Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: December 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy 2024 Year!

Jiawen passes quals

Congratulations to Jiawen on successfully passing her qualifying exam!

Ke’s talk at INP RIP

Ke gave a wonderful seminar on sensory physiology of tactile specialist fish at INP RIP seminar!

Yury’s seminar at Zeiss event

Yury gave a seminar at the ZEISS workshop on advanced Arivis analysis tool, sharing his experience with mastering FIB-SEM data segmentation from the recent paper.

Rafael’s talk at Proxima Symposium in Brazil

Rafael went to Porto Alegre, Brazil, to give a talk on hibernation at Proxima Symposium!

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