Durhm Saugur, Comilla

description below

A Bangladeshi hunting scene showing three riders, one a woman riding side-saddle, following a pack of hounds; Indian servants and an English family in the foreground.


  • Title: Durhm Saugur, Comilla [graphic].
  • Publication: [Comilla, Bangladesh?] : [publisher not identified], [ca. 1820]

Catalog Record


Acquired August 2020

All a growing, a growing, heres flowers for your gardens

“A handsome young man sells pot-plants to a pretty young woman who stands on a door-step (left); a little girl beside her points eagerly to the flowers. He has a two-wheeled cart drawn by an ass; in it are small shrubs in large pots; two pots of flowering plants are on the ground. The background is formed by part of a palatial house having a portico raised on an arcade.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • PrintmakerMerke, Henri, printmaker.
  • TitleAll a growing, a growing, heres flowers for your gardens [graphic] / Rowlandson delin. ; Merke sculp.
  • PublicationLondon : Pub. Mar. 1, 1799, at R. Ackermann’s, 101 Strand, [1 March 1799]

Catalog Record 


Acquired May 2018

Gin, two-penny & tobacco

3 women, one with a basket on her head, another smoking a pipe

Three women, two standing and one sitting smoking a pipe, converse outside a shop, ‘Fine Cordial Gin, two penny & best Virginia’.

  • Printmaker: Grinagain, Giles, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: Gin, two-penny & tobacco [graphic] / Giles Grinagain in. et fect.
  • Publication: [London] : Pub. July 25, 1802, by S. Howitt, Panton Street, Haymarkt, [25 July 1802]

Catalog record 


Acquired November 2017


lwlpr33267 (1024x759)

On a hilly rural scene a man in a Northumbrian[?] checkered-plaid over shirt and cap, with bare feet and legs, carries a stave on which are tied his shoes and trousers. The man is followed by a similarly barefooted and barelegged boy carrying waterbottles[?]. They seem to be walking past an inn called the Crown outside which is parked a covered wagon.

  • PrintmakerDavison, William, 1780-1858, printmaker.
  • TitleEconomy [graphic].
  • Publication[Alnwick : Printed and published by W. Davison, Alnwick, between 1812 and 1817]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired October 2015