Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Category: Cryptic puzzle (page 2 of 2)

Cellular & Molecular Physiology Retreat 2014

The Slav and Elena Labs organized this year’s departmental retreat at Yale West Campus.

T-shirt BACKJon and Eve rehearse Jon’s presentation2014-09-23_retreat_Jon EveKaren just can’t wait till it all starts!2014-09-23_retreat_KarenTalks. Mike Nitabach before and after his presentation.2014-09-23_retreat_Mike NitabachElena’s talk.2014-09-23_retreat_Elena talkEmile Boulpaep. Find Evan.2014-09-23_retreat_Emile BoulpaepMike Caplan’s parafilm origami master class.2014-09-23_retreat_Mike CaplanIt isn’t easy..2014-09-23_retreat_David ZenisekPoster session.2014-09-23_retreat_poster Eve

2014-09-23_retreat_poster JonJoe Santos-Sacchi definitely likes Eve’s poster.2014-09-23_retreat_poster Joe SantosKaren, Elena, Lydia.2014-09-23_retreat_Karen Elena LydiaOrganizers.2014-09-23_retreat_organizersThe Labs! (less Marco).2014-09-23_retreat_Labs

Intellectual games in the Lab

Slav, Elena, Lydia and Evan volunteered to host science-hungry kids at the Yale Pathways to Science orientation session. We met wonderful people and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We also took a few pictures so that we now can play a very interesting intellectual game—find Evan.

The game is essentially a cryptic puzzle. It stimulates cognitive arousal,  potentiates watchfulness and wariness, and battles ignorance and neglect. The game can be played individually, or by two people against one another, or even by teams. Here it is.

Level 0 (practice): Where is Evan? Hint: Evan is not Elena or Lydia.

2014-09-21 Outreach Elena Evan Lydia

Level 1: Beginner. Where is Evan?

2014-09-21 Outreach 1

Level 2: Intermediate. Where is Evan?

2014-09-21 Outreach 2

Level 3: Insane. Where is Evan?

2014-09-21 Outreach 3

We play only the best games.


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