Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: December 2014

Research-in-Progress Seminar by Willem Laursen

Willem gave a wonderful talk today at the Departmental R.I.P. seminar series.

2014-12-08 Willem talk at RIP

Willem is showing the audience the hands that did most of the experiments.

Great job, Willem!

Karen and Evan play the fifth by good old Ludwig

In case you wonder where we draw inspiration for our research. A case study: Karen Tonsfeldt and Evan Anderson.

2014-12-05_Symphony_1Before we start—another level to the cryptic puzzle game “Find Evan”. Find Evan!

Now further complicated with an additional challenge: find Karen!

2014-12-05_Symphony_2Karen is ready to rock.

2014-12-05_Symphony_3Locked and loaded…

2014-12-05_Symphony_4Karen and her baritone. She says playing the baritone also helps with gigaseals…

2014-12-05_Symphony_5Evan and his bass. Evan’s passionate play was a challenge for the camera’s autofocus.

2014-12-05_Symphony_6Prof. Mike Higley, our friend and colleague from CNNR, plays the percussion.

2014-12-05_Symphony_7Find Evan (+5 pts). Find Karen (+10 pts).

2014-12-05_Symphony_8Proud Elena next to Evan and Evan’s bass after the venue.

2014-12-05_Symphony_9Karen and Evan. Thank you for the amazing performance!

2014-12-05_Symphony_10The Slav and Elena Labs at Yale are very fortunate to have most hard-working, most talented and multi-tasking postdocs and graduate students. Join us!

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