A couple dance together under a lush tree with large fruit hanging from its branches. They are accompanied by two men playing instruments, a drum and tambourine as one woman claps along to the music. Others, including a small girl, stand and converse.
- Printmaker: Ruotte, Louis Charles, 1754-1806, printmaker.
- Title: Danse des Negres dans L’Isle de St. Dominique [graphic] = A Negroes dance in the Island of St. Dominica / A. Brunias pinx. ; L.C. Ruotte direx.
- Publication: Se vend a Paris : Chez Depeuille, rue St. Denis, la boutique attenant St. Jacques l’Hopital, et au Palais Royal au Pavillon près le bassin, [approximately 1778]
Acquired February 2023