniform, cloak, sash, and elaborately embroidered tunic and pantaloons. Napoleon, tall and burly, with heavy whisker and aquiline profile, wears a plumed bicorne with tricolour cockade and very tattered uniform leaving his legs almost bare, with one dilapidated jack-boot and one damaged stocking; he has a long sword. He stands aggressively with arms dramatically extended, saying, “My Friends! all we wish is Peace.” A chain is attached to each great toe, which is fastened to the necks of two miserable princes, tiny figures standing between his outstretched legs. One (left), Charles IV of Spain, wearing a crown and robe, grotesquely knock-kneed and despairing, stands full-face. The other, wearing a crown with uniform and sword, stoops in profile, looking up abjectly at Napoleon’s legs. On the extreme right, in the middle distance, is a tall Spanish don, much emaciated, wrapped in a cloak. He looks down with folded arms at a fat British officer beside him, who says: “I ll countenance Austria into our interests.” The Spaniard: “I’ll be damned if I go to meet a Frenchman in Prague, while there is a Frenchman to meet in Spain!!!” Behind them in the background a tiny Napoleon, wearing a grotesque crown and holding a sword, marches downhill at the head of his soldiers carrying flags; he has a melancholy expression and approaches the edge of a precipitous descent.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Brooke, William Henry, 1772-1860, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: A congress for peace [graphic] / Satirist invt. ; W.H. Ekoorb [that is, Brooke] delt. et fecit.
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], [1 September 1813]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

Johnny Bull on the look-out

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“John Bull (right), a fat citizen wearing spectacles, holds aside a curtain, revealing Napoleon and Joséphine enthroned, side by side. He stands in profile to the left, a large pistol under his left arm, his left hand in his coat-pocket. He says: “Boney – Boney, that wont do – You must not Play my King & Queen.” Napoleon, wearing a huge bicorne, a drawn sabre in his right hand, frowns at John. Joséphine wears a crown, holds sceptre and orb and looks complacently to the left. Both sit with right foot planted regally on a stool, and left leg arrogantly thrust forward.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: Johnny Bull on the look-out, or, Bonaparte detected drilling his rib at the play of King & Queen of England [graphic] : scene St. Cloud.
  • Publication: [London] : Publish’d Septr. 12, 1803, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London, [12 September 1803]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2023

The political cocks

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“Two fighting-cocks, with the heads of Napoleon and Pitt, face each other across the English Channel. Napoleon (left) has a large ruff of tricolour feathers and enormously long spurs, but his wings and tail feathers are clipped. His cliff is the higher; he leans forward, saying, “Eh Master Billy, if I could but take a flight over this Brook I would soon stop your Crowing, I would Knock you off that Perch, I swear by Mahomet, the Pope and all the Idols I have ever Worshiped.” Pitt stands on a large royal crown which brings his feet almost to a level with those of Bonaparte; he stands erect, thus towering above his rival; he has very short spurs but a fine tail and wings; he crows: “Tuck a roo – too that you never can do!!!” Below them lies the sea with a fleet of ships in full sail close to the English coast.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: The political cocks [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. March 27th, 1803, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly, [27 March 1803]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2023

Broken gingerbread

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“A sequel to British Museum Satires No. 10518, Gillray’s ‘Tiddy-Doll’. Napoleon, haggard and desperate, wearing tattered uniform without the former apron and sword, walks in profile to the left, carrying on his head a large tray. On this stand three gingerbread kings, burlesqued and mutilated, with two queens, a detached head (crowned), and (right) a pile of imperial emblems: crowns, mitre, sceptre, eagle, flag, &c. On the left a bonnet rouge hangs from a staff. In the middle stands an imperial eagle with a tricolour flag to which is tied a broom showing that the contents of the tray are for sale. Napoleon says (with grimly closed mouth): “Buy my Image! Here’s my nice little Gingerbread Emperor & Kings Retail and for Exportation!” Behind him is a tumbledown thatched hovel; over an aperture where more gingerbread figures are displayed is a board: ‘Tiddy-Doll Gingerbread Baker. NB Removed from Paris.’ Above fly three of the (carrion) birds associated in these prints with Elba. Napoleon walks towards the sea; across the water (in France) tiny figures dance holding hands round a white flag inscribed ‘Vivent les Bourbons’ and topped by a fleur-de-lis. Behind them is the gable-end of a rustic inn: ‘The Kings Head New Revived’. A fiddler capers on the edge of the cliff, watching Napoleon.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, printmaker.
  • Title: Broken gingerbread [graphic] / G.H. invt. ; G. Cruikshank fect.
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. April 21st, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street, [21 April 1814]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2023

Long faces at Bayonne

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“Napoleon (left) and Joseph sit side by side on low seats or stools, both with a hand on each knee. They have large, elongated heads broadly caricatured (as in British Museum Satires No. 10604, &c.) and look sideways at each other with drawn-down mouths and wrinkled foreheads. Napoleon is in uniform, wearing a feathered bicorne; Joseph wears a crown with Spanish dress, ermine-trimmed robe, and the order of the Golden Fleece. His seat is, very inconspicuously, a commode. At his feet is a sceptre with a scroll inscribed ‘Servata Fides Cineri’. Napoleon says: “A pretty piece of Business we have made of it Brother Joe.” Joseph: “I always told you Nap, what would come of makeing too free with the Spaniards.””–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: Long faces at Bayonne, or, King Nap and King Joe in the dumps [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. Augt. 1808 by Walker, No. 7 Cornhill, [August 1808]

Catalog Record


Acquired February 2024

The coffin expedition, or, Boney’s invincible armada half seas over


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“Gunboats in the form of coffins are foundering or about to founder. Each has a single cannon in the bows, and a mast with a triangular sail whose corner is held in the teeth of the skull which surmounts the mast. The crews all wear shrouds and bonnets rouges; on the skulls also are bonnets rouges. Some of the men are screaming in the water, where a floating skull holds the end of a sail in its teeth, looking round fiercely at one of the drowning men. Others are still in the coffin-gunboats, holding muskets or making gestures of despair. One says: “Oh de Corsican Bougre, was make dese Gun Boats on purpose for our Funeral.” In the background are two British men of war. Two tiny sailors say: “I say Messmate if we dont bear up quickly there will be nothing left for us to do”, and, “Rigt [sic] Tom, & I take them there things at the mast head to be Boney’s Crest, a Skull without Brains.” A satire on the manifest impracticability of an invasion (see British Museum Satires No. 10008) by gunboats without the command of the sea, cf. British Museum Satires Nos. 9995, &c, 10125, 10223, 10231, 10260, 10277.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: The coffin expedition, or, Boney’s invincible armada half seas over [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. Jany. 6th, 1804, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly, [6 January 1804]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2023

The governor of Europe stoped [sic] in his career…

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“Napoleon, trampling over the map of Europe from ‘Germany’ to the ‘British Channel’, drops his sabre and raises his left leg, leaving behind the front part of his left foot, planted on the coast and sea between ‘Holland’ and ‘France’. The foot has been slashed off by a little John Bull, who stands on the ocean pointing down at the two islands of ‘Great Britain’ and ‘Ireland’, towards which the amputated foot points. John holds a dripping sword, and looks up at the angry giant, saying, “I ax pardon Master Boney, but as we says Paws off Pompey, we keep this little Spot to Ourselves You must not Dance here Master Boney.” Blood gushes from both sides of the amputation. Bonaparte, who wears his huge cocked hat, shouts, with gestures of pain and anger: “Ah you tam John Bull!! You have spoil my Dance, !! You have ruin all my Projets!!” ‘Switzerland’ and ‘Italy’ are also marked on the map in close proximity to France.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: The governor of Europe stoped [sic] in his career, or, Little B-n to [sic] much for great B-te [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. April 16, 1803, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly, [16 April 1803]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2023

The consequence of invasion, or, The hero’s reward

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“A very fat and jovial volunteer, dressed as a light horseman, holds ln his left hand a pole on which is the head of Napoleon in profile to the right. and wearing a huge cocked hat decorated with plumes, tricolour cockade, gold lace, and tassels. The hand that holds the pole holds also, by the hair, a bunch of bleeding heads which form a grisly garland round it. In his right hand is his sabre. He is surrounded by women; two embrace him, others hasten up; he swaggers with raised left leg, saying, “There you rouges, there! there’s the Boney Part – twenty more killed them!! twenty more killed them too!! I have destroyed half the Army with this same Toledo.” The women say, respectively: “Bless the Warrior that saved our Virgin charms”; “take care I’ll smother him with Kisses”; “Oh! what frightful Heads how ravishing they look, – they would have used us ill I am sure”; “ha ha, thats, that great man little Boney, how glum he looks.” An elderly spinster exclaims: “ah bless him he has saved us from Death and Vileation.” A handsome woman turns to a tall young man in civilian dress on the extreme left, saying, “There you Poltroon look how that noble Hero’s Caressed!” He turns away, saying, “Ods Niggins I wish I had been a Soldier too then the Girls would have run after me – but I never could bear the smell of Gun powder”.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: The consequence of invasion, or, The hero’s reward [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. August 1st, 1803, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly, [1 August 1803]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023