Collection of views and studies after nature with other subjects


Leaf [1], title page plate; leaves [2]-[29] with plates numbered 1-36 with scenes cottages and views of rural areas; leaves [30]-[34] with plates 37-44 with images of allegorical and mythical figures; leaf [35] with plate numbered 45, a woman with a tub; leaf [36] with plates 46-47 two men in profile; leaf [37] with plate 47, a portrait of “T.K. [that is, Thomas Kirgate] Painted & etch’d by EE. Finish’d by I. Hall”; leaf [38] with plates 49-50 with classical motifs, cherubs and scrollwork; leaf [39] with plate 51, sea creatures and syrens.
Many plates signed “E.E.’ and dated 1784-1790.

  • Printmaker: Edwards, Edward, 1738-1806, printmaker.
  • Title: Collection of views and studies after nature with other subjects / designed and etched by Edward Edwards Associate and teacher of perspective in the Royal Academy, London.
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], 1790.
  • Manufacture: [1794].

Catalog Record

Quarto 75 Ed96 794

Acquired December 2023

Changing horses at Clermont

description below

A single-horse carriage is stopped in front of a rustic inn or roadhouse, with two caricatured Frenchmen (one a postillion wearing enormous boots) engaged in changing out the horse. An occupant of the carriage hands money out the window to a peasant woman holding an infant and accompanied by a young boy; two other shabbily dressed figures are nearby next to a tree, one of them playing a makeshift drum. In the doorway of the building stands a young woman, and to the left a man under an archway stands with arms crossed; both watch the scene unfold. In the background a postilion rides away on horseback, whip extended into the air.

  • Artist: Byron, Frederick George, 1764-1792, artist.
  • Title: [Changing horses at Clermont] [art original] / F.G. Byron.
  • Production: [France], [1790]

Catalog Record

Drawer Drawings B995 no. 1

Acquired June 2023

Album of drawings of Bletchingley, 1828-1829

cover of albumpencil sketch of a country estate An album of amateur drawings, with scenes in Kent, East Sussex, Hertfordshire and Surrey. The artist, only identified with the initials ‘S.G.L.’, provides titles and dates for the majority of the drawings. The first group (thirteen in all) dated 1828 are views in Kent, Sussex, and Hertfordshire, including Leeds Castle, Hythe, Sandgate, Rye, Pevensey Castle, Tunbridge Wells, St. Albans, and Hatfield. The second, larger group of drawings are scenes in and round the village of Bletchingley (sometimes Bletchingly) in Surrey, depicting village life.

  • Artist: L., S. G., artist.
  • Title: [Album of drawings of Bletchingley, 1828-1829] [art original] / S.G.L.
  • Production: [England], 1828-1829.

Catalog Record 

Folio 64 Su7 828

Acquired December 2019

The lass of Richmond Hill

see description belowA young woman picking apples is watched by a youth who hides behind the tree and bushes on the right, his right hand over his heart; more trees in the background and the edge of a thatched cottage to left and a stream in the distance, right.

  • Title: The lass of Richmond Hill [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Published July 20th, 1794, by John Fairburn, map, chart & printseller, No. 146 Minories, London, [20 July 1794]

Catalog Record 


Acquired June 2019

The shepherds holyday

see description below“Rural scene with two couples dancing on the left while a man pipes and plays a drum under a tree on the right, and another couple watch at a table in front of him, smoking and drinking; village in the background.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: The shepherds holyday [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Published Oct. 24th, 1794, by John Fairburn, map, chart & printseller, No. 146 Minories, London, [24 October 1793]

Catalog Record 


Acquired June 2019

[Album of amateur prints by Charlton Wollaston…]

Cover: [Album of amateur prints by Charlton Wollaston...]

Selection: [Album of amateur prints by Charlton Wollaston...]

An album of amateur etchings, mostly by Charlton Wollaston and The Hon. Booth Grey, and a few pen and grey wash landscape sketches and portraits. Many of the etchings are represented by multiple impressions and variant states, and on various paper stocks. Also mounted in the album is a copy of a bust of a man by Miss Clarke, from College-Green Worcester and dated 1789. Some later prints, mounted on 19th century photolithographs. The etchings represent country scenes — thatched cottages, peasants, farms and farm animals, and peasants at work — as well as views of churches, villages, ruins, and landscapes with row boats and skiffs on rivers. Also included are several engravings and prints from published works on various topics including a large engraving of Greek sculptural elements pasted on the inside of the back cover.

  • Title: [Album of amateur prints by Charlton Wollaston, Booth Grey, and others, with some drawings].
  • Executed: [England, between 1754 and 1789?]

View Catalog Record

Acquired September, 2011 by the Lewis Walpole Library.