Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: July 2018

Sarah’s talk at INP

Sarah gave a terrific talk at INP RIP seminar!

Sarah’s support team. Find Evan.Great job, Sarah!

Yury Nikolaev joins Slav’s lab

Yury Nikolaev is now a postdoc in Slav’s lab

Welcome, Yury!

Sensory Physiology Club

We’ve had a wonderful week of lectures and experiments with students from Greater New Haven schools!

Now you can now watch lectures from this course on the sense of taste and smell on our SensoryPhysiologyClub channel.

We’ve launched Sensory Physiology Club in July of 2014. Since then, we’ve taught over 600 hundreds of kids!

Lydia gives a talk at ICN2018

Lydia is presenting her new story at the International Society for Neuroethology Meeting in Brisbane, Australia.

The photo is a little fuzzy, you see, but only because Australia is so far away…

Lydia receives a Graduate Travel Award

The Award will support Lydia’s travel to the International Congress of Neuroethology in Australia!

Lydia’s award makes it two this year for our students. Congratulations!

GRC Ion Channels 2018

Slav and Evan went to 2018 GRC Ion Channels meeting at Mt. Holoyoke College. Great science! Great fun!

Find Evan.

Current Biology

See our lab’s dispatch in Current Biology to a great paper by Harold Zakon’s group on fine-tuning of potassium channels in electric fish.

Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. Communication: Potassium channels define the dialect. Curr Biol 2018, 28(13): R744-6.

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