Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: May 2024

Shade gives a talk at INP

Shade gave a superb talk on neurophysiology of reproduction during hibernation at INP RIP seminar!

Jiawen’s poster at SRBR 2024

Jiawen went to Puerto Rico to present her work at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research of Biological Rhythms!

Sima joins Slav’s lab

Serafima (Sima) Ardasheva joins Slav’s lab as a visiting undergrad from Temple University. Welcome!

Sarah Mohr, PhD

Sarah Mohr has defended her PhD thesis! Congratulations, Dr. Mohr!


Rafael is the 2024 Annie Le Fellow

Congratulations to Rafel on winning the Annie Le Fellowship 2024!

This fellowship is awarded in memory of Annie Le and is awarded to students who have demonstrated leadership and service to the Yale and New Haven community, have an exemplary record of academic achievement, and outstanding interpersonal skills.

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