A king-fisher

description below

“George IV sits on a small stone among tall bulrushes at the water’s edge in profile to the left, fishing, his rod being a sceptre. Leaning forward, he looks anxiously at his tautening line. On his head is poised a small but massive crown, a creel hangs at his back; he wears quasi-military dress, white gauntlet gloves, and breeches with jack-boots (cf. British Museum Satires No. 14220). In the foreground, looking up at him, is a kingfisher. In the background, at the water’s edge, is a small thatched peasant’s cottage behind which is Windsor Castle, on its wooded hill, flying the Royal Standard (cottage and castle being mere symbols). Below the title is a circular garter inscribed Honi. Soit. Qui. Mal. Y. Pense.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: A king-fisher [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, May 1826.

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

The Holy Alliance unmasked

description below

Satire depicting the The Quintuple Alliance (Tsar Alexander I of Russia, Napoleon Bonaparte, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, duc d’Angoulême and the Duke of Wellington) debating the question of the Spanish succession and French intervention in Spain at the 1822 Congress of Verona. Losers in the negotiation are depicted as tiny doll-like figures trampled under the table. Masks are scattered on the floor and animal symbolism includes a bear, a monkey and a pair of bulldogs.

  • Printmaker: Purcell, E. (Edward), printmaker.
  • Title: The Holy Alliance unmasked [graphic] / E. Purcell.
  • Publication: [London] : Published Feb. 1823 by J. Dickinson, 114 New Bond St., [February 1823]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023


A representation of the present state of France

description below

“Napoleon, pushing an officer before him through a pillared doorway, looks back to speak to a monk and a sansculotte, shackled together, who drag a car in which is an imperial crown. They hold a large scroll inscribed: ‘Most religious Sovereign – the benefactor of the church – the patron of liberty – the scourge of tyrants, and the defender of our most holy religion; may you long fill the Imperial Chair, and diffuse over a free and happy people all the blessings of your auspicious government.’ Demons fly round a tricolour flag which floats from the car. Napoleon holds out a scroll headed: ‘Address, &c. &c. &c. The Legions of France congratu – ‘, saying, “This token of your gratitude, my dear subjects will ever stimulate me to protect your liberties – to promote your happiness – and to preserve my empire from the ravages of war, tyranny and oppression.” The officer, with a cynical smile, says: “Patron of Liberty – Defender of our most holy Religion – free and happy People – Ha! ha! ha! – What may we not expect? – Has he not got them under excellent subjection?” On the left is Napoleon’s ‘Secret Chamber’: a table is covered with maps and plans; a large map, partly unrolled, shows Europe from ‘[En]gland to [Tur]key’, including the ‘Black Sea’; another map shows ‘Suez’ and the ‘Red Sea’. A demon under the table holds up a large pile of papers: ‘Plans against England’; on the floor are similar piles: ‘Religion’ and ‘Treaties’. There are also ‘Plans against Germany and Turkey’, and a paper: ‘Mem. the chance of the conquest of England is worth the sacrifice of one third of the people of France. Item. As Charlemaine not only conquered Italy, but the whole of Germany, and left the Imperial dignity hereditary in the Sovereigns of France, it is indispensably necessary to obtain possession of Germany, in order to support the dignity of the Gallic empire.’ On the wall are three pictures: ‘Sacking of Rome’, ‘Dissolution of the National Assembly’ [see British Museum Satires No. 9426, &c], and ‘View of Cairo’ [see British Museum Satires No. 9358, &c.]. Below the design: ‘Explanation. The two figures bringing the Imperial crown . . . represent . . . the bitter Enemies of Aristocracy, and the staunch Supporters of the late Monarchial Government, tackled to the National Machine, and reduced to the most abject State of Slavery by the Influence of the Military, whose congratulatory Address Bonaparte has received at the Hand of an Officer, and is introducing him into his Secret Chamber to receive Instructions. The Demons hovering over the Imperial Crown denote Five Years of Destruction; during which Period Bonaparte will overrun and ravage the greater Part of the Continent of Europe, be the Means of nearly depopulating Turkey, and finally be slain with the Sword, be cast out as an abominable Branch, and be left as Dung to rot on the Face of the Earth.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: A representation of the present state of France [graphic].
  • Publication:[London] : Published by L. Mayer, as the act directs, August 13, 1804.
  • Manufacture: [London] : Bryer, printer, Bridge Street, Blackfriars

Catalog Record


Acquired May 2021


Here we go up up up and there he goes down down downe

description below

A satire of the 1832 Reform Bill, with a see-saw with the Crown as the fulcrum. At the center is William IV, waving the Union flag; to the right is Lord Grey, seated on the lever, helping William balance with a scroll marked ‘Union’, with John Bull standing underneath, wedging the lever up with the ‘Reform Bill’; and to the right the Duke of Wellington tumbles backwards as the lever breaks under the weight of him and two huge scrolls marked ‘Anti Reform’.


  • Title: Here we go up up up and there he goes down down downe [graphic].
  • Publication: London : Pubd. by O. Hodgson, 10 Cloth Fair, [ca. 1831]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2020

The female agent

description below

“Heading to etched verses. Mrs. Clarke, seated on a dais, receives applicants for commissions who advance through a doorway (left). She sits on a drum, wearing a cocked hat and military sash over a white dress, and holds up a sword. A short fat soldier holds over her head a Union flag with the white horse of Hanover. Two soldiers stand at attention with fixed bayonets behind her, and a fat trumpeter blows his trumpet. Another Union flag, without the white horse, flies from the corner of the large dais. On the wall hangs a notice: ‘Half-pay Commissions at Half Price for Ready Money’. The applicants press forward in a bunch, headed by a fat and gouty ‘cit’ hobbling on two sticks, behind whom is a chimneysweep. The first of three verses: ‘Come all you brave Fellows who wish for Promotion. Wether Captain or Colonel or a General’s your notion. A Warehouse I keep for the sale of Commissions, And our Prices you’ll find will suit all conditions, You’ll be treated with Honor if you secrecy mark Sir For my Master is Noble and I am his Clarke Sir, You’ll be treated &c.’ The last lines: ‘But forget not the ready (Gold or Notes) for pray mark! My Master wants Money, & so does his Clarke. But forget not &c.’ The verses are bordered by spears which serve as posts for plump purses, symmetrically attached to them.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: The female agent [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. March 1809 by Walker, No. 7 Cornhill, [March 1809]

Catalog Record


Acquired June 2020

Boroughmongers’ attack on the British column


The opponents of parliamentary reform, including Wellington and Peel, attempt to pull down a column topped by Lord John Russell, a portrait of William IV on the plinth. The “Explanation of the engraving”: This spirited sketch was originally designed by George Cruikshank. Esq., of Pentouville, London. The column in the centre is dedicated to the “King and Constitution,” on the base of which is a portrait of his present Majesty, William IV. On the top of the columnn [sic] stands Lord John Russell, holding in his hand the Mirror of Truth. On the left of the pillar the Duke of Wellington, Sir R. Peel, and others are attempting with cords, axes, &c. to overturn the column; while on on [sic] the right, Lord Chancellor Brougham and Earl Grey stand in a calm and dignfied position, smiling at the futile attempts of the Boroughmongers to overturn the People’s Rights. On the same side Lord Althorp is seen bearing a banner, representing the future prosperity of England, and the Attorney General (Sir Thomas Denman) is supporting the Flag of Victory.

  • TitleBoroughmongers’ attack on the British column [graphic].
  • Publication[Birmingham, England : Printed by R. Heppel, 113 Coleshill-Street, Birmingham …, ca. 1830]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired July 2016