Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: November 2018

Lydia Hoffstaetter, PhD

Today is Lydia’s defense! Elena is observing the battlefield.Lydia looks very relaxed.Presentation!Slides!Data!After long deliberation on behalf of the committee (Slav, Elena, Fred, Sulayman and Susumu), Lydia is finally a PhD!A special cake for electrophysiology PhD-seekers.Cutting. Guided by Elena’s hand, naturally.Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Lydia Hoffstaetter (right next to the easy-to-find Evan).


A collaborative study between Elena and David Julius’ group is published in PNAS.

Emrick JJ, Mathur A, Wei J, Gracheva EO, Gronert K, Rosenblum MD, Julius D. Tissue-specific contributions of Tmem79 to atopic dermatitis and mast cell-mediated histaminergic itch. PNAS 2018, e-pub 11/21/2018.

Evan’s Physiology R.I.P. talk

Evan right before the seminar (writing down last minute ideas)dring the seminar (showing the location of trigeminal ganglia)and right after!Great seminar! Finding Evan has never been easier!

Matt Andrews’ seminar

Matt Andres came to give a terrific talk on physiology of hibernation!

Marco, Lydia, Yury, Viktor, Matt, Jenny, Sarah.

Lydia and Marco’s paper is covered in J Exp Biol

A great commentary on Lydia and Marco’s recent paper in Current Biology is published in Journal of Experimental Biology:

Daniel Vahaba Hibernating squirrels tweak sodium channels to rest their brain.  (pdf)


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