The talle-ho’ parson standing at bay

description below

A clergyman in bands and gown, his hat on the pavement, squares up to a watchman holding a lantern and stick, his fists raised. He has evidently knocked out one watchman already, who lies on the ground, wig dislodged and still touching his lantern, while a third approaches from the left. Possibly from a series featuring a pugnacious parson’s brushes with the law.

  • Title: The talle-ho’ parson standing at bay [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. by Darly, 39 Strand, Sepr. 14, 1778.

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

The York sparring match, being M.A. Clarke’s first set

description below

“Mrs. Clarke stands just within the House of Commons triumphing over her opponents and victims. She strikes a member (Croker) with a rapier, while holding up in her left hand a letter headed My dear Mrs Clark. She tramples on a military officer who lies prone; a paper under his hand is inscribed Genl [Clav]ering. Her antagonists have dropped their swords, which lie broken on the floor. Her large muff lies beside her with a bundle of Love Letters. Croker tries to escape, exclaiming, By Jasus she’ll give us 100 Cuts in 60 thrusts. Perceval rushes off, with a mutilated hand, saying, I am Struck dumb, and lost my thumb! I Percieve all. Another (the Attorney-General) exclaims: Oh! dear! Oh dear! she has cut off my Ear Ex officio. A little man whose nose has been cut off, exclaims: What dreadfull blows–Witness my Nose, my Honeys. In his pocket is a paper: Memorandum for Mr Hague [see British Museum Satires No. 11211]. A tall man (Yorke, see British Museum Satires No. 11535) shouts, raising his arms: Take her into custody–She will be to much for us–send her to York Jail. Shadowy figures watch the encounter. A corner of the gallery is seen, crowded with eager spectators. Two men watch from the lobby (right).”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: The York sparring match, being M.A. Clarke’s first set to, & who is likely to become the champion of all England [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. March 1st, 1809, by Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly, [1 March 1809]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023

The city dispute, or, Milk Street in an uproar

description below

description below

A “line and dot” series of caricatures featuring scenes with stick figures (or “pin men”), both male and female, engaged in some form of public violence, arranged in two rows, each grouping individually titled. In the first row the designs are titled: “You lie, sir!”, “Proceeding to blows”, “Friends ending the dispute” and then a larger group of figures with the title “Dispute at cards: proceeding to a round game”. In the second row: “In love I pereceive [sic]”, “Prick’d to the heart. She’s gone, she’s gone!”, “Met to part no more”, “O! Thou false wretch”, “O, Sophia fairest of all women”, “How you teaze me Charles” and “I’ll seek revenge”, and a pair of designs labeled above “The effects of jealousy” and on the left “Now for the fatal blow” and “Keep your distance fellow.”

  • Title: The city dispute, or, Milk Street in an uproar [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. July 30, 1817, by G. Blackman Junr., 362 Oxford Strt, [30 July 1817]

Catalog Record


Acquired July 2021

Hudibras vanquish’d and protected by Trulla

see description below

A copy (cropped) of Hogarth’s fifth plate: Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher who are wielding clubs; to the left, Ralpho is flanked by a man with a rope (mostly cropped from this image) and another who holds a sword.

  • Title: Hudibras vanquish’d and protected by Trulla [graphic] : P. 1. Cant: 3. l. 929.
  • Publication: [London] : [Robert Sayer], [between 1768 and 1794]

Catalog Record

Folio 75 H67 768B

Acquired January 2021


description below

An old woman, the prude, is standing near a crowd of people huddled around a bonfire in Covent Garden. She is crossing Covent Garden Piazza, disapproving of the amorous scenes outside the notorious Tom King’s Coffee House. The print shows the morning and is part of a series representing the progress of the day.

  • Printmaker: Cook, Thomas, approximately 1744-1818, printmaker.
  • Title: Morning [graphic] / designed by Wm. Hogarth ; engraved by T. Cook.
  • Publication: [London] : Published August the 1st, 1797, by G.G. & J. Robinson, Pater-noster Row, London, [1 August 1797]

Catalog Record

Hogarth 797.08.01.01++ Box 310

Acquired January 2021

He and his drunken companions raise a riot in Covent Garden

description below

“Plate from a pirated series of Hogarth’s Rake’s Progress, not based on one of the original prints: Covent Garden with St Paul’s church and the buildings at the north-western corner of the piazza; the Rake (here called Ramble) and drunken friends are accosting women passers-by and the watch has arrived to set about them with staves.”–British Museum online catalogue.


  • Printmaker: Bowles, Thomas, II, active 1712-1767, printmaker.
  • Title: He and his drunken companions raise a riot in Covent Garden [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : [John Bowles], [1735]

Catalog Record

Hogarth 735.00.00.19+

Acquired January 2021

He marries a rich old widow

description belowCopy in reverse of the first state of Plate 5 of Hogarth’s ‘The Rake’s Progress’ (Paulson 136): Tom and a wealthy old woman are being married in the dilapidated church of St. Marylebone. The bride has only one eye and growths on her forehead; the IHS on the wall behind her serve as a mock halo. In contrast the old woman is attended by a beautiful young woman who has already caught Tom’s eye. In the background on the left, the elderly pew opener pushes Sarah Young, carrying Tom’s child in her arms, and Sarah’s mother; she shakes her keys in their faces to prevent them from entering the church to stop the marriage. Two dogs in the lower left of the image mirror the courtship of Tom and his bride; the courted dog has only one eye. The clergyman is assisted at the altar by a clerk, and a charity-boy kneels at the bride’s feet offering a hassock. The Poor Box on the left is covered with a cobweb; there is a crack down the center of the slab with the Commandments on the wall behind the clergyman.

  • Title: He marries a rich old widow [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Publish’d wth. [the] consent of Mrs. Hogarth, by Henry Parker, at No. 82 in Cornhill, March 25, 1768.

Catalog Record

Hogarth 768.03.25.05+ Box 210

Acquired December 2019

Re-takeing the bed of roses by storm!!

“A low platform covered with roses extends almost across the design; from this bed new Ministers advancing from the left are ejecting the old. Roses are scattered on the floor. The central figure is the tall and handsome Castlereagh, author of the phrase, see British Museum satires No. 10558, &c. With a taut two-stringed bow in his left hand, a quiver on his shoulders, he strides across Grenville who is on his back on the bed, and takes ‘Candle End[s] & Cheese Paring[s]’ from a bag with which Windham tries to make off (see British Museum Satires No. 9735). He says: “I’d have you to know I’ve two strings to my Bow!! Down, Down, Down, Derry Down!!” [See British Museum satires No. 10426.] Behind him, Portland threatens Grenville (in his peer’s robe) with a big block of ‘Portland Stone’ [see British Museum Satires No. 10718, &c.]. In front of Windham Rose steps forward from the bed to grasp a large rose on the floor: ‘Treasurership of the Navy.’ This Sheridan, in his Harlequin’s suit (see British Museum Satires No. 9916), is crawling towards, saying, “Just got into my first Nap – how – Unfortunate – come Sir fat touch that however.” Rose holds up a pair of bellows inscribed ‘Sing old Rose & burn the Bellows’. Eldon, in Chancellor’s wig and gown, strides from the bed on to the prostrate Erskine, seizing the Purse of the Great Seal, whose cord is still round the latter’s arm. He raises the mace to strike the ex-Chancellor, whose wig has fallen off. Erskine says: “Be quiet I’ll retire”; he holds a money-bag inscribed ‘4,000 Pr Anm’ [see British Museum Satires No. 10714]. Lauderdale, wearing a plaid, is behind him on the ground. On the extreme left Canning, standing on the bed, holds up a massive club inscribed ‘Bon Mots & Repartee by G C–g’; he stoops over Howick pointing at the ‘Catholic Bill’, which the latter holds. Howick steps from the bed, angrily looking up at Canning (his especial enemy, cf. British Museum Satires No. 10972), but, unlike his colleagues, not devoid of dignity. On the ground between Howick and Sheridan is Petty in his gown, one hand on his ‘Budget’, a small bag, the other on a sheaf of papers inscribed ‘Ways & Means’. He says: “Bless me I wish I was safe in College I’d never have anything more to do with Taxes” [an allusion to his youth, and to the fact that he was M.P. for Cambridge]. In the background (right) are Moira in his cocked hat and Lord Temple who makes off rapidly.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: Re-takeing the bed of roses by storm!! [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], [ca. April 1807]

Catalog Record


Acquired October 2019


[Don Quixote seizes the barber’s bason for Mambrino’s helmet]

[Don Quixote seizes the barber's bason for Mambrino's helmet]

Don Quixote attacks the barber, lance in hand. The barber cowers on the ground beside his horse, his shaving bowl at his feet.

  • Printmaker: Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: [Don Quixote seizes the barber’s bason for Mambrino’s helmet] [graphic] / W. Hogarth invent. et scupt.
  • Edition: [State 2].
  • Publication: [London] : [Robert Dodsley?], [not before 1756]

Catalog Record

Hogarth 756.00.00.01 Box 110

Acquired April 2019

Les sérails de Londres

title page and 4 volumes

  • Uniform Title: [Nocturnal revels. French]
  • Title: Les sérails de Londres, ou, Les amusemens nocturnes, contenant les scènes qui y sont journellement représentées, les portraits et la description des courtisannes les plus célèbres, et les caractères de ceux qui les fréquentent / traduit de l’Anglais.
  • Publication: A Paris : Chez Barba, Libraire, Palais Egalité, derriére le Théâtre de la République, no. 51, an. IX (1801)

Catalog Record 

646 801 Se522

Acquired November 2018