Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: October 2013

Cellular & Molecular Physiology Retreat 2013

Willem has received an award for best poster presentation!




A new rig is under construction…

Another technological terror is under way…

The beginning of Patch Rig II: Upright patch-clamp, slice-capable, dual mechano-controlled, temeprature-controlled + more


Multiclamp constructionTo-do list

Multiclamp list

Owen Funk is the first alumnus

Owen Funk, who worked in Slav’s group for only a year, has now been accepted to the University of Michigan PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences! Congratulations Owen! Great Job! We’re proud of you!

Owen 2The Slav and Elena Labs at Yale train the best PhD candidates!

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