Sensory Physiology Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Category: Epistemology of PhD-ing (page 5 of 5)

Growing up

Outreach 06-2014Slav, Elena, Willem and Evan. Baseline, ‘threshold’ and the rising phase.

Evan Anderson joins Slav’s Lab

Evan Anderson (Yale M2P2) becomes the first graduate student of Slav’s group. Welcome Evan!

Evan_1Evan is a 2013 Gruber Science Fellow

Gruber logo

The effect of PhD candidacy status…

on the emotional state of a Yale PhD student. A case study. Take Willem Laursen. Here he is in the beginning of the PhD qualification exam:

Willem_exam_1And here is the same Willem Laursen after he learned that he had passed with distinction:

Willem_exam_2Congrats Willem!

Honorable mention from NSF

Willem Laursen’s graduate fellowship application to NSF has been accorded an Honorable Mention!

NSF logo

Willem Laursen joins Elena’s Lab

Willem Laursen becomes the first graduate studentĀ in Elena’s lab.

Welcome Willem!

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