Houghton family leases and library catalogue

manuscript volume

A manuscript in an unidentified hand, containing nine detailed leases given by John Houghton of Bramerton during the 1750s and 1760s, five with maps of the properties concerned, written in the same hand and dated 1756 to 1763. All of the maps were “copied 1764,” but each referencing earlier surveys done between 1728 and 1742.
At the back of the volume and turned over, written on the first four leaves in a different unidentified hand is a library catalog with the heading “Folio, a catalogue of 95 titles (104 volumes) on pages ruled with four columns. The number of the volume is recorded in the first column, the author’s last name and title or just the title in the second column, and the place and date of publication in the third and fourth column, respectively. Titles include literature, religion, geography, history, dictionaries, travel, and legal works, mostly in English or English translation but also several in French. There are also references to a manuscript journal.

  • Author: Houghton family, of Bramerton Hall.
  • Title: Houghton family leases and library catalogue : manuscript.
  • Production: Bramerton, England, between 1750 and 1763?

Catalog Record

LWL Mss Vol. 287

Acquired September 2023

Simon Lord Fraser of Lovat

description below

Portrait of the elderly Simon Fraser, 11th Lord Lovat, whole length, sitting on a chair, its back carved with a scallop shell; he holds a book in his right hand with his left hand in his waistcoat. To his right is a small side table with a quill pen in ink bottle and along the wall shelves of books.

  • Title: Simon Lord Fraser of Lovat [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : [R. Walker], [1746]

Catalog Record


Acquired January 2021

A catalogue of the superb and elegant household furniture

“To be viewed three days (Sunday excepted) preceding the sale, when catalogues will be delivered …, which may be had on the premises, and of Messrs. Skinner and Dyke, Aldersgate Street.”

  • AuthorSkinner and Dyke.
  • TitleA catalogue of the superb and elegant household furniture : fourteen brilliant pier glasses of very large dimensions, magnificent state beds, French cabinets … also capital marble statues … bronzes … prints and drawings … together with the extensive, truly valuable, and well selected library of scarce books in various languages … : late the property of Monsieur de Calonne, which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Skinner and Dyke, on Monday the 13th of May, 1793, and eleven following days … on the premises, the extemity of Picadilly.
  • Published[London : Messrs. Skinner and Dyke, 1793]

Catalog Record 

125 Sk628 793

Acquired March 2018

The historians

A lady (Mrs. Catherine Macaulay) with an aquiline profile sits at a table opposite a clergy man (Dr. Wilson) as she writes with a quill pen. The walls are lined with full bookshelves separated in the middle by a fireplace with a mantelpiece on which sits a bust of “Alfred rex”. Both figures wear the same enormous hair as in British Museum no. 5441.

  • PrintmakerDarly, Mattina, printmaker.
  • TitleThe historians [graphic] / Mattina Darly sculp.
  • Publication[London] : Pub. May 1, 1777, by MDarly, 39 Strand, [1 May 1777]

Catalog Record 


Acquired April 2018

Catalogue of the library collected by the late J.R. Rowntree, Esq

A manuscript library catalogue of the Barrister John Russell Rowntree and his sister Elizabeth, who inherited her brother’s books after his death in 1831. The four sections are: History, voyages, travels, Bewick’s works, & miscellanies; Poetry and the drama, English; Strawberry-Hill publications; and Auctores Classici Gk. et Lat., &c. Although largely consisting of books published during Rowntree’s lifetime (1761-1831), the earliest recorded work is Wynkyn de Worde’s 1517 Incipiunt Opera Super Constitutiones prouinciales, 2nd edition. There are two other 16th century titles, and a good number of 17th and early 18th century items including a first edition of Hobbes’ Leviathan and Kircherius’ China Illustrated, 1667. From his lifetime, Rowntree collected a large number of travel books incorporating voyages and descriptions of the Far East, Africa, Australia (including Cook’s Voyages), the South Seas, Europe and Britain. Other subjects include a large Bewick collection, law, religion and literature in addition to drama and classics. Rowntree’s substantial holdings of items printed by the private press at Strawberry Hill, established by Horace Walpole in 1757, include thirty of the thirty-five ‘publications’ recorded in Horace Walpole and the Strawberry Hill Press, Havens, 1901 (there are a further 66 ephemeral items noted as being published by the press). Also included in the collection are two of the first books to be printed, Gray’s poems (two copies) and Hentzner’s A Journey into England, both printed in 1757.

TitleCatalogue of the library collected by the late J.R. Rowntree, Esq. of Stockon-on-Tees, and the late property of his deceased sister Miss Elizabeth Rowntree, of the same place …, 1843 October / catalogued by William Robinson, bookseller.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss Vol. 229

Acquired March 2017

Catalogue of the books in the library of Bayfield Hall


  • AuthorBayfield Hall (Norfolk : England)
  • TitleA catalogue of the books in the library of the Bayfield Hall, the seat of Sir Alfred Jodrell, Bart.
  • PublishedNorwich : Stevenson and Co., Market-Place, 1886.

Catalog Record

Quarto 123 B357 886

Acquired September 2016

Catalogue of Bradenham House library, Norfolk

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lwacq000164_M_0000 (1024x944)

Manuscript catalog of approximately 1600 books in the Bradenham House library, Norfolk including eight incunables and a second folio of Shakespeare. The entries are arranged by format beginning with folios and followed by quartos and “octavo et infra” with some titles struck through and annotated with a name. Each entry includes: author, title, place of publication, and date. The library was sold in 1967 in 826 lots by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge in a 2-day sale: “Catalogue of the select library of a gentleman … a valuable portion of the topographical library of the late W.H.H. of Bradenham Hall …”

  • AuthorHaggard, William Henry, 1776-1837.
  • TitleCatalogue of Bradenham House library, Norfolk, [1807-1833].

Catalog Record

LWL Mss Vol. 214

Acquired July 2014

Catalogue of the very select and valuable library of William Roscoe, Esq



 List of the numbers and prices of the library, of William Roscoe, Esq. sold on Monday the 19th day of August, and fourteen following days, 1816

  • Author/Creator: Roscoe, William, 1753-1831.
  • Title: Catalogue of the very select and valuable library of William Roscoe, Esq. : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Winstanley at his rooms in Marble Street, Liverpool, on Monday the 19th of August, and thirteen following days (Sundays excepted) : the sale to begin at eleven o’clock precisely.
  • Published:[Liverpool?] : [Thomas Winstanley and Son?], 1816 (London : J. M’Creery)

Catalog Record

125 R81 816

Acquired January 2014

A catalogue of the library of F.F. Foljambe Esqr. at Osberton, 1810

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

A manuscript catalog of the books in the extensive library of Francis Ferrand Foljambe, in a single hand, written mostly on the rectos only; later additions (mid-1850s?) in another hand, between existing entries or on the verso. Works are grouped alphabetically by first letter of author’s surname or by first letter in the title when there is no named author. The list includes the shelf location of the title, a brief entry — e.g., Congreve’s Workes, Bible, Dictionnaire des artes, etc. — as well as the number of volumes (if there is more than one), size, place and date of publication. The bulk of the collection of around 2200 titles was published in the 17th and 18th centuries with a some 15th and 16th century books and manuscripts (including “original letters of King James”), as well as works from the first decade of the 19th century. The collection reflects the taste of a well-educated, well-read gentleman: a wide range of essays, poems, plays, and memoires by both English and French authors (in English and French) as well as works of the classical authors; works on antiquities, philosophy, theology, mathematics, songs, exploration of the new world, etc. Later additions include a run of the Edinburgh review up to the year 1853; also with annotations in pencil indicating missing volumes.

  • Author: Foljambe, Francis Ferrand, 1750-1814.
  • Title: A catalogue of the library of F.F. Foljambe Esqr. at Osberton, 1810.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss Vol. 207

Acquired May 2013