With a PhD and several stellar papers, Maddy Junkins leaves the lab to become a postdoc, while leaving behind great memories and a huge scientific legacy. So proud of you, Maddy! Good luck!
Bittersweet news: Jenny Feng leaves Elena’s lab to become an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Wesleyan University.
Good luck, Professor Feng!!!
Another bittersweet news this year. Eve Schneider, the first postdoc in Slav’s lab, leaves the lab to become an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at University of Kentucky.Good luck, Professor Schneider!
Lydia is leaving Elena’s lab to become a postdoc in the amazing lab of Dan Tracey.
Vanessa Matos-Cruz leaves Elena’s lab to become a Research Scientist at PPD
Jena Goodman—the Super-Jena !—who has been in Elena’s group since the very first day of the Lab is now leaving to become a PhD student at Boston University. Jena is now the second lab alumnus who had joined the Lab as a post-graduate trainee and progressed to become a PhD student in a prestigious university. Good job Jena!
We’re sad and happy at the same time. Sad to see you leaving and happy that you’re moving on to get your PhD. All the best and stay in touch!
The Slav and Elena Labs at Yale train the best PhD candidates!
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