Poetical address from the ladies of the the cabinet ministers

A lengthy risqué poem suggestive of the sexual prowess of Bartolomeo Pergami, a close companion of Queen Caroline (1768-1821) who accompanied her during her Mediterranean travels in The Regency period. A woodcut portrait at the top of the sheet displays Pergami’s handsome visage, curly locks and broad shoulders.

  • TitlePoetical address from the ladies of the the cabinet ministers, to Bartolomo Pergami, Knight of the Bath, of Malta, and of Saint Caroline.
  • Publication:[ London] : Published by M. O’Brien, No. 5 Newcastle-Street, Strand …, [ca. 1815]

Catalog Record 

File 53 B445 815+

Acquired November 2017

His Excellency Hamet Ben Hamet Ben Haddu Otter

Half-length portrait in oval of Hamet ben Hamet, half-length in Arabic burnous, directed to right, looking towards the viewer.

  • Printmaker: Luttrell, Edward, printmaker.
  • TitleHis Excellency Hamet Ben Hamet Ben Haddu Otter [graphic] : Ambassador Extraordinary from [the] Emperor of Fez & Morocco to His Matie. of Great Britain, anno 1682 / E. Luttrell fe. ; I. Lloyd ex.
  • Publication[London] : [John Lloyd], [between 1682 and 1713]

Catalog Record 


Acquired November 2017

Vue perspective du Couvent Garden

A perspective view, or vues d’optique, of the Covent Garden Market, looking towards Inigo Jones’s St. Paul’s Church, which is situated slightly to the right of center; in the foreground are shown vendors, carriages, pedestrians and other street life. The image is reversed for viewing through the lens of a Zograscope and designed to give the illusion of a deeper perspective, enhanced by the deep vanishing point and bright colour of the print.

  • TitleVue perspective du Couvent Garden [graphic].
  • PublicationA Paris : Chez J. Chereau Rue St. Jacques au desses de la Fontaine St. Severin aux a Colonnes No. 257, [ca. 1790]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2017

The bear broke loose

“A muzzled bear sits up, as if begging, on a fat woman who lies on her back. She says: “Gemini! what a Weight! my poor dear Mr Dripping was quite a Feather to him”. The bear’s keeper (right) raises his club, saying, “Down Bruin! I’ll teach you to ride the high Horse”. A dog (right) springs towards the bear. A man (left) runs off, saying, “D——m me I’ll be off! . . . [etc.]”.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Grinagain, Giles, printmaker, artist.
  • Title:The bear broke loose [graphic] / Giles Grinagain invt. et fect.
  • Publication:[London] : Published Decbr. 20th, 1801, by S. Howitt, Panton Street, [20 December 1801]

Catalog Record 


Acquired November 2017

The itinerant chancellor

Four rows of designs with one to three designs in each, individually titled.

  • CreatorGrant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, lithographer, artist.
  • TitleThe itinerant chancellor [graphic] ; [and 9 other designs] / C.J. Grant invent., del. & lith.
  • PublicationLondon : Published by J. Kendrick, 54 Leicester Square …, [1 October 1834]
  • Manufacture[London] : Printed by Dean & Munday …

Catalog Record 


Acquired November 2017

Bengal troops on the line of march : a panaoramic sketch

Plate 1 of 6

  • Printmaker: Ludlow, William Andrew.
  • TitleBengal troops on the line of march : a panaoramic sketch / by an officer of that army [i.e. Capt. Ludlow].
  • Published[London] : Day and Haghe’s Zincy, [1850?]

Catalog Record

Folio 81 835 L945

Acquired November 2017

Theatre Royal, Birmingham.

Playbill advertising a performance at the Theatre Royal, Birmingham which principally takes the form of an apology announcing that the lead of the evening’s entertainment, Italian opera singer Angelica Catalani (1780-1849), is unable to attend due to ill health. The soprano’s appearance had been much publicised by the local press, hence the need to justify her absence by publishing a communication by the attending doctor.

  • TitleTheatre Royal, Birmingham. Mr. Bartley most respectfully begs leave to inform the public, that he received on Wednesday morning an intimation from Mr. Elliston, that Madame Catalani laboured under an indisposition of so serious a nature, that it precluded her from performing here on Friday evening … This present Friday, October 29, 1813, will be presented the favourite comedy of A bold stroke for a wife … to conclude with the favourite farce of The adopted child …
  • PublicationBirmingham [England] : [J]onathan Knott, [1813]

Catalog Record

File 767 P69B 619 1813

Acquired November 2017

A tour from Northamptonshire to London

  • AuthorLee, John, of Daventry.
  • TitleA tour from Northamptonshire to London : down the River Thames to the Isle of Thanet, from thence to Dover and the coast of France; interspersed with anecdote and sentiment; and an agricultural review of both countries, with observations on the cattle and the management of the soil / by John Lee.
  • PublicationLondon : Published by R. Carlile, Fleet Street, 1827.

Catalog Record 

63 827 L47

Acquired November 2017

Gin, two-penny & tobacco

3 women, one with a basket on her head, another smoking a pipe

Three women, two standing and one sitting smoking a pipe, converse outside a shop, ‘Fine Cordial Gin, two penny & best Virginia’.

  • Printmaker: Grinagain, Giles, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: Gin, two-penny & tobacco [graphic] / Giles Grinagain in. et fect.
  • Publication: [London] : Pub. July 25, 1802, by S. Howitt, Panton Street, Haymarkt, [25 July 1802]

Catalog record 


Acquired November 2017