Miscellaneous antiquities, or A collection of curious papers…

Miscellaneous antiquities, or A collection of curious papers either republished from scarce tracts, or now first printed from original mss. Number [I-II] to be continued occasionally.

Published: Strawberry-Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, MDCCLXXII [1772]

33 20 Copy 12

Title pages with mss. annotations: “Bamford’s Coffee House May 15, 1773”.

Title page: Miscellaneous antiquities, or A collection of curious papers ...Subjects (Library of Congress): Wyatt, Thomas, Sir, 1503?-1542; Tournaments–Medieval; Sports tournaments; Great Britain–History–Sources.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July, 2010

Letters from Elizabeth Cavendish to her banker Jean-Franc̦ois Perregaux…

Letters from Elizabeth Cavendish to her banker Jean-Franc̦ois Perregaux: enclosureDevonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of, 1758-1824

Letters from Elizabeth Cavendish to her banker Jean-Franc̦ois Perregaux, n.d., 1790-1803

LWL Mss File 36

Four ALS and one AL from Elizabeth Cavendish, while she was still Elizabeth Foster, to her banker Monsieur Perregaux inquiring about remittances and asking him to make various payments. She asks that he call on her and Lady Bessborough at Devonshire House where she was living with William Cavendish, fifth duke of Devonshire and his wife Georgiana. Also included is a photogravure of “Elizabeth Foster, Duchess of Devonshire” after a portrait by Lascelles.

Letters from Elizabeth Cavendish to her banker Jean-Franc̦ois Perregaux: selected=6 items (6 p., 1 print) : 1 photogravure ; 22 x 18 cm., and smaller.

Selected page (second)

Subjects (Library of Congress): Devonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of, 1758-1824; Bessborough, Henrietta Frances Spencer Ponsonby, Countess of, 1761-1821; Perregaux, Jean-Franc̦ois.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July 2010


Distress: 1 print on wove paper : etching and aquatint, hand-colored ; plate mark 36.8 x 49 cm., on sheet 38 x 51 cm.

A boat crammed with shipwrecked men, with an oar projecting to the right. One man leans his elbows on the gunwale while two of his companions throw a corpse overboard.

Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, artist

Distress / from an original drawing by Thos. Rowlandson.

Published: [London] : Published by Thos. Palser, Surrey side Westminster Bridge, [ca. 1799].


Subjects (Library of Congress): Shipwrecks; Castaways; Palser, Thomas, publisher; Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, artist; Satires (Visual works)–England–1799; Aquatints–England–London–1799; Etchings–England–London–1799.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July, 2010

A kick up among the whigs

A kick up among the whigs: 1 print on wove paper : etching, hand-colored ; plate mark 26 x 37.3 cm., on sheet 31 x 41 cm.Heath, William, 1795-1840, printmaker

A kick up among the whigs / [man with an umbrella] Esqr. del.

Published: London : Pub. by Tho. McLean, 26 Haymarket, [Jan. 1828?]


A satire on the formation of a Tory Ministry by Wellington in 1828. Wellington is shown in the uniform of a Life Guards officer riding his charger over little men made of large wigs — judges’ wigs, barristers’ wigs, bag-wigs — as they flee in confusion. One clings to the strap around Wellington’s arm, crying “Hold tight Huskey” (Huskisson). George IV stands in the background, hands on his hips, laughing at the scene.

Subjects (Library of Congress): George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830–Caricatures and cartoons; Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852–Caricatures and cartoons; Huskisson, W. (William), 1770-1830–Caricatures and cartoons; Whig Party (Great Britain);
Satires (Visual works) England 1821; Etchings England London 1821; Artists’ devices.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July, 2010

The political pyramid of our glorious constitution…

Williams, Charles, 1797-1850, engraver

The political pyramid of our glorious constitution in the year of grace 1828 of his Grace I.

Published: [London] : Pubd. Sepr. 1828 by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, [Sept. 1828]


A satire on Wellington’s dismissal of the Duke of Clarence. A pyramid built of large stones stands in a open field. At the apex is inscribed the word “King” at the base left “Lords” and right “Commons”. Knelling on either side in his robes is a peer facing a simply dressed M.P. Between them on the ground are the heads of a unicorn and a lion which is being gnawed by a crow and a rat. Wellington in full uniform straddles the two men who support him. Between his legs a plague on the pyramid reads: “Multum in parvo, or the British Constitution formerly consisting of the three estates, King, Lords, Commons, abridged into an elegant extract in one volume!”

Political pyramid: 1 print on wove paper : etching, hand-colored ; plate mark 25.4 x 36.5 cm., on sheet 30 x 39 cm.      Subjects (Library of Congress): Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852–Caricatures and cartoons;
William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837; Great Britain. Admiralty; Great Britain–Politics and government–1800-1837; Pyramids; Satires (Visual works)–England–1828; Etchings–England–London–1828.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July, 2010

Caleb Quotem the parish factotum…

Heath, William, 1795-1840, printmaker

Caleb Quotem the parish factotum : he is all, he is evry thing the parish could not go on without him, he has more trades than hairs in his wig / [man with an umbrella] Esqr.

Published: [London] : Pub. June 1st, 1829 by S. Gans 15 Southampton St. Strand …, [1 June 1829]


Wellington as the character Caleb Quotem from George Colman’s “The review, or, The wags of Windsor” stands full-face in an old-fashion attire, holding a whip in one hand and a large Grenadier’s bearskin in the other. From his mouth and scrolling above his hear is a long descriptive list satirizing his character and career.

Caleb Quotem: 1 print on wove paper : etching, hand-colored ; sheet 35 x 25 cm.       Subjects (Library of Congress): Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852–Caricatures and cartoons; Satires (Visual works) England 1821; Etchings England London 1821; Artists’ devices.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July 2010

A sketch in the island of Anglesea

Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, artist

A sketch in the island of Anglesea/ etched by G. Cruikshank.

Published: [London] : Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s St., May 29th, 1820.


An equestriatn portrait of the Marquess of Anglesey riding a prancing horse in a park. Both his hands grasp the horse’s reins.

A sketch in the island of Angelsea: 1 print on wove paper : etching, hand-colored ; sheet 25.5 x 20.1 cm.       Subjects (Library of Congress): Anglesley, Henry William Paget, Marquis of, 1768-1854–Portraits; Horseback riding; Satires (Visual works)–England–1820; Etchings–England–London–1820.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July, 2010

The artillery driver

The artillery driver.

Published: London : Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 St. Paul’s Church Yard, published as the act directs 9 Novr. 1792.


A yokel in a smock-frock and military hat stands in the foreground holding a whip; behind him in the field are the tents of a military camp with soldiers milling around. On the tent nearest the yokel is written the word “Demezy”, above the Prince of Wales’s feathers. Three columns of verse engraved below title: I once was a waggoner sly and dry, as e’er jogg’d over the downs …

The artillery driver: 1 print on laid paper : mezzotint, hand-colored ; plate mark 35.5 x 25 cm., on sheet 44 x 29 cm.Subjects (Library of Congress): Military life–Poetry; Military camps–British; Satires (Visual works)–England–1792; Mezzotints–England–London–1792; Songs–1792; Dighton, Robert, 1752-1814, artist; Bowles, Carrington, 1724-1793, publisher.

Gift of William M. O’Keefe; July 2010.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July, 2010

Jack in his element

Jack in his element.

Published: [London] : Publish’d 17th June 1793 by Robt. Sayer & Co., Fleet Street, London, [1793]

793.06.17.01+ Impression 2

Poll, the widow of William, stands at her cottage door in a village near the sea, a ship in full-sail in the distance, as Jack delivers the sad news of the death of her husband. In the verses engraved below recount the “jovial” life of a sailor to the refrain of “In every mess I finds a friend, in every port a wife.” Five columns of verse below title: Bold Jack the sailor, here I come, pray how d’ye like my nib …

Jack in his element: 1 print on wove paper : mezzotint ; plate mark 35.3 x 25.3 cm., on sheet 37 x 29 cm.Subjects (Library of Congress): Sailors; Dwellings; Servants; Spouses; Satires (Visual works)–England–1793; Genre prints–England–1793; Mezzotints–England–London–1793; Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794, publisher.

Gift of William M. O’Keefe; July 2010.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: July, 2010