Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

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Maddy’s talk at Physiology RIPs

Maddy gave a spectacular talk at Physiology RIP seminar!

Rafael’s talk at Neuroscience seminar

Rafael gave a great talk on his recent study at a Neuroscience Seminar!

Luke gives a seminar at INP RIPs

A great talk on mechanosensation by Luke at INP RIP seminar!

Current Biology

Our new study on sexual maturation during hibernation is out in Current Biology!

Dai Pra R, Mohr SM, Merriman DK, Bagriantsev SN, Gracheva EO. Ground squirrels initiate sexual maturation during hibernation. Curr Biol 2022, e-pub 3/3/2022.

Maddy’s talk at INP RIP seminar

Maddy nails her talk at INP Research-In-Progress Seminar!

Sarah talks about hibernation to ACS

Sarah gave an interview about hibernation to American Chemical Society YouTube channel ! Outreach!

UPD: Now featured on NPR:

How climate change plays havoc on hibernating animals

Sarah gives a talk at INP RIPs

A great talk by Sarah at a Neuroscience RIP seminar!

J Exp Biol Cover

Our recent review on the neural origins of hibernation is on the cover of J Exp Biol!

Journal of Experimental Biology

All that’s known about neural origins of hibernation is in our new review!

Junkins MS, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. Towards understanding the neural origin of hibernation. J Exp Biol 2022, 225 (1): jeb229542.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Artwork by Ke Tan


Our lab’s highlight of the great discoveries by David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian that earned them the Nobel Prize in 2021 is out in Cell!

Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. Sensational Channels. Cell 2021, 184(26): 6213-16.

Ke gives a talk at Physiology RIPs

Ke nailed her RIP talk at Physiology Research-In-Progress seminar series!

Rafael wins a poster award

Congratulations to Rafael on winning a poster award at the BRASA Summit meeting!

We’re 9 years old!

cartoon by Ke Tan

Maryann Platt joins Elena’s lab

Maryann Platt is a new postdoc in Elena’s lab. Welcome!

Mai is a Uehara Postdoctoral Fellow

Congratulations to Mai on receiving a postdoctoral fellowship from the Uehara Memorial Foundation!


Slav and Elena officially receive tenure!

Sensory Physiology Club – Zoom edition 2021

Sensory Physiology Club strikes again! We’ve had a wonderful week teaching sensory physiology to a new class of science-hungry students from New Haven schools.

Rebecca’s INP RIP seminar

Rebecca gave a superb seminar at INP RIPs!


Ke and Luke give INP RIP talks

Great presentations by Ke and Luke at the INP RIP seminar!


Rafael passes quals

The keep coming! Today Rafael passed his qualifying exams! Congratulations!

Rebecca passes quals

Rebecca successfully passes qualifying exams! Congratulations!

Luke’s talk at Physiology RIPs

Luke nailed his talk at Physiology Research-In-Progress Seminar!

Viktor’s talk at Physiology RIP

A great talk by Viktor at Physiology RIP seminar series!

Nature Communications

Our collaborative study with the Sobolevsky lab is out in Nature Communications!

Nadezhdin KD, Neuberger A, Nikolaev YA, Murphy LA, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN, Sobolevsky AI. Extracellular cap domain is an essential component of the TRPV1 gating mechanism. Nature Communications 2021, 12(1):2154.

Yury’s talk at Neuro RIP

Yury gave a fantastic talk at the Neuro RIP seminar!

Maddy speaks at INP RIPS

Maddy nailed her INP RIP talk!!

Ke passes quals

Congratulations to Ke on passing her qualifying exams!

Viktor gives a Rising Star seminar at U-Chicago

Congratulations to Viktor on being selected to give a talk at The University of Chicago Rising Stars in Neuroscience Seminar Series!

Sarah gives an INP RIP talk

Sarah’s spectacular Research-In-Progress zoom talk at INP. Great job!

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