An historical essay on the dress of the ancient and modern Irish

printed text

  • Author: Walker, Joseph C. (Joseph Cooper), 1761-1810.
  • Title: An historical essay on the dress of the ancient and modern Irish: addressed to the Right Honourable the earl of Charlemont. To which is subjoined, a memoir on the armour and weapons of the Irish / By Joseph C. Walker…
  • Publication: Dublin : Printed for the author by George Grierson, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, MDCCLXXXVIII [1788]

Catalog Record

49 3390

Acquired December 2023

Twelve arrietts : by subscription

printed text

  • Author: Mortellari, B. Antonio, active approximately 1800.
  • Uniform Title: [Ariettas]
  • Title: Twelve arrietts : by subscription, with an accompanyment for the piano forte or harp / by Sigr. Antonio Mortellari.
  • Published: London : Printed & sold by Henry Holland, [approximately 1793]

Catalog Record

Quarto 74 793 M887

Acquired March 2024

Grand prize of £40,000!

printed text

Handbill with details of the lottery and the supplementary draw.

  • Title: Grand prize of £40,000! Not two blanks to a prize, and double chances for the same money. : Lottery, on a new plan, begins drawing October 20, 1807.
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], [1807]

Catalog Record

File 66 807 G751

Acquired March 2024

A practical guide for the light infantry officer

printed text

  • Author: Cooper, Thomas Hammont.
  • Title: A practical guide for the light infantry officer : comprising valuable extracts from all the most popular works on the subject ; with further original information … / by Capt. T.H. Cooper.
  • Publication: London : Printed for T. Egerton, at the Military Library, near Whitehall, 1806.

Catalog Record

63 806 T778

Acquired December 2023

To be drawn in Guildhall, in one day

description below

description below

Printed handbill; woodcut illustration of ‘The Grand Hotel’ positioned in the center, with letterpress text above and below.
On verso: half page woodcut illustration of a hay-maker in front of a grand house; below, advertising poem for the lottery, entitled ‘The Hay-Maker.’

  • Title: To be drawn in Guildhall, in one day, Tuesday the 26th this month, the Grand City of London Lottery for Freehold Houses : discharged of Land-Tax, and valued at upwards of £100,000 in capital prizes.
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], [1808]

Catalog Record

File 66 808 T627

Acquired March 2024


The festival of wit; or, Small talker

printed text

  • Title: The festival of wit; or, Small talker : being a collection of bon mots, anecdotes, &c., of the most exalted characters / procured and selected by G— K—, summer resident at Windsor.
  • Edition: The fifteenth edition, with considerable additions.
  • Publication: London : Printed for M. Smith; and, by the Editor’s permission, sold by the booksellers in Fleetstreet, Piccadilly, and Paternoster Row, M,DCC,LXXXIX.[1789]

Catalog Record

761 F418

Acquired December 2023

The Yorkshire memorandum book

printed text

  • Title: The Yorkshire memorandum book; or, Daily journal, for the year 1796. : Containing ruled writing-paper, for the purpose of keeping accounts of receipts, disbursements, appointments, &c. Also the following useful particulars: I. Members of the Corporation of York. II. Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of York … XXII. Racing calendar, containing an account of the races for legal prizes in Great Britain in the year 1795.
  • Publication: York : Printed and sold by W. Blanchard; also sold by Mr. Richardson, under the Royal-Exchange, London; and by the booksellers of York &c. &c. &c., [1796]

Catalog Record

145 Yo65 1795

Acquired December 2023

Collection of views and studies after nature with other subjects


Leaf [1], title page plate; leaves [2]-[29] with plates numbered 1-36 with scenes cottages and views of rural areas; leaves [30]-[34] with plates 37-44 with images of allegorical and mythical figures; leaf [35] with plate numbered 45, a woman with a tub; leaf [36] with plates 46-47 two men in profile; leaf [37] with plate 47, a portrait of “T.K. [that is, Thomas Kirgate] Painted & etch’d by EE. Finish’d by I. Hall”; leaf [38] with plates 49-50 with classical motifs, cherubs and scrollwork; leaf [39] with plate 51, sea creatures and syrens.
Many plates signed “E.E.’ and dated 1784-1790.

  • Printmaker: Edwards, Edward, 1738-1806, printmaker.
  • Title: Collection of views and studies after nature with other subjects / designed and etched by Edward Edwards Associate and teacher of perspective in the Royal Academy, London.
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], 1790.
  • Manufacture: [1794].

Catalog Record

Quarto 75 Ed96 794

Acquired December 2023

Eloisa in deshabille : a satirical poem

frontis & title page

  • Title: Eloisa in deshabille : a satirical poem / by the late Professor Porson ; to which are added The modern fine gentleman, Modern fine Lady, Curtain lectures, and the squire and the parson.
  • Edition: Second edition.
  • Publication: London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale, No. 41, Pall Mall, 1819.
  • Manufacture: [London] : M. Brown, printer, 86, St. Martin’s Lane

Catalog Record

53 P81 819

Acquired December 2023