Der getreue englische Wegweiser, oder

book, printed text

The true English guide for Germans

  • Author: König, Johann, author.
  • Uniform Title: [Volkommener englische Wegweiser für Hoch-Teutsche]
  • Title: Der getreue englische Wegweiser, oder: Gründliche Anweisung zur englischen Sprache für die Deutschen. Worinn enthalten 1. Eine neue und nützliche Grammatik; 2. Ein vollständiges und wohleingerichtetes Wörterbuch; 3. Besondere Redensarten; 4. Eine Sammlung verschiedener Sprüchwörter; 5. Freundschaftliche Gespräche; 6. Eine Sammlung auserlesener Briefe; 7. Eine historische Beschreibung von der Pracht und Herrlichkeit der Stadt London. 8. Eine Anweisung zu den Aufschriften und Anreden in englischen Briefen. / Zuerst herausgegeben von Johann König, englischen Sprachmeistern in London, Anjetzo aber mit vielen nützlichen Vermehrungen und Verbesserungen zum achtenmal neu aufgelegt. Mit Churfürstl. Sächss. gnädigsten Privilegio.
  • Publication: Leipzig : Bey Christian Gottlob Hilschern, 1768.

Catalog Record

78 768 K78

Acquired May 2021

An account of runaway slaves

printed text

no. 1. Runaway slaves, killed, and by whom — no. 2 Runaway slaves taken by the Loyal Dominica Rangers, by the militia or volunteers sent against the runaways … — no. 3. Runaway slaves surrendered to the Loyal Dominica Rangers. — no. 4 Slaves taken up by managers of palntations, by constables, &c in towns … — no. 5 Slaves, stated by Mr. Bruce, the Governor’s secretary, to have surrendered to the Governor, and pardened by him; and restored to their owner. — Recapitulation.

  • Author: Great Britain. Colonial Office.
  • Title: An account of runaway slaves : killed, taken, and surrendered, between the 10th day of May 1813, the date of Governor Ainslie’s proclamation, and the 22nd day of November 1814, the day of his departure from Dominica : distinguishing the sexes and the children : with the manner in which they have been disposed of.
  • Publication: [London] : [House of Commons], [1816]

Catalog Record

File 652 G786 816

Acquired May 2021


A representation of the present state of France

description below

“Napoleon, pushing an officer before him through a pillared doorway, looks back to speak to a monk and a sansculotte, shackled together, who drag a car in which is an imperial crown. They hold a large scroll inscribed: ‘Most religious Sovereign – the benefactor of the church – the patron of liberty – the scourge of tyrants, and the defender of our most holy religion; may you long fill the Imperial Chair, and diffuse over a free and happy people all the blessings of your auspicious government.’ Demons fly round a tricolour flag which floats from the car. Napoleon holds out a scroll headed: ‘Address, &c. &c. &c. The Legions of France congratu – ‘, saying, “This token of your gratitude, my dear subjects will ever stimulate me to protect your liberties – to promote your happiness – and to preserve my empire from the ravages of war, tyranny and oppression.” The officer, with a cynical smile, says: “Patron of Liberty – Defender of our most holy Religion – free and happy People – Ha! ha! ha! – What may we not expect? – Has he not got them under excellent subjection?” On the left is Napoleon’s ‘Secret Chamber’: a table is covered with maps and plans; a large map, partly unrolled, shows Europe from ‘[En]gland to [Tur]key’, including the ‘Black Sea’; another map shows ‘Suez’ and the ‘Red Sea’. A demon under the table holds up a large pile of papers: ‘Plans against England’; on the floor are similar piles: ‘Religion’ and ‘Treaties’. There are also ‘Plans against Germany and Turkey’, and a paper: ‘Mem. the chance of the conquest of England is worth the sacrifice of one third of the people of France. Item. As Charlemaine not only conquered Italy, but the whole of Germany, and left the Imperial dignity hereditary in the Sovereigns of France, it is indispensably necessary to obtain possession of Germany, in order to support the dignity of the Gallic empire.’ On the wall are three pictures: ‘Sacking of Rome’, ‘Dissolution of the National Assembly’ [see British Museum Satires No. 9426, &c], and ‘View of Cairo’ [see British Museum Satires No. 9358, &c.]. Below the design: ‘Explanation. The two figures bringing the Imperial crown . . . represent . . . the bitter Enemies of Aristocracy, and the staunch Supporters of the late Monarchial Government, tackled to the National Machine, and reduced to the most abject State of Slavery by the Influence of the Military, whose congratulatory Address Bonaparte has received at the Hand of an Officer, and is introducing him into his Secret Chamber to receive Instructions. The Demons hovering over the Imperial Crown denote Five Years of Destruction; during which Period Bonaparte will overrun and ravage the greater Part of the Continent of Europe, be the Means of nearly depopulating Turkey, and finally be slain with the Sword, be cast out as an abominable Branch, and be left as Dung to rot on the Face of the Earth.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: A representation of the present state of France [graphic].
  • Publication:[London] : Published by L. Mayer, as the act directs, August 13, 1804.
  • Manufacture: [London] : Bryer, printer, Bridge Street, Blackfriars

Catalog Record


Acquired May 2021


In consequence of the arrangements about to take place…

description below

An order from W. Sadler, Agent, regarding the crops on the Dowager Lady Bolton’s tenant farms.

  • Title: In consequence of the arrangements about to take place upon the Dowager Lady Bolton’s estates, numerous circumstances will occur respecting away-going crops, removal of hay, manure &c. &c. …
  • Publication: Leyburn : Bell and Fall, printers, [1812]

Catalog Record

File 66 812 In35

Acquired May 2021



description below

A comic map of Great Britain: an old woman is shown in profile, facing to the left, and seated on the back of a dolphin-like monster. At the top her cap is Scotland; her neck is labeled R. Tees (River Tees) and along her back is “Humber” and “The Wash” The mouth of the creature is labeled “Thames”. The other points on the map are: Isle of Wight and Bristol Channel, Cardogan Bay, and Anglesea (a bird perched on the woman’s out-stretched hand).

  • Artist: Hughes, J., active 1872, artist.
  • Title: England [art original] / Carnarvon College. March 30th 1872. J. Hughes.
  • Production: [Wales], [30 March 1872]

Catalog Record

Drawings H893 no. 1 Box D128

Acquired May 2021

The sportsman’s evening brush

printed text

  • Title: The sportsman’s evening brush : consisting of the best and most approved songs, of the chace ; … calculated to give sporting a zest … : To which is added, The sportsman’s toast assistant, or President’s sentimental guide. (Entirely new).
  • Published: London : Printed for J. Roach, Russel-Court, Drury-Lane, and sold by all the booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, [1791?]

Catalog Record

74 791 Sp764

Acquired May 2021

To wit. We [blank], church-wardens and overseers of the poor

description below

A settlement certificate signed, and with seals, by the church wardens, overseers of the poor, and witnesses, for a husband, wife, and their two children in the Parish pf Tamworth in the county of Warwick.

  • Title: To wit. We [blank], church-wardens and overseers of the poor in the parish of [blank] in the [blank] of [blank] aforesaid, do hereby own and acknowledge [blank] to be [blank] inhabitant legally settled in the parish of [blank] aforesaid …
  • Publication: [London] : Sold by J. Coles, stationer, in Fleet-Street, [ca. 1766]

Catalog Record

File 66 766 T627+

Acquired May 2021

Collection of ephemera from an album

From left to right: silhouette of a man, drawing of a bouquet of flowers, watercolor of a young boy

A collection of original art removed from an album: silhouettes, pressed flowers, a valentine, and drawing. The silhouettes include one of a woman in an academic gown and cap mounted on Art-Union of London ticket for entrance to an event at Theatre Royal, Lyceum on 25 April 1854; two views of the same man(?) identified as “James Evans” (on verso: Professor Rees) one with highlighting in gold. The pressed flowers are a small sheet with leaves or petals of a pink hue. The valentine is small drawing of bright flowers with a motto “Toujours unies par l’amitié” with a gold border. Also included is an amateur watercolor of a “Peasant boy” in a smock, standing on a grassy mound.

  • Artist: Hughes, J., active 1872, artist.
  • Title: [Collection of ephemera from an album] [art original].
  • Production: [Wales], [30 March 1872]

Catalog Record

LWL Mss Vol. 269

Acquired May 2021

The fair stationer in Hyde Park 1780

description below

“View of a row of tents and temporary shelters, one with the sign “Lloyds Coffee House”, a group of four ladies outside, in foreground to right four children play, trees in background on left, a building in distance on right.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Sandby, Paul, 1731-1809, printmaker.
  • Title: The fair stationer in Hyde Park 1780 [graphic] : A distant view of Coll. Sloans Mess House &c. / P. Sandby.
  • Publication: [London] : Publishd. as the act directs by P. Sandby, [ca. 1780]

Catalog Record


Acquired May 2021