Collection of documents relating to the settlement of the estate of Mary Turner

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 A collection of documents forming a detailed record of the dispersal of the Scottish personal estate of John Turner, who was in the service of the East India Company and formerly a farmer of Roxburgh Barns. His debts to the Duke of Roxburgh and Mr. Chatto resulted in his personal estate being sequestered by court order in 1780. His debts were then assigned to his daughter Miss Turner who sold her “household furniture, labouring utensils and other effects … by public roup at Pinaclehill the 8th May 1780.” Inventories detail the possessions of Mary Turner which were auctioned off at Pinaclehill, near Kelso and other locations.

  • Title:Collection of documents relating to the settlement of the estate of Mary Turner, 1772-1794.

Catalog Record


Acquired July 2014