A practical guide for the light infantry officer

printed text

  • Author: Cooper, Thomas Hammont.
  • Title: A practical guide for the light infantry officer : comprising valuable extracts from all the most popular works on the subject ; with further original information … / by Capt. T.H. Cooper.
  • Publication: London : Printed for T. Egerton, at the Military Library, near Whitehall, 1806.

Catalog Record

63 806 T778

Acquired December 2023

The school of arts, or Fountain of knowledge

title page

  • Title: The school of arts, or Fountain of knowledge : containing several hundred truly valuable and useful receipts, selected from the works and communications of the most eminent British artists. Particularly adapted for the use, emolument, and pleasure of the public in general and the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and science.
  • Publication: London : Printed and sold by Dean and Munday, 35, Threadneedle Street, [between 1810 and 1832]

Catalog RecordĀ 

71 810Sc

Acquired October 2019