Weymouth. On Tuesday next

printed text

A mock theater advertisement satirizing the controversial election in Weymouth when Prince Ernest Augustus was accused of influencing the election result in favour of the Tories.

  • Title: Weymouth. On Tuesday next a grand spectacle will be exhibited by the managers of the Cumberland Company of Players, called The mock election.
  • Publication: [Weymouth] : G. Kay, printer, adjoining the Guildhall, St. Edmund-Street, Weymouth, [1812]

Catalog Record

File 63 812 Er72

Acquired August 2023

The Suffolk wonder

illustration of a short, bald man with printed text below

A broadside on Christopher Bullock, a tiny but fat watch and clock-maker in Suffolk; with a woodcut showing a portrait of Bullock, holding a wig in his left hand, mopping his brow with the other; with letterpress title and text, including information on other people of Suffolk including another dwarf Miss B-t-h-c-r, and a table listing market days and distances from London of towns on the road to Yarmouth, and with one vertical segment of type ornaments. See British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: The Suffolk wonder: or, The pleasant, facetious, and merry dwarf of Bottesdale.
  • Publication: [Ipswich?] : [publisher not identified], [not before 1755]

Catalog Record


Acquired August 2023

A babe’s diverting dream

printed text

In two columns with two woodcuts beneath the title.
A satire on the Milan Commission and the British government’s attempt to compile evidence of Queen Caroline’s misbehaviour and infidelity. Printed together with ‘A New Song’ on the same subject.

  • Title: A babe’s diverting dream.
  • Publication: [London] : Printed by Catnach, 2, Monmouth-Court, [1820]

Catalog Record

File 53 C292 820Ba

Acquired July 2023

Gazette Extraordinary! A glorious action!

printed text

A satire, using a naval metaphor, on the trial of Queen Caroline. ‘Dispatches have this day received, announcing a glorious and desperate action, which was fought off St. Stephen’s Bay, in which the vessels engaged were the Carolina, Captain Wood, the other parts of the division were brought into action by Lieutenant Browham and Dingman. The Caslteair, a 74, was commanded by the gallant Loverpool, Elden, and Sid. …’

  • Title: Gazette Extraordinary! A glorious action! Between the Carolina, a true blue frigate; and the Castleair, a first rate man of war.
  • Publication: [England] : [publisher not identified], [1820]

Catalog Record

File 53 C292 820Ga

Acquired July 2023

Address of the Brass Founders and Braziers

printed text

Printed on silk, within decorative borders. Engraved portrait of “Caroline Queen of England” beneath title.
Broadside addressed from the Brass Founders and Braziers in support of Queen Caroline in October 1820, a month before the withdrawal of the Pains and Penalties Bill which aimed to annul Caroline’s marriage to George IV. Beneath the address is a response from Queen Caroline together with an ‘Order of the Procession’ in support of the queen.

  • Title: Address of the Brass Founders and Braziers. To Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Caroline. : … Presented this thirtieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty …
  • Publication: [London] : Printed and published by J. Cowie, 58 Shoe Lane, Holborn, [1820]

Catalog Record

File 53 C292 820Ad++

Acquired July 2023


Britons! Look on these pictures

printed text

A broadside illustrated with engraved head-and-shoulders portraits of Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold at top of sheet followed by 29 lines of letterpress text mourning the death of the Charlotte on November 6th, 1817.

  • Title: Britons! Look on these pictures, and while you deplore the untimely loss of the one, and worthily sympathise in the acute grief of the other of the illustrious originals, endeavour to imitate the public and domestic virtues which have so eminently distinguished both. …
  • Publication: [London?] : [published not identified], [1817]

Catalog Record

File 56 C47 817B

Acquired July 2023

To the memory of the Princess Charlotte of Wales

printed text

Broadside, with three paragraphs of text within thick mourning border and initialed ‘J.W.L.’ at the end. ‘From the Morning Post of Nov. 11th’ printed in lower left. Beneath the title are three lines quoted from Lord Lyttleton’s ‘To the memory of the same lady, a monody. A.D. 1747.’

  • Title: To the memory of the Princess Charlotte of Wales.
  • Publication: [England?] : [publisher not identified], [1817]

Catalog Record

File 56 C47 817To

Acquired July 2023

A calendar, or List of the several prisoners to be tried

printed text


  • Title: A calendar, or List of the several prisoners to be tried at the next Assizes, to be held at Thetford, in and for the said county, on Friday the 25th day of March, 1757 : the times of their commitments, their several crimes, and by whom committed.
  • Publication: Norwich : Printed by Robert Davy, by order of the goaler, [1757]

Catalog Record

File 52 C149 757++

Acquired November 2022

A full, true and correct statement ef [sic] the grand procdedings…

printed text

A broadside that lays out Queen Caroline’s appeal to be rightfully crowned Queen alongside her estranged husband George IV. Despite the withdrawal of the Pains and Penalties Bill following Caroline’s trial in the House of Lords, the King continued to shun his wife, culminating in his refusal to allow her entry into the coronation which took place at Westminster Abbey on July 19th, 1821.

  • Title: A full, true and correct statement ef [sic] the grand procdedings [sic] [that] took place on Thursday, 19th of July, in the city of London, on the coronation of His Royal Majesty King George the Fourth : giving an account of the protestation of Her Most Grrcious [sic] and Royal Majesty Caroline Queens [sic] of England, against the decision of the Privy Connsil [sic].
  • Publication: [Cork, Ireland] : Henry Baird, printer, No. 21, Paul-Street, Cork, [1821]

Catalog Record

File 53 C292 821Fu

Acquired August 2022