Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: January 2019

Jenny’s Neuroscience R.I.P. talk

Jenny gave a terrific talk at Neuroscience RIP seminar!


A new paper from our lab is out in eLife. Congratulations to Wang!

Zheng W, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. A hydrophobic gate in the inner pore helix is the major determinant of inactivation in mechanosensitive Piezo channels. eLife 2019, 8:e44003.

Sarah passes prelims

Congratulations to Sarah on successfully passing her qualifying exams!


Lyle Murphy joins Elena’s lab

Lyle Murthy joins Elena’s groups as a Research Assistant. Welcome Lyle!

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