Funeral procession of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte

description below

“View of the procession in St. George’s Chapel. The body is carried on the shoulders of some yeomen of the guard, under a canopy of black velvet, which is borne by eight gentlemen ushers, the pall is supported by baronesses who are preceded by the Lord Chamberlain and Vice Chamberlain of His Majesty’s household, Garter, Principal, King-of-Arms, bearing his sceptre, the coronet is borne by Colonel Akenbroke, and followed by the chief mourner, Prince Leopold whose train is carried by Baron de Hardenbroke and Sir Robert Gardiner; on one side is the Duke of York, on the other the Duke of Clarence, who are followed by other princes of the royal blood.”–Reid, G.W. Descriptive catalogue of the works of George Cruikshank.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, printmaker.
  • Title: Funeral procession of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte [graphic] / G. Cruikshank fect.
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. by W. Hone, Old Bailey, Novr. 19, 1817.

Catalog Record


Acquired July 2023

The Cyprian of St. Stephen’s

printed title page

  • Title: The cyprian of St. Stephen’s, or, Princely protection illustrated ; in a poetical flight to the Pierian Spring / by Sam Satiricus.
  • Published: Bath, England : J. Browne, 1809.

Catalog Record

53 C599 S809

Acquired April 2024

The life and adventures of Henry Lanson

printed text

  • Title: The life and adventures of Henry Lanson, the only son of a wealthy planter in the West Indies : who, when on his voyage to England, was put on shore at an uninhabited island, where, on his perambulation up the country, he discovers the ruins of an ancient temple; and near it, the oracle of the sun, a large rude carved idol made of pure brilliant gold of a wonderful construction; which contained an immense and inestimable collection of preciouse Indian curiosoities. The manner of his converting the natives of a neighbouring island, with whom he lived several years before his departure; when he took with him an incredible quantity of riches, from the idol; and at length arrived safe in England.
  • Publication: London : Printed and sold by S. Fisher, no. 10, St. John’s Lane, Clerkenwell : Also sold by T. Hurst, no. 32, Paternoster-row, [1801]

Catalog Record

763 801 L722

Acquired August 2023

Description of the grand picture of the queen’s trial

printed text

  • Author: Revelli, Vincenzo Antonio.
  • Title: Description of the grand picture of the queen’s trial; presenting correct likenesses of Her Majesty and counsel, and above two hundred other portraits of the principal nobility, with an accurate representation of the interior of the House of Lords, as it appeared on that memorable occasion / painted by V.A. Revelli … Now exhibiting, daily, at no. 80 1/2, Pall Mall.
  • Publication: London : Printed for the proprietor, 1821.

Catalog Record

523 C292 821

Acquired September 2022

A peep into the cottage at Windsor

printed title page

Frontispiece: The R-l great baby among the roses / Marks fec. King George IV, in caricature, naked except for breeches, reclines on a bed of roses, three large women (Mrs Quentin and her daughters) bend over him.

  • Author: Hunter, Roger, pseud.
  • Title: A peep into the cottage at Windsor, or, “Love among the roses”. : A poem founded on facts … Dedicated, with deep humility and profound respect, to all the noble and illustrious c-ck-lds in the House of peers.
  • Edition: Third edition.
  • Publication: London : Printed and published by W. Benbow, 269, Strand, 1821.

Catalog Record

763 H942 820

Acquired February 2022

The life and mysterious transactions of Richard Morris, Esq

printed text

  • Author: Old acquaintance.
  • Title: The life and mysterious transactions of Richard Morris, Esq. : better known by the name of Dick Spot, the conjuror, particularly in Derbyshire and Shropshire. / Written by an old acquaintance …
  • Publication: London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, for Ann Lemoine, White-Rose-Court, Coleman-Street, and sold by T. Hurst, Paternoster-Row, [1798?]
  • Manufacture: [London] : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, Lombard-Street

Catalog Record

53 M877 798

Acquired March 2022

The Greeks : a poem “Venu de France d’une manière inconnue

printed title page

  • Title: The Greeks : a poem “Venu de France d’une manière inconnue ; ” dedicated to all the legs! with notes containing the arcana of greeking at play ; and sketches of the most illustrious Greeks! / by the author of the Pigeons, Fashion, &c. …
  • Edition: Twelfth edition.
  • Published: London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale, 1817.

Catalog Record

763 817 G793

Acquired December 2021

A few serious words from the Hon. T. Lashfools

printed text with etching of dancing figures

A satire on fashion and dancing, which refers to the new mania for waltzes and quadrilles.

  • Author: Lashfools, T., pseud.
  • Title: A few serious words from the Hon. T. Lashfools to his friends.
  • Manufacture: [Edinburgh] : [P. Neill, printer], [circa 1825]

Catalog Record

63 L344 825

Acquired March 2022

A catalogue of new and useful maps, curious & entertaining prints….

description below

“Frontispiece for ‘A Catalogue of News and Useful Maps Curious and Entertaining Prints, Books of Architecture, Great Variety of Drawing Books in all the Branches of Penmanship And the best of each Kind’; title on scroll, surrounded by prints and maps.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: A catalogue of new and useful maps, curious & entertaining prints, books of architecture, great variety of drawing books on the best principles from the greatest masters, copy books in all the branches of penmanship, and the best of each kind, printed for Robt. Sayer at the Golden Buck near Serjeants Inn, Fleetstreet, London [graphic] : where mercheants, gentlemen, and shopkeepers, &c. may be supplied on the best terms.
  • Publication: [London] : [Robert Sayer], [ca. 1766]

Catalog Record

File 66 766 C357

Acquired November 2021

The true and affecting history of Henrietta Belgrave

medley of colored depictions of woman's life

  • Title: The true and affecting history of Henrietta Belgrave, : woman born only for calamities: Being an unhappy daughter, a wretched wife, and an unfortunate mother. Containing a series of the most uncommon adventures that ever befel[sic] one person, by sea and land; particularly the shipwreck of herself and parents, her falling into the power of a brutal villain, her timely rescue by a party of Indian hunters, and her further sufferings, to her death. / Written by herself, and addressed to her daughter, Zoa.
  • Publication: Derby : Thomas Richardson; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., ; London, [1830?]

Catalog Record

763 830 T865

Acquired March 2022