Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: September 2020

Mai joins Slav’s lab

Mai Oda is a new postdoc in Slav’s lab! Welcome Mai!

Luke joins Slav’s lab

Luke Ziolkowski, a new PhD student (Neuroscience track) joins Slav’s lab.

Welcome Luke!

Ann Rev Cell Dev Biol

Our review on hibernation is out in Ann Rev Cell Dev Biol!

Mohr SM, Bagriantsev SN, Gracheva EO. Cellular, Molecular, and Physiological Adaptations of Hibernation: The Solution to Environmental Challenges. Ann Rev Cell Dev Biol 2020, 36: e-pub Sept 08, 2020.

Congratulations, Sarah!

We’re 8 years old!

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