Promenade d’Anglais

description below

“Two very tall and lank Englishmen walk arm-in-arm in profile to the left; one grasps a big (red) umbrella, and looks down at a dog. Before them walks a dwarfish man holding a tall cane, perhaps a servant, but dressed in the fashion of the day apart from striped trousers. Behind walks a second couple, shorter, broader, and more cheerful. All have flower-pot hats, and all double-breasted long-tailed coats, except one of the second pair, who wears top-boots. The others wear either long tight trousers or tight gaiters reaching above the knee. Two have large bows suspended from their fobs, to which seal and watch-key are attached. Three wear neckcloths with projecting ends.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: Promenade d’Anglais [graphic].
  • Publication: A Paris : Chez Genty, rue St. Jacques, [between 1814 and 1815?]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2024

Vue perspective du Couvent Garden

A perspective view, or vues d’optique, of the Covent Garden Market, looking towards Inigo Jones’s St. Paul’s Church, which is situated slightly to the right of center; in the foreground are shown vendors, carriages, pedestrians and other street life. The image is reversed for viewing through the lens of a Zograscope and designed to give the illusion of a deeper perspective, enhanced by the deep vanishing point and bright colour of the print.

  • TitleVue perspective du Couvent Garden [graphic].
  • PublicationA Paris : Chez J. Chereau Rue St. Jacques au desses de la Fontaine St. Severin aux a Colonnes No. 257, [ca. 1790]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2017