An inventory of the goods and chattels of Sus: Wood

Manuscript inventory of the household goods of Susanna Wood, who appears to have had a thriving farming business at the time the inventory was made in 1785. In addition to the usual household items, the inventory also includes a quantity of “Hogheads of Cyder” kept at several locations, three cider presses at two separate locations, “Malt Mill &c. … Untensils belonging to it”, apple trees, gardens, numerous farm animals including cows, horses, sheep, and pigs, andd related items including hay and barley, farm equipment, cheesemaking tools, and a long list of household items and furniture.

  • TitleAn inventory of the goods and chattels of Sus: Wood &c. &c. &c., 1785 / Mr. Cowlen Mr. W. Cowlen & Mr. E. Cross to value it.

Catalog Record 

File LWL Mss File 139

Acquired March 2018

An inventory of the household furniture &c belonging to Mr. Stamford

Manuscript inventory for the Scots Arms, [10] Little Hermitage Street, a pub in Wapping in East London. Drawn up at a change of ownership in 1799, the document gives a record of the furniture, fixtues and other contents of this London pub during the late Georgian period. Equipment and paraphenalia relating to the running of the pub are included, in particular items listed in the “tap room”, “kitchen” and “cellars”.

  • TitleAn inventory of the household furniture &c belonging to Mr. Stamford at the Scots Arms Little Hermitage Street taken & sold by appraisement to Mr. Willm. Finlay …, the 31st of Jany. 1799 : manuscript.
  • ProductionLondon, 1799 January 31.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss Vol. 235

Acquired July 2017

Collection of documents relating to the settlement of the estate of Mary Turner

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 A collection of documents forming a detailed record of the dispersal of the Scottish personal estate of John Turner, who was in the service of the East India Company and formerly a farmer of Roxburgh Barns. His debts to the Duke of Roxburgh and Mr. Chatto resulted in his personal estate being sequestered by court order in 1780. His debts were then assigned to his daughter Miss Turner who sold her “household furniture, labouring utensils and other effects … by public roup at Pinaclehill the 8th May 1780.” Inventories detail the possessions of Mary Turner which were auctioned off at Pinaclehill, near Kelso and other locations.

  • Title:Collection of documents relating to the settlement of the estate of Mary Turner, 1772-1794.

Catalog Record


Acquired July 2014

Inventory of Sr. Robert Danvers’s goods at Rushbrook



A detailed manuscript inventory in a single hand, taken in May 1759 “when the Duke of Cleveland came into the house.” Arranged by room, the inventory provides a detailed list of the furniture, decorative items, and other furnishings for the servants rooms, serving halls, storage areas, and even the dog kennel as well as the public rooms and owners’ personal spaces.

  • TitleInventory of Sr. Robert Danvers’s goods at Rushbrook when the Duke of Cleveland came into the house, 1759, 1760 February.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss Vol. 210

Acquired July 2013


Inventory of wearing apparel and other things of the late Mrs. Bamford



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A very detailed manuscript inventory in a single hand on three pages, two columns each, listing articles of “wearing apparel and other things” of Mrs. Ann Bamford: gowns, bonnets, stays, hoops, caps, shoes, handkerchiefs, aprons, tippets, pockets, cloaks, bonnets, shawls, gloves, petticoats, etc. The type of material and color are often included in the description as well.

  • TitleInventory of wearing apparel and other things of the late Mrs. Bamford, circa 1780?

Catalog Record

LWL Mss File 116+

Acquired July 2013

Catalog of pictures at Raynham Hall

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Room by room manuscript listing of pictures at Raynham Hall, including the painting “Belisarius” by Salvatore Rosa, acquired by Charles, second Viscount Townshend. Also includes paintings by Anthony Van Dyck, Peter Lely, and Godfrey Kneller.

  • Title: [Catalog of pictures at Raynham Hall], [177?].

Catalog Record

LWL Mss File 28

Acquired December 2004

Inventaire après le déced de Sieur Jacques-Mathurin Du Verger … à Chartres …

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Click for larger image

An detailed inventory by a professional scribe of the estate of cloth merchant Jacques-Mathurin Du Verger in the city of Chartres.

  • Title: Inventaire après le déced de Sieur Jacques-Mathurin Du Verger, ancien marchand à Chartres, 1786 July 17.

Catalog record

LWL Mss Vol. 203

Acquired November 2012

A catalogue of all the genuine and modern houshold furniture … at Wollascote Hall, …Worcester

  • Title: A catalogue of all the genuine and modern houshold furniture &c. &c. at Wollascote Hall, near Stourbridge, in the County of Worcester; late the residence of Edward Oliver, Esq. which will be sold by auction, on the premises by R. Devey, on Monday next, October 6, 1800 …
  • Published: Stourbridge : Printed by J. Rollason, 1800.

Catalog Record

Acquired May 2012

An account of household furniture sold April 20, 1781…

An account of household furniture sold April 20, 1781...

Manuscript in a single hand listing the household furnishings of Mark Burleigh, with prices assessed. Indicates the private sale of certain items to Mrs. Ford and the final settlement of the estate.
  • Title: An account of household furniture sold April 20, 1781, at the foot of Robinson’s land, Sunderland, belonging to the late Mr. Mark Burleigh by Jno. Learmond, auctioneer, 1781 April 20.

View Catalog Record

Acquired December, 2010 by the Lewis Walpole Library.

Inventory of the goods & chattles of Richard Phelps of the Parish of Awre…

Inventory of the goods & chattles of Richard Phelps of the Parish of Awre, 1758 November 10.

LWL Mss File 49+

Manuscript, in a single hand, signed by the two appaisers: Richard Blanck and W. Swayns Junior. Richard Phelps was a carpenter and coffin maker living in the Forest of Dean, Gloucester, above his workshop. The inventory contains a detailed listing of his tools as well as his household possessions — furniture, cloths, kitchen wares and other household goods — as well as his stock boards for his business. The docket title is dated 9th-10th [November] 1758 on the verso of the second leaf.

Inventory of the goods & chattels of Richard PhelpsSubjects (Library of Congress): Phelps, Richard, d. 1758; Households–Great Britain; House furnishings–Great Britain; Inventories.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: September, 2010