Triumph of love and folly

description below

Print showing George IV being carried in a sedan chair by two men wearing judicial wigs and robes, one carries a sceptor; on the top of the chair sits Queen Caroline holding a noise maker, she tells the porters to “Keep joging, I’le be your Pilot, don’t fear his Wakeing – I have Composed his Highness, I warrant you.” George IV pours out the contents of a bottle labeled “opium” and on the ground next to the chair is a broken bottle also labeled “opium.”
“Political satire: the Prince Regent carried in a chair by two judges, with Mrs Fitzherbert on the roof with two babies, followed by the cabinet.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Elmes, William, active 1797-1820, printmaker.
  • Title: Triumph of love and folly [graphic] / E-s [Elmes].
  • Publication: London : Pubd. Aprl. 24, 1812, by Thos. Tegg, 111 Cheapside, [24 April 1812]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

Knives, scissars and razors to grind

description below

Two women stand before a knife grinder and his cart equipped with a grinding wheel, on the sidewalk before an open door and under a street lamp. The woman closest to the viewer hands him a pair of scissors while the other looks on. In the background on the right, a woman carrying a baby on her back walks away from the scene.

  • Printmaker: Vendramini, Giovanni, 1769-1839, printmaker.
  • Title: Knives, scissars and razors to grind [graphic] = Couteaux, ciseaux, rasoirs a repasser / painted by F. Wheatly R.A. ; engraved by G. Vendramini.
  • Publication: London : Pubd. as the act directs Jan. 1, 1795, by Colnaghi & Co., No. 132 Pall Mall, [1 January 1795]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023