The fair stationer in Hyde Park 1780

description below

“View of a row of tents and temporary shelters, one with the sign “Lloyds Coffee House”, a group of four ladies outside, in foreground to right four children play, trees in background on left, a building in distance on right.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Sandby, Paul, 1731-1809, printmaker.
  • Title: The fair stationer in Hyde Park 1780 [graphic] : A distant view of Coll. Sloans Mess House &c. / P. Sandby.
  • Publication: [London] : Publishd. as the act directs by P. Sandby, [ca. 1780]

Catalog Record


Acquired May 2021

Dramatic effect, or, The death of Genl. Duroc

description below

“The interior of a tent. Duroc, in his shirt, lies supported by a soldier on a wooden bed, while Napoleon (right) holds his right hand, turning away (to the right) and covering his face with his left hand. An officer stands solicitously beside the Emperor, supporting his left elbow. Another officer stands (left) behind the head of the low bed. On the extreme left a soldier bends over a table compounding medicaments. Duroc’s coat and sword lie on a camp-stool, beside his hat and boots. A glimpse of the distant camp is seen on the extreme right, where a Mameluke stands by the tent holding Napoleon’s horse. Duroc is addressing the Emperor, with his left arm extended. Their words are etched below the title: “Duroc, “My whole life has been consecrated to your service, nor do I regret its loss, but for the use it still might have been of to your Buonaparte, “Duroc!” there is a life to come; it is there you are going to wait for me, and where we shall one day meet again!” Duroc, “Yes Sire! but that will not be these thirty years, when you will have triumphed over your enimies [sic], and realised all the hopes of your country, I have lived an honest man: I have nothing to reproach myself with, ah! Sire! go away this sight gives you pain–Be, “Farewell then my friend”.”–British Museum online catalogue.


  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: Dramatic effect, or, The death of Genl. Duroc [graphic] : vide French Bulletin.
  • Publication: London : Pubd. June 9th, 1813, by Wm. Holland, No. 11 Cockspur Street, [9 June 1813]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2020

Frost Fair on the River Thames

lwlpr33650 (1024x820)

“In the foreground is the riverside in Southwark, with spectators, and a vendor of ‘A hot Mutton Pie or an Apple Pie’; a gangway placarded ‘The New City Road’ leads from the pavement to ice. In the background is a detailed view of riverside buildings, the north ends of Blackfriars Bridge (left) and London Bridge (right), St. Paul’s, many spires, and the Monument (right). Letters on the print refer to a key in the lower margin. Tents are dotted over the ice, with a group of three in the centre of the design: ‘The City of Moscow’ has two other placards, ‘Barclays Intire’ and ‘Good Gin Rum &c.’ It flies a Russian flag and on its summit is the effigy of a man. Behind this is the ‘Lord Wellington for Ever’, with a Union flag, and on the left the ‘Orange Boven’ [see No. 12102] with ‘Good Ale Porter & Gin’; it flies the striped flag of the Stadtholder. In front of this people are dancing while a fiddler plays (‘H, Dancing and Fidling’). Behind these tents there is a curving line of spectators and pedestrians along the stream of the river, inscribed ‘I, The main walk’. At intervals along it are various attractions: ‘B, Copperplate Printing’ (the press is being worked), ‘The Wiskey Shop’ (a small booth), a printing-press with a placard ‘Frost Fair Printing Office’ (‘A, Letterpress Printing’), and, farther on, another press: ‘Thames Printing Office’ (also marked ‘A’). Other incidents are skittles (two games, ‘F, playing at Skittles’); ‘G, Throwing at Gingerbread’, with sticks, the slabs being placed on upright sticks. Two boat-shaped swings, one placarded ‘High Flyer’ (‘E, Swinging’); two ‘Ballad Singers’ (‘D’), a man and woman; the carcase of a sheep, hanging from a gibbet-like erection (‘C, A Sheep to be roasted’). In the distance a barber shaves a man who is seated in the open (‘K, Shaveall at work’).”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • TitleFrost Fair on the River Thames [graphic] : as it appeared in the hard frost, Feby. 4, 1814, between London and Blackfriars Bridges when the river was one sheet of ice and snow, and on which several trades and pastimes were carried on, the above view was taken on the spot at Bankside Feby. 4.
  • Publication[London : Published Feby. 14, 1814, by G. Thompson, No. 43 Long Lane, West Smithfield, 14 February 1814]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired February 2016

A view of Frost Fair, held on the Thames the beginning of February, 1814

lwlpr33651 (1024x726)

“View on the Thames during the 1814 Frost Fair; tents erected on the ice; people making merry in tents around fire or on the ice outside; street traders selling goods at fair; a man playing skittle in foreground, figures slipping or falling through cracks in ice behind; Blackfriars Bridge in background, with St Paul’s to the right.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • TitleA view of Frost Fair, held on the Thames the beginning of February, 1814 [graphic].
  • Publication[London : Published by T. Batchelar, 115 Long Alley, Moorfields, London, February 1814]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired February 2016