Delilah depriveing Sampson…

description below

“Lady Hertford, seated regally on a small sofa, cuts locks from the head of the Regent who reclines against her knees, asleep. The locks already cut are on the ground inscribed respectively ‘Sheridan’, ‘Norfolk’, ‘Moira’, ‘Holland’, ‘Erskine’. She is about to shear off one inscribed ‘Grenville’; the last, ‘Grey’, is still on his head. The Prince, who is conventionally handsome, and wears uniform, holds a paper signed ‘[Gren]ville / Grey’; his garter, inscribed ‘Honi so . . .’, is loose, and his left hand hides the star on his breast. Lord Yarmouth (right) stands holding a guttering candle; he points to the uncut lock, saying, “Don’t forget that lock laying [on] the shoulder its Grey dy’ye see!” In his pocket is a pamphlet: ‘Art of Milling’ [see British Museum Satires No. 11842]. To leave no doubt as to his identity, a basket of fish is beside him inscribed ‘[Y]armouth Herrings’. Lady Hertford is heavily handsome; a small crown, which might pass as a tiara decorates her head; one foot rests regally on a footstool. A pillar and drapery behind her suggest regal state. On the sofa beside her is a rolled document headed ‘Road to Hertford from Pall Mall’. On the ground (left) are empty wine-bottles; on a book by the Prince’s feet, ‘Economy of Human Life’, lies a broken bottle from which wine pours. Behind (left) stands Perceval in his Chancellor of the Exchequer’s gown, watching from behind a curtain which he holds aside; Castlereagh stands behind him, saying, “By Jasus, but she’s as pretty a Barber as ever I clap’t my eyes upon.” Perceval answers: “Hush! Hush! you’l wake him before they are all cut.”.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
  • Title: Delilah depriveing Sampson of those locks in which consisted his strength [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. Feby. 1812 by Walker and Knight, No. 7 Cornhill, [February 1812]

Catalog Record


Acquired September 2023

No effect

description below

A young gentlemen sits in a chair opposite three fashionable young ladies and their mother who are seated on a sofa. His wide grin suggests that he has amused himself with an anecdote, but the expressions on the ladies’ faces indcate that he has failed to amuse them. One of the young ladies looks down at the dog in her lap, another looks at her fan.

  • Title: No effect [graphic].
  • Publication: London : Pub. Sepr. 1823 by J. Dickinson [illegible], [September 1823]

Catalog Record


Acquired June 2020


Caroline lies on a sofa within a tent

Caroline lies on a sofa within a tent, dressed in her nightclothes and wearing a miniature of Bergami around her neck; her feathered hat rests on the ground, and on the small table beside her sit bottles of “Brandy” and “Essense of Bergamo” and a container of “Rouge”. She smiles and looks over at Bergami, who sits beside her, his slippers and hat discarded on the floor below. Above, a man reaches into the tent to take a lit candle in the candlestick from Bergami, who hands it off with a pleased expression on his face. Beside him on the sofa is a book entitled “The Pilgrim’s Guide”.

  • Printmaker: Lane, Theodore, 1800-1828, printmaker.
  • Title: “Tent-ation” [graphic].
  • Publication: London : Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s St., June 25, 1821.

Catalog RecordĀ 


Acquired March 2019