Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: October 2018

Physiology Retreat 2018

Department of Physiology. Find Evan!LydiaEvanJennyJenny wins the 1st poster prize. Evan wins the 2nd (with Jack and Valeria)!!! Elena is awarding the prizes.Sarah, Lydia, Yury, ViktorJenny, Marco, Sarah, LydiaErdem, Susumu, Slav (Find Evan)Lydia (on the right) and VinceYury and AlbertoOrganized by Slav and Elena!

Jon Matson leaves Slav’s lab

Bittersweet news for both labs – Jon Matson is leaving us after almost four years of being an excellent tech in the lab. We will miss you, Jon! Good luck with your new job!

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