Congrats to Rafael on presenting his research at Smith Family Symposium!
Yury gave a seminar at the ZEISS workshop on advanced Arivis analysis tool, sharing his experience with mastering FIB-SEM data segmentation from the recent paper.
Yale Physiology Retreat 2023 at West Campus!
Retreat logo by Ke
Group photo – Department of Physiology, 2023 edition
Elena, Ke, Slav
David, Mai, Maryann
Viktor is interrogating someone
is singing a songYury
Slav’s talk
Sarah’s talk
Rafael wins the Grand Prix game!
Organizing committee – Ke, Marco and others!
After a two year hiatus, an in-person annual retreat is back to Physiology Department!
Retreat logo designed by Ke:Ke is giving a talk on the sense of touch in Elephant Nose Fish:
Maddy’s talking about molecular mechanisms of thirst suppression during hibernation:
Winners of the poster competition (L to R): Luke, Qian (Chang lab), Rafael, Ke and Elena (didn’t win anything):
A grand prize (final Quiz) winner – Maryann!
Sarah has successfully defended her thesis prospectus – another milestone towards her PhD. Congrats Sarah!
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