Our research on hibernation is highlighted in the recent article by Pauline Charbogne on the Kavli Foundation Website.
Congrats to Sarah and Maryann!
Our research on hibernation is highlighted in the recent article by Pauline Charbogne on the Kavli Foundation Website.
Congrats to Sarah and Maryann!
Our research on hibernation is highlighted in the recent article by Lindsay Borthwick on The Kavli Foundation website.
Our paper on mechanotransduction in the afferent terminal is highlighted by eLife!
Elena gave an interview on hibernation to KCBS!LINK
An article in Pesquisa features Rafael’s interview on his recent paper in Current Biology!
An article in Knowable MAGAZINE publishes an interview with Elena and features Sarah’s review on hibernation!
Sarah gave an interview about hibernation to American Chemical Society YouTube channel ! Outreach!
UPD: Now featured on NPR:
Two news pieces covering our study on osmolyte balance during hibernation:
Yale Scientific by Miriam Kopyto
Healthy Pets by Dr. Karen Becker
UPD: also in Russian
A great dispatch by Sandy Martin on our recent study:
Sandra L. Martin “Water Balance: Abstaining from Obtaining while Retaining” Current Biology 29(19), PR925-7.
A nice news coverage of our recent publication in Current Biology by Eva Frederick in Science:
Here’s how hibernating squirrels live for months without water
Our study on the mechanism of survival without water is on the cover of today’s Current Biology!
Video abstract
A new study on the role of Piezo2 in mechanosensory specialization of trigeminal neurons is out on the cover of Cell Reports!
Schneider ER, Anderson EO, Feketa VV, Mastrotto M, Nikolaev YA, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. A cross-species analysis reveals a common strategy for mechanosensory specialization in trigeminal ganglia. Cell Reports 2019, 26(8): 1979-1987.
UPD: an interesting viewpoint on our study on “Why Evolution is True” by Matthew Cobb: Duck beaks, Umwelt and Kantian a prioris
UPD2: More press coverage on this story (also presented at Biophysical Meeting 2019): EurekAlert, Lab Manager, Phys.Org, Earth.com, Laboratoryequipment.com, also International: 20 minutos, infosalus.com, Diario de Navarra, PlanetaIncognito (Spanish), Tekk.tv (German).
UPD3: A recommendation by Ilya Ruvinsky on F1000: Neuro-Eco-Evo-Devo.
Surviving Seasonal Slumber: a nice piece inspired by our TRPM8 paper is out in this issue of National Wildlife!
Read the whole story here.
More press coverage on this paper is here.
A great commentary on Lydia and Marco’s recent paper in Current Biology is published in Journal of Experimental Biology:
Daniel Vahaba Hibernating squirrels tweak sodium channels to rest their brain. (pdf)
Elena and Slav gave an interview to German WDR radio on the latest paper from Elena’s lab.
Our paper on TRPM8 in hibernating animals is published in Cell Reports and featured on the cover!
Matos-Cruz V, Schneider E, Mastrotto M, Merriman D, Bagriantsev S, Gracheva E. Molecular prerequisites for diminished cold sensitivity in ground squirrels and hamsters. Cell Reports 2017, 21(12): 3329-37.
Our paper on Piezo2 and duckbill mechanosensitivity is featured on the cover of today’s issue of PNAS! Special thanks to Ryan Dunn for providing the photo.
A great commentary in PNAS by Ruhma Syeda on our latest paper on the sense of touch in duck neurons!
Our latest duck story was covered in Science News – a very nice takeaway by Roni Dengler:
Our recent paper has been highlighted on the PNAS website!
JCB has published an interview with Elena. Now we know everything.
Our PNAS story on UCP1 in neurons makes it to the cover of the Yale Scientific magazine:
Read the full piece here.
Our story on mechanosensitivity in duck neurons is on the front page of the Smithsonian magazine, Science Daily, Phys.org, Sciencecodex and more.We thank to Dan Mirin and Laurel Hamers for writing about our work.
UPD: In Croatian.
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