Our labs had a blast during the two weeks of Sensory Physiology Club with New Haven high schoolers!
Our labs had a blast during the two weeks of Sensory Physiology Club with New Haven high schoolers!
Sensory Physiology Club keeps promoting science among school students. This time we hosted 65 kids form around New Haven!
Elena gave an interview on hibernation to KCBS!LINK
An article in Pesquisa features Rafael’s interview on his recent paper in Current Biology!
An article in Knowable MAGAZINE publishes an interview with Elena and features Sarah’s review on hibernation!
Sarah gave an interview about hibernation to American Chemical Society YouTube channel ! Outreach!
UPD: Now featured on NPR:
This year our Sensory Physiology Club went online. We taught physiology to a group of wonderful students from Greater New Haven school. An unforgettable week!
Watch the video! Starring uber-scientists from Slav and Elena Labs at Yale!
Sarah and Elena and putting together outreach kits to be sent to each student.A Zoom proprioception test – the first of its kind.
Viktor’s lecture on the sense of touch.
Going though key scientific concepts.
Sarah’s lab tour: calcium imaging experiment!
Marco explain the two-plate preference test for temperature sensitivity
Sarah’s lecture on the sense of smell.
Jenny’s lecture on the sense of taste.
A wonderful group of science hungry students – THANK YOU!
Bonus: the Ice Bucket Challenge!
We’ve had a wonderful week of lectures and experiments with students from Greater New Haven schools!
Now you can now watch lectures from this course on the sense of taste and smell on our SensoryPhysiologyClub channel.
We’ve launched Sensory Physiology Club in July of 2014. Since then, we’ve taught over 600 hundreds of kids!
Viktor’s lecture on the sense of touch from our 5-day course on sensory physiology for mid- and high-school students.
The Slav and Elena Labs’s own Sensory Physiology Club was proud to take part in the Yale Pathways to Neuroscience Brain Education Day.
Slav, Elena, Lydia and Evan volunteered to host science-hungry kids at the Yale Pathways to Science orientation session. We met wonderful people and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We also took a few pictures so that we now can play a very interesting intellectual game—find Evan.
The game is essentially a cryptic puzzle. It stimulates cognitive arousal, potentiates watchfulness and wariness, and battles ignorance and neglect. The game can be played individually, or by two people against one another, or even by teams. Here it is.
Level 0 (practice): Where is Evan? Hint: Evan is not Elena or Lydia.
Level 1: Beginner. Where is Evan?
Level 2: Intermediate. Where is Evan?
Level 3: Insane. Where is Evan?
We play only the best games.
We have launched the Sensory Physiology Club – a new initiative from the Slav and Elena Labs to promote education among the school kids of the Grater New Haven area. This summer, we are proud to be a part of the Yale SCHOLAR program.
Willem is trying to convince the schoolkids that being a graduate student in the Slav and Elena Labs is the best thing ever.
Evan talks brains.
Elena and Willem are totally into Evan’s lecture.
Evan discovers his sensitivity threshold in the two-point discrimination test. Maggie operates the caliper.
Cockroach electrophysiology rig with the specimen attached. Note the Faraday cage…
The setup in action.
Special thanks to Lynda Blancato and Maria Parente for making this possible!.
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