A manuscript in the hand of the ship’s master Nehemiah Holland recording the details of two trips from Jamaica to Liverpool. The first is titled ‘Journal of a voyage in the ship Pole (24 guns) Nehemiah Holland, Master, from Jamaica to Liverpool’ beginning with entry dated 26 July [1774] Kingston; the ship’s log records the route, weather, ship’s position, and other news learned along the way. The second portion is titled ‘Journal of a passage in the ship Sara Goulburn (26 guns). Nehemiah Holland, Master, from Bluefields in Jamaica to Liverpool’ beginning with an entry dated Thursday 30th April 1778; the account is filled with news of other ships in the convey of HMS Winchelsea, reports of mail exchange and the news about the war in the colonies and orders to sink all French men of war found in America. It also recounts the death of the ship’s cooper.
- Author: Holland, Nehemiah.
- Title: Journal of two voyages made by Captain Nehemiah Holland from Jamaica to Liverpool, 1774 and 1778.
Catalog record
Acquired November 2012
LWL Mss File 102