Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Category: Conference/Meeting (page 1 of 2)

Maryann gives a talk at ASAP meeting

Congratulations to Maryann on giving a terrific talk at today’s Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) meeting!

Maddy and Maryann give talks at Neuroethology Berlin

We went to Berlin to attend the 2024 International Congress Of Neuroethology. Maddy and Maryann gave wonderful talks!

Haoran and Rafael present at GRC Hypothalamus

Rafael and Haoran presented their research at the 2024 Hypothalamus Gordon Research Conference!

Jiawen’s poster at SRBR 2024

Jiawen went to Puerto Rico to present her work at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research of Biological Rhythms!

Yury, Luke and Rebecca’s talks at Keystone Somatosensation, Santa Fe

Congrats to Rebecca, Yury and Luke for their outstanding talks at the 2024 Keystone: Mammalian Somatosensation Conference in Santa Fe, NM!

YuryRebeccaLukeHuge thanks to the organizers (Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, Diana Bautista, Rebecca Seal) for the opportunity to present our lab’s work!

Yury’s seminar at Zeiss event

Yury gave a seminar at the ZEISS workshop on advanced Arivis analysis tool, sharing his experience with mastering FIB-SEM data segmentation from the recent paper.

Rafael’s talk at Proxima Symposium in Brazil

Rafael went to Porto Alegre, Brazil, to give a talk on hibernation at Proxima Symposium!

Physiology Retreat 2023-II

A second Physiology retreat this year!

Retreat Logo by Ke:

Rebecca’s talk:Poster Winners: Luke, Mai, Jiawen – congrats!

Thank you, Organizing Committee: Aki, Rafael, Qi, Amit, Jiawen, Ke and Marco:
Yale Physiology Department, 2023-11 edition:

Lorraine’s presentation at CHOATE science fair

Lorraine presented her work on mechanosensation of Elephant Nose Fish at the Choate Rosemary Hall school science fair. Congrats to Lorraine and her mentor Ke!

Sam’s presentation at HARPS

Very proud of Sam Levchenko, a lab alumnus from the Hopkins school, who presented his poster at Hopkins Authentic Research Program in Science!

Here is Sam and Marco, Sam’s mentor.

Hibernation Science Workshop 2023

Elena, Slav and Haoran went to University of Alaska Fairbanks to attend the 2023 Hibernation Science Workshop!We met Owen Funk – our first lab alumnus!Slav is drawing “Hibernation”ResultHaoran’s presentationElena’s lectureGearing up to visit the permafrost tunnels!Just outside the tunnels

Maryann’s talk at Kavli 2023

Maryann gave a terrific talk at the 2023 Kavli meeting!

essential pre-talk rituals (works every time)…and the talk begins!time for questions!


Physiology Retreat 2023

Yale Physiology Retreat 2023 at West Campus!

Retreat logo by Ke

Group photo – Department of Physiology, 2023 editionElena, Ke, SlavHaoranDavid, Mai, MaryannViktor is interrogating someone MaddyRafael  is  singing a songYuryRebeccaSlav’s talkSarah’s talkRafael wins the Grand Prix game!Organizing committee – Ke, Marco and others!

Haoran receives travel fellowship

Haoran receives a travel fellowship to attend Hibernation Science Workshop in Alaska!

Northeastern Pain Symposium

Rebecca, Ke and Yury went to Zuckerman Institue at Columbia to present their work on the sense of touch in squirrels, elephant nose fish and ducks!

iDISCO workshop

Elena, Ke and Jiawen went to Rockefeller University for an iDISCO workshop! But a slice of NY pizza first (just to reaffirm that New Haven apizza is way better).

Smith Family Awards

Slav and Elena lab members went to the Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research 30th Anniversary at Harvard Club!

Sarah’s postering!

Price Family Inaugural Symposium at Rockefeller

Sarah and Rafael went to Price Family Center Inaugural Symposium at Rockefeller University!

Keystone Vertebrate Sensory System

Luke, Yury and Slav went to Lake Tahoe, CA for the 2022 Keystone Vertebrate Sensory Systems symposium!

GRC Hypothalamus in Ventura

Maddy, Rafael and Elena presented their work at GRC Hypothalamus in Venura, Ca!

Elena’s talkMaddy’s posterRafael’s posterMorning run before the show!Join our labs, do great science, go great places!

Neuroethology 2022 in Lisbon

Neuroethology is one of the greatest venue to go to and present Slav & Elena labs’ work! This year in Lisbon!

Sarah’s posterSlav’s talkElena’s talkLisbon ducksJoin our labs to do great science and go great places!

Physiology Retreat 2022

After a two year hiatus, an in-person annual retreat is back to Physiology Department!

Retreat logo designed by Ke:Ke is giving a talk on the sense of touch in Elephant Nose Fish:Maddy’s talking about molecular mechanisms of thirst suppression during hibernation:Winners of the poster competition (L to R): Luke, Qian (Chang lab), Rafael, Ke and Elena (didn’t win anything):A grand prize (final Quiz) winner – Maryann!

Rafael wins a poster award

Congratulations to Rafael on winning a poster award at the BRASA Summit meeting!

Viktor gives a Rising Star seminar at U-Chicago

Congratulations to Viktor on being selected to give a talk at The University of Chicago Rising Stars in Neuroscience Seminar Series!

Maddy defends thesis prospectus

Maddy successfully passes her thesis prospectus defense! Congratulations!Absent from the picture are committee members: Michael Caplan, Emile Boulpaep and Rui Chang.

Sarah defends thesis prospectus

Sarah has successfully defended her thesis prospectus – another milestone towards her PhD. Congrats Sarah!

Yale Physiology Retreat 2019

Sarah’s giving a talk!Yury’s singing a song giving a talk too.Maddy is postering.Tom’s first poster!Viktor and Jean-JuRafaelPoster contest winners: Georgia (Caplan lab), Viktor and Tom. Congrats!Yale Physiology Department, v2019

Smith Family Foundation Annual Meeting

Delegates from Elena’s team went to the annual meeting of the Smith Family Foundation. Thank you for supporting basic research!

Sarah, Jenny, Maddy, Elena.


Sarah and Jenny at the Neuroday posters!

Viktor wins a talk prize

Viktor wins a talk prize at the Yale Postdoctoral Symposium. Congratulations!


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