A practical guide for the light infantry officer

printed text

  • Author: Cooper, Thomas Hammont.
  • Title: A practical guide for the light infantry officer : comprising valuable extracts from all the most popular works on the subject ; with further original information … / by Capt. T.H. Cooper.
  • Publication: London : Printed for T. Egerton, at the Military Library, near Whitehall, 1806.

Catalog Record

63 806 T778

Acquired December 2023

To the most noble George Marquis of Townshend

description below

“A mounted officer of the Norfolk rangers, his blued sword drawn, a Tarleton helmet on his head, in green uniform with black facings and silver lace, a sword-belt across his chest and a sash about his waist, other members of the corps exercising in the fields beyond, the colours of the regiment below.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Tomkins, Charles, 1757-1823, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: To the most noble George Marquis of Townshend, the officers and gentlemen of the Norfolk Rangers, this portrait and representation of their uniform is inscribed by the proprietors [graphic] / drawn & engrav’d by Chas. Tomkins.
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. as the act directs, Decr. 1, 1799, for the proprietors by Egerton, Whitehall, [1 December 1799]

Catalog Record


Acquired June 2021

Standing regulations of the Light-Horse Volunteers of London

printed text

  • Author: Great Britain. Army. Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminister.
  • Title: Standing regulations of the Light-Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster : carefully extracted from the minutes of the general meetings, and resolutions of the committee, since the revival of the Corps in 1794, and up to the first of August, 1804. To be strictly observed by every L.H.V.
  • Publication: London : Printed by I. Gold, Shoe Lane, 1804.

Catalog Record

63 804 G786

Acquired March 2021

Mr. Wardle and the Duke of York

title page

  • Title: Mr. Wardle and the Duke of York : the corrected speeches of Mr. Wardle, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Whitbread, the Attorney General, Lord Folkstone, Mr. Adam, Secretary at War, Sir Francis Burdett, Sir Samuel Romilly, Mr. Croker, Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Canning, Mr. Ponsonby, &c., &c., in the Hon. House of Commons, on the charges against His Royal Highness the Duke of York, as Commander in Chief of the British Army / accurately reported by a barrister and revised by most of the speakers on that important question.
  • Published: London : J. Blacklock : C. Chapple, 1809.

Catalog Record

63 809 M939

Acquired January 2021

His Majesty’s warrant, granting an allowance in lieu of small beer

title page

  • Creator: Great Britain. Army.
  • Title: His Majesty’s warrant, granting an allowance in lieu of small beer to the troops serving at home : and containing further regulations on various matters directed by His Majesty’s warrants of the 25th May, 1797, “For encreasing and regulating the pay and allowance of non commissioned officers and private men of corps of cavalry and infantry serving at home”.
  • Publication: [London] : Printed by G. Roberts, Angel Court, Charing Cross, [1800]

Catalog Record

652 H673 800

Acquired January 2020

The British volunteer

title page

General history of the formation and establishment of the volunteer and associated corps


  • Title: The British volunteer, or, A general history of the formation and establishment of the volunteer and associated corps, enrolled for the protection and defence of Great Britain. Embellished with portraits, and plates of tactics.
  • Publication: London : Printed by C. Whittingham, Dean Street, Fetter Lane; and published by T. Egerton, at the Military Library, Whitehall; sold by J. F. Tomkins, … [and 5 others], 1799.

Catalog Record 

63 799 B862

Acquired January 2020

English barracks

Click for larger image

A view of the interior of a busy English barracks shows a more domestic than military atmosphere although weapons and other gear adorn the walls and lay scattered on the floor. The scene includes a woman nursing a baby (left); beside her, one soldier brushes his britches while another adjusts his helmet.

Companion print: French barracks

  • Artist: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827
  • Title: English barracks [graphic] / drawn & etch’d by T. Rowlandson ; aquatinta by T. Malton.
  • Published: [London] : Pub. Aug. 12, 1791, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly, [12 August 1791]

Catalog record & Digital collection


Acquired November 2012