Experience & Projects

Work Experience (Relevant)*: National Institute of Health (NIH) Biosketch

2022: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Department of Computer Science and with a joint appointment in Biology at Claflin University (HBCU), Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Course coordinator for Bioinformatics major. Enhanced the established teaching program by enhancing the learning and research opportunities for students in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Promoted peer-peer learning, hands-on laboratory assignments to enhance critical thinking skills [classes including Probability & Statistics I & II, Biostatistics, Data Analysis (topics including descriptive & inferential statistics, variable types, distribution properties, discrete & continuous types, R functions, probability distributions, ANOVA, T-test, correlation, chi-Square, regression, etc.), Honors & Junior Seminar, Bioinformatics (topics including sequence alignment algorithms, scoring matrices, microarray analysis, phylogenetic analysis, bootstrapping, tree building, visualization: heat maps, volcano plots, pie charts, blast, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) datasets mining, Read, Pre-processing/Normalization (Affy, Oligo, Limma-RMA, Quantile, Mas5.0), Fold change expression analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), Pathways and protein downstream interactome analysis. Sequence alignments (Margaret Dayhoff, PAM, blossom scoring matrices, global & local alignment), secondary & tertiary structure prediction, homology modeling, and protein folding)], Intro to Digital Logic Design and Lab (Emphasis on digital computer hardware and software, fundamentals of Boolean algebra (MATH111), switching and switching functions, Digital logic gates, applications to logic design, minimization of Boolean function, logic design with arrays, finite state model for sequential state minimization, design abstractions, representations, process, Karnaugh maps, K-map simplification, combinatorial components, multiplexers, decoders, selectors, ROMs, PLAs, hybrid components, sequential logic, Mealy/Moore finite state machines, state minimization, encoding, control unit design), Object Oriented Programming (topics including inheritance, msg passing, polymorphism, recursion, abstraction, encapsulation, software design techniques, etc.), (STAT341, STAT401, CSCI/HNTH391/392, BTEC620, BIOL560, STAT451, CSCI225, BIOL441, BTEC599) CSCI101 Introduction to computer technology (computer hardware (processors, LMC, storage, I/O devices, software life cycle), software components and applications, programming constructs, secure computing (threats, malware, phishing, vulnerability), Exploratory Data Analysis (visualization plots), statistical tests (T-test, correlation, ANOVA, chi-square) functions, ethics in computing, promoted open door policy for improving student-teacher relations, and promoting virtual teaching to ensure competency with global culture. Contributions towards graduate ABET accreditation proposal for School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Engaged in faculty and staff enhancement activities by monthly departmental meetings and development workshops, serve the college and community by participating in science fairs and promoting STEM program in local community, involved in research and faculty development activities. Worked on course amendments and new course development for improvising syllabus structure of junior, senior and honors computer science seminar classes CSCI 391, HNTH 391 and Data Science (Data wrangling, visualization, Machine Learning QDA, LDA, ROC, Decision Trees, Regularization, Text Analysis Feature Engineering, Classification and Model Evaluation, Regression: Basics and Prediction, Evaluation and Interpretation, Clustering, etc.) course. Biotechnology Program Advisory Board, Faculty search committee member, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science for hiring new Computer Engineering and Cyber Security faculty. Academic Advisor (thesis & project) and mentored 41 students (HBCU graduates, under-graduate URISE, high-school BR-SIP, interns) to successfully transition them to medical, graduate schools and STEM jobs (University of Connecticut Medical School, Farmington, University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA, Microsoft, etc.). Current projects in collaboration with Dr. LilesDr. BagasraDr. Chowdhary, Dr. Sahu, Dr. Tisdale, Dr. Konneman Daniel, Dr. Derrick Swinton, Dr. Gao Zhi, Dr. Theppatorn & Dr. Desowky Scired: Scientific Research & Development at Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Teaching-student-advising: https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/teaching-student-advising/ Faculty Profile: https://www.claflin.edu/academics-research/faculty-research/meet-our-faculty/dr.-pawar-shrikant
2022: Research affiliate at Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Genetics, New Haven, USA.
2023: Georgia Research Consulting (GRC) LLC, Research & Training in STEM Studies, Atlanta: Title: Co-founder. Research and teaching consultant for graduate and undergraduate students. (https://www.saashub.com/georgia-research-consulting-grc-llc-alternatives https://www.f6s.com/profile/5298554 https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/georgia-research-consulting-grc-llc)

2020: Yale University, School of Medicine, Department of Genetics, Yale Center for Genome Analysis (YCGA) New Haven, USA. Title: Associate Research Scientist (https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/shrikant_pawar/), current projects in collaboration with Dr. Christian Griñán Ferré, Univesity of Barcelona, SpainDr. Kleinstein, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA; Dr. Uduman, Dana Farber Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA; Dr. George Tegos, Gamma Therapeutics; Dr. Lahiri, Sunway University, Malaysia; Dr. Allen. Bale, Dr. Hui. Zhang, DNA Diagnostic Lab at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA; Dr. Insoo. Kang; Dr. Kei-Hoi Chung; and Dr. Leying Guan at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

2020: ChestAi, New Haven, USA. Title: Founding member (https://www.chestai.org/ & https://www.crunchbase.com/person/shrikant-pawar-f817). ChestAi was started with computer scientists and geneticists at Yale university, New Haven, Connecticut, USA with a common motivation of providing a free and open source platform for rapid and robust diagnosis of pathologies identified by radiological examinations (https://www.ai4hlth.org/product-profiles/ChestAi) (https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/chestai https://www.f6s.com/company/chestai https://tracxn.com/d/companies/chestai/__MB57iTXFVTO2fhlmUZpozcbLBTim3zBYEfD1xFox4mI https://theorg.com/org/chestai https://www.startupranking.com/chestai https://www.sideprojectors.com/project/41226/chestai https://startupbuffer.com/compare-atlantica-vs-chestai https://www.saashub.com/chestai-alternatives).
2019: Karyosoft, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Title: Genomics Data Scientist, worked on angular, nodejs, flask, AWS, MongoDB, Rabbit-mq, Nginx webserver, Jbrowse techniques for data mining and software visualization.

2019: Synergy (Plus+) LLC.P.O. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Title: Data Scientist, worked on web development, statistical and data mining techniques for platform optimization.

2018: Georgia State University, Department of Biology, Atlanta, USA. Title: Instructor of Record. Next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis in R, BIOL6930 (Introduction to R, Microarrays: gene expression analysis, algorithms, databases, data visualization: heat maps, pie-charts, Venn diagrams.), Introduction to operating server and High Performance Computing cluster. Current projects in collaboration with Dr. Eichenbaum, Dr. Aneja, Dr. Charles Derby, & Dr. Chung-Dar Lu.

2018: Georgia State University, Department of Computer Science & Biology, Atlanta, USA. Title: Ahmed T. Abdelal Fellow in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology

2013: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Title: Center for International Collaborative (CIC) Research Fellow
2012: University of Iowa, Department of Biology, Iowa City, USA. Title: Visiting Research Fellow. Current projects in collaboration with Dr. Claire Rinehart & Dr. Cheryl Davis.


You can find all my projects and code repositories at Github following the link: https://github.com/spawar2

Important & Interesting project mentions:

  • Android utility app: This project was focused on development of android application with several use case utilities ####https://github.com/spawar2/Android-Utility-App-####[Java: android.content.Context, android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry, android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4, org.junit.Test, org.junit.runner.RunWith] https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^
  • A PHP, MySQL based online shopping portal: This project was focused on development of online shopping portal similar to Amazon and ebay ####https://github.com/spawar2/Final_Project_PHP_SQL####https://vimeo.com/356775874?activityReferer=1 [PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript: mysql_import.sql] https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^

  • Machine learning for selection and classification of HIV PR resistance:

    [*2018:1] [**2018:910,11]

    This project was focused on applying neural network architecture on HIV deep sequencing data, collaboration with Dr. Harrison and Dr. Weber, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://csds.gsu.edu/profile/robert-harrison/ https://cas.gsu.edu/profile/irene-weber/ ####https://github.com/spawar2/HIV_Machine_Learning_Techniques#### [MATHLAB, R, Python: numpy, sklearn.model, pylab, sklearn.decomposition] BioMed Central BMC Bioinformatics Paper Poster Link^^^

  • Java-platform-to-create-logic-circuit to evaluate-bolean-expression: This project was focused on developing a java platform to evaluate bolean expressions from computer architecture ####https://github.com/spawar2/Computer-Architecture–Java-platform-to-create-logic-circuit–evaluate-bolean-expression#### https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^
  • Java_SQL_MiceExperiment_Record_Tracking_Software: This project was focused on development of a java gui with record tracking features, collaboration with Dr. Batra, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://www.linkedin.com/in/harshul-batra/ ####https://github.com/spawar2/Java_SQL_MiceExperiment_Record_Tracking_Software#### [Java: javax.swing.JFrame, javax.swing.JOptionPane, javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel, javax.swing.table.TableModel, java.sql., javax.swing., net.proteanit.sql.DbUtils, java.sql.Connection, java.sql.Statement, java.sql.SQLException, java.util.ArrayList] Future Science OA Paper Demo App^^^
  • A PHP, MySQL based electronic record keeping cloud system: This project was focused on developing electronic record keeping cloud system, collaboration with Dr. Batra, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://www.linkedin.com/in/harshul-batra/
    ####https://github.com/spawar2/Electronic-Cloud-Notebook–PHP–MySQL–Apache#### Journal of Engineering and Technology Research Paper Demo^^^
  • Glycan-to-DNA-Mapping-Web-Server: This project was focused on developing a python based web platform to handle Glycan-to-DNA-Mapping quiries, collaboration with Dr. Shukkor, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA ####https://github.com/spawar2/Glycan-to-DNA-Mapping-Web-Server#### [Python] bioRxiv Paper Demo^^^
  • Patient flow simulation in EMS department: This project was focused on developing a devs-java based EMS simulation to address ED over crowding, collaboration with Dr. Stanam, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA https://www.linkedin.com/in/aditya-stanam-07bbb819/ ####https://github.com/spawar2/Devs_Java_Patient_Flow_SimulationinEMS#### [Java: DEVSJAVALab, simView., java.awt., java.io., genDevs.modeling., genDevs.simulation., GenCol.] Springer Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Paper Demo^^^
  • Head-Neck-Cancer–ROC–SVM–KM–Expression-Analysis: This project was focused on support vector machine analysis of HNC patients, collaboration with Dr. Stanam, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA https://www.linkedin.com/in/aditya-stanam-07bbb819/^^^
    ####https://github.com/spawar2/Head-Neck-Cancer–ROC–SVM–KM–Expression-Analysis#### Springer Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Paper
  • Interleukin_Pathway_Survival_Gene_Expression_Analysis:

    [*2019:10] [**2019: 8]

    This project was focused on gene expression analysis of Interleukin_Pathway genes American Association of Cancer Research AACR Paper Poster Link ####https://github.com/spawar2/Interleukin_Pathway_Survival_Gene_Expression_Analysis https://sites.gsu.edu/bgsa/ ####, collaboration with Dr. Stanam, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA https://www.linkedin.com/in/aditya-stanam-07bbb819/ [R: Biobase, GEOquery, survminer, survival]^^^

  • Face-Recognition-Python: This project was focused on utilizing open CV python for facial recognition ####https://github.com/spawar2/Face-Recognition-Python#### [Python: cv2, sys]^^
  • Forcasting-pipelines: This project was focused on developing 3 Forcasting-pipelines with time series data ####https://github.com/spawar2/Forcasting-pipelines#### [R: ForeCA] Springer Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology Paper^^^
  • Random-Forest-for-Ovarian-Breast-Cancer-Patients:


    This project was focused on developing a biomarker utilizing random forest technique ####https://github.com/spawar2/Random-Forest-on-Ovarian-Breast-Cancer-Patients####, collaboration with Dr. Lahiri, Sunway University, Malaysia  https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=cZaBPOoAAAAJ&hl=en

    [R: GEOquery, Biobase, preprocessCore, multiClust] Poster Link Presentation PPT^^^

  • GeneSearch: This project was focused on developing a java gui to search genes from public repositories, collaboration with Dr. Chung-dar Lu, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chung-Dar-Lu
    ####https://github.com/spawar2/GeneSearch#### Java^^^
  • Clustering_Analysis_Cancer_Techniques:

    [*2020:5] [**2020:6]

    This project was focused on developing a biomarker tool utilizing clustering techniques ####https://github.com/spawar2/Clustering_Analysis_Cancer#### [R: GEOquery, Biobase, preprocessCore, multiClust, ctc, gplots, dendextend, graphics, grDevices, amap] Springer Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Paper Poster Link Presentation PPT^^

  • Image augmentations: https://github.com/spawar2/NLP-Challenge [Python: keras.datasets, mnist, models, layers, tensorflow, Sequential, Dense, Conv2D, Dropout, Flatten, MaxPooling2D]^^
  • Electric scooter for overcoming transportation and pollution problems:

    [*2021:4] Springer Sustainable Intelligent Systems ####https://devpost.com/software/ebird####. Prototype selected for Collegiate Cup Competition and TYE University Competition Qualifying Round 2019 and Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute (ENI) Mentor Program Poster^^^

  • Random_Forest_Classfication_Renal_Cell_Carcinoma: This project was focused on developing a biomarker tool utilizing random forest Association of Computing Machinery ACM Paper ####https://github.com/spawar2/Random_Forest_Renal_Cell_Carcinoma#### [R: forcats, randomForest], collaboration with Dr. Lahiri, Sunway University, Malaysia https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=cZaBPOoAAAAJ&hl=en https://github.com/rushikeshchopaderc https://in.linkedin.com/in/rushikesh-chopade-88470615b This project in collaboration with Rushikesh Chopade Undergraduate student: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. Presently with ChestAi, https://www.chestai.org/ Presentation PPT^
  • COVID19-Temperature-Dashboard: This project was focused on understanding relationship between COVID19-Temperature ####https://github.com/spawar2/COVID19-Temperature-Dashboard#### [R:shiny, highcharter, dplyr, UI, Server] medRxiv Paper Demo^


  • Regression-Analysis-Alzheimers-Disease: This project was focused on utilizing machine learning tools for feature classification in Alzheimers ####https://github.com/spawar2/Regression-Alzheimers-Disease#### [R: MASS, car, glm.predict]^^^
  • Machine Learning Classification Pulmonary-Embolism-Master: This project was focused on utilizing machine learning tools for feature classification in Embolism ####https://github.com/spawar2/Pulmonary-Embolism-Master#### [Python: numpy, sklearn, pandas, os, MATPLOTLIB]^^^
  • DARTO: Program to identify orthologs for genes: ####https://github.com/spawar2/DARTO#### [Python: os, Bio.Blast, ssl, tkinter, askopenfilename, filedialog], collaboration with Dr. Lahiri, Sunway University, Malaysia https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=cZaBPOoAAAAJ&hl=en^^^
  • Neural-Networks-for-Ovarian-Carcinomas: This project was focused on utilizing machine learning tools for feature classification in Ovarian-Carcinomas: Springer Intelligent Sustainable Systems Paper ####https://github.com/spawar2/Neural-Networks-for-Ovarian-Carcinomas#### [R: curatedOvarianData, tidyverse, boot, plyr, e1071]  Poster Link Presentation PPT^^
  • Chest-X-ray-Neural-Nets: This project was focused on utilizing CNN’s for X-ray image classification: https://github.com/spawar2/Chest-X-ray-Neural-Nets Demo Poster Link Product [*2023:49; 2021: 1723] [**232930, 37, 42] [Python: fastai.vision, torchvision.models, pandas, Path]

[https://github.com/rushikeshchopaderc https://in.linkedin.com/in/rushikesh-chopade-88470615b https://github.com/SurajK7/ https://in.linkedin.com/in/surajkumar1004 This project in collaboration with **Rushikesh Chopade, Suraj Kumar Undergraduate student: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. Project: CHEST-AI: AI tool for detection of lung diseases from chest X- ray data (Spring 2021). Springer Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing, Springer Intelligent Sustainable Systems, bioRxiv Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper  https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-9819-5_49 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-7660-5_7 https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1129014/latest.pdf https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.21.461307v1.abstract https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3469213.3469214 https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/seller-profile?id=seller-b6otd3wry7lkk https://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/campuspress.yale.edu/dist/7/3679/files/2023/10/ChestAi-300×167.png] collaboration with Dr. Narayanan, Johnson & Johnson, Pennsylvania, USA https://anandnarayananphd.com/ (National Science Foundation South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR) RII Track-1 award funded project Role: Co-PI, (direct, 100%)) Poster Presentation PPT PPT^^

  • BASELINe-Data: This project was focused on utilizing Bayesian estimation techniques for B and T cell profiling: https://github.com/spawar2/BASELINe-Data Demo [R Shiny: Tidyverse, UI, Server], collaboration with Dr. Kleinstein, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA https://medicine.yale.edu/lab/kleinstein/^


  • Single-Cell-RNA-Analysis: This project was focused on single cell analysis techniques: https://github.com/spawar2/Single-Cell-RNA-Analysis & https://github.com/spawar2/Single-Cell-Analysis [Python: pandas, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, string, anndata, defaultdict, OrderedDict, sklearn.preprocessing, TruncatedSVD], collaboration with Dr. Kozma, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/2548907/overview^^^

  • CellLine Dependency Analysis: https://github.com/spawar2/CellLine-Dependency [R: DESeq2]^
  • COVID-SwabSeq-Testing-Run: This project was focused on testing Swab-Seq technique on COVID swab tests: https://github.com/spawar2/COVID-SwabSeq-Testing-Run [R: ggbeeswarm, MASS, speedglm, furrr, readxl, magrittr, tidyverse]^

  • Object-Recognition-Python: This project was focused on object recognition using OpenCV: https://github.com/spawar2/Object-Recognition-Python bioRxiv Paper Demo Product [Python: numpy, os, urllib, sys, tarfile, tensorflow, zipfile, cv2, csv, time, collections, defaultdict, StringIO, matplotlib, PIL]^^

  • Quasi-quantum model for potentization: This project was focused on potentization analysis: https://github.com/spawar2/Shrodinger-Equation [R] Git PPT^^^

  • Gene set enrichment analysis for RNA expression data: https://github.com/spawar2/Fold-Change-Comparisons [R: GenomicFeatures, clusterProfiler, enrichplot, ggplot2]^^^

  • Kivy app interface development in R: https://github.com/spawar2/Kivy-GUI-R [Python: kivy.app, kivy.lang, Builder, Screen, ObjectProperty, Popup, Label, DataBase]^

  • Structuralvariant-Detection tool: https://github.com/spawar2/Structural-variant-Detection [R]^

  • Program to Count-relative-frequency-of-amino-acids: https://github.com/spawar2/Count-relative-frequency-of-amino-acids [Python: itertools, product, combinations, Counter]^^

  • Text to voice conversion application: https://github.com/spawar2/Text-to-Voice-Application [Python: os, numpy, shlex, subprocess, sys, wave, deepspeech, Model, printVersions, timeit]^^

  • CT brain hemorrhage training: https://github.com/spawar2/CNN_Training [Python: matplotlib.pyplot, torch, time, numpy, collections, OrderedDict, torch.autograd, PIL, lr_scheduler, copy, json, os]^^

  • Evaluating performance of regression and classification models with prognostic markers in lung carcinomas: https://github.com/spawar2/Regression-Lung-Carcinoma^^

    Paper [R: randomForest, caret], collaboration with Dr. Lahiri, Sunway University, Malaysia https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=cZaBPOoAAAAJ&hl=en

    er   Presentation PPT

    Springer Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Paper

  • HemorhageDetection-CT-Scan: https://github.com/spawar2/Hemorhage-Detection-CT-Scan [**33] Poster Springer [Python: numpy, pandas, pydicom, matplotlib.pyplot, math, cv2, tensorflow, keras]

[https://github.com/CoolSubash https://np.linkedin.com/in/subash-neupane-aa07ba228?trk=public_profile_browsemap This project in collaboration with **Subash Neupane(Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA Seed award funded project Role: PI, (direct, 100%)) Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2023). Utilization of Machine Learning Techniques for Aiding Detection of Ischemic Stroke Lesion, Infarct Volumes, and Small-artery Occlusion https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_e12daf8e87c348c5a9347af693993739.pdf] Project: https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2024/04/Seed-Report-2023-d26fc72513e269e3.docx^^

  • Anovos feature engineering process to increase efficiency tool contributor:  https://github.com/spawar2/Anovos-Contributor-User^
  • Techniques of brain segmentation from CT scan: https://github.com/spawar2/Image_Segmentation [Python: pydicom, numpy, cv2, os, math, pylab, matplotlib, scipy, ndimage, skimage, morphology]^^

  • Stroke risk stratification with neural nets: [*2024:9][**2024:36]

     https://github.com/spawar2/Neural-Networks-Stroke Springer Intelligent Sustainable Systems Paper [R: neuralnet] Presentation PPT (Claflin University  Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA, seed funded project) Role: PI, (direct, 100%)^^

  • System-Level-Programming: https://github.com/spawar2/System-Level-Programming, https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^

  • Data-Structures: https://github.com/spawar2/Data-Structures, https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^
  • CS-Introduction: https://github.com/spawar2/CS-Introduction, https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^
  • Advanced-Graphic-Algorithms: https://github.com/spawar2/Advanced-Graphic-Algorithms, https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^
  • Fundamentals of Bioinformatics: https://github.com/spawar2/Bioinformatics-scripts, https://csds.gsu.edu/^^^
  • Nano-particles property prediction with random forests: https://github.com/spawar2/RF-ENP [R Shiny: MissForest, randomForest, caret, UI, Server], collaboration with Dr. Swinton, Kean University https://www.kean.edu/directory/derrick-swinton https://yalegenomics.shinyapps.io/appenp/?_ga=2.91441946.1803750112.1677552931-1693957918.1677552931^^


SC Independent Colleges & Universities (SCICU): https://scicu.org/events/scicu-undergraduate-student-faculty-research-symposium-4/ [https://github.com/eniolla https://www.linkedin.com/in/priscilla-fatokun-35007119a https://github.com/mayor90/thesis Thesis presentation: https://youtu.be/NUPr-kXKCaU https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2023/12/SCICU-research-poster.pptx This project in collaboration with **Mr. Owalabi Oluwamayowa (South Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities SCICU award funded project Role: PI, (direct, 100%)),  **Priscilla E. Fatokun (South Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities SCICU award funded project Role: PI, (direct, 100%)), Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2023). ProjectSMART-HOME proposal collection and processing of health-care data for African-American subjects from wrist wearable devices. https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2023/12/SCICU-research-poster.pptx https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2024/02/Priscilla-Research-Presentation-0b920a0c624e2982.pptx] Project: https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_88f5decdd4c44ce497f7f2f71018c63b.docx?dn=Building%20a%20Responsive%20SmartHome.docx PPT: https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_65cf61cfe8b8429fae9cfcb31f099f15.pptx?dn=Building%20a%20Responsive%20Smart%20Home.pptx Project: https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_5add3a1670ff4c68a3cb307ddbe7e811.docx?dn=Priscilla%20Fatokun%27s%20Thesis.docx PPT: https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_9ea49363c6704e198ccbd724c57a3fdc.pptx?dn=Priscilla%20Fatokun%27s%20Presentation.pptx

  • Blood cancer expression analysis: https://github.com/spawar2/Blood-Cancer-Analysis [This project was in collaboration with Ms. A Agrawal, University of Connecticut, Special Program in Medicine (BS/MD), Experiential Learning Program Project: Identifying biomarkers between lymphoma and leukemia cancer patients (Fall 2021). CT STEM and Norwalk Science Fair (Poster)] [R: Affy, Limma] Title III and Special Initiative Office SEED Funding, Claflin University,  Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA: Biomarker Identification for the Diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) (2024): (direct and indirect)  Github Students involved **Lierra Rivera Presently doctoral student at Clemson University, Bioengineering Program, **Germari Cull, **Mr. Adrian Lockwood and **Kalyn Wesby. Role: PI, (direct, 100%)^^
  • ChatGPT testing: https://github.com/spawar2/ChatGPT-Testing [https://github.com/bpritish https://www.linkedin.com/in/pritishbhave This project in collaboration with P Bhave, Senior Software Engineer, Walmart. Analyze ChatGPT’s codex to determine it’s viability to identify basic issues with provided Python code using OpenAI’s code model, current `code-cushman-001`] [Python: os, time, datetime, openai] [**44Overview PPT Presentation^^

  • NSF National Science South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR) Foundation-RET Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Research Education of Teachers: Machine learning applications for studying check-point genes expressed in ten different human cancer types. https://github.com/spawar2/NSF-INBRE-EPSCoR-RET [ https://github.com/ethaharikanaidu This project in collaboration with *******Harika Baidu, teacher at Bamberg Ehrhardt High School (Summer 2022). Machine learning applications for studying check-point genes expressed in ten different human cancer types. Machine learning applications for studying check-point genes expressed in human Ovarian cancers. https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_1ad94ed63c6a49c887177419bdb46567.docx?dn=Etha%20project%20report.docx] [R: edgeR, hgu133plus2.db, tidyverse]^^

  • TF–IDF-term frequency–inverse document frequency: https://github.com/spawar2/term-frequency-inverse-document-frequency [Python]^^^

  • NSF National Science Foundation SCICU: Natural Language Processing (NLP) for optimizing career advancement prospects. https://github.com/spawar2/NSF-SCICU-2022. Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA student Johsua Kiprono, Presently software engineer at Atlassian. App Deploy: Project: https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_0fc28fef39d94861ad5b18e83391a167.docx?dn=JoshuaKipronoThesisDraft.docx PPT: https://www.claflin-computation.com/_files/ugd/81dd80_8bb6fb5a75384bd5888fd7d8f43d51af.pdf https://joshuakiplimo-resparse-resumematch-6a8pxp.streamlit.app/ Thesis presentation: https://youtu.be/Jx6Q7TaISIU

    Poster Link

    (South Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities SCICU award funded Role: PI, (direct, 100%) project)^^

  • Single-Cell-MA-plots-Crustacean-Species: https://github.com/spawar2/Single-Cell-MA-plots-Crustacean-Species Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Paper [R: Deseq2, ggplots], collaboration with Dr. Kozma, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/2548907/overview^^^
  • miRNA-analysis: https://github.com/spawar2/miRNA-analysis [R: DESeq2, tidyverse], collaboration with Dr. Christain, University of Barcelona, Spain https://www.ub.edu/farmaco/en/pharmacognosy/research/neuropharmacology_in_aging_and_neurodegeneration/6/
    Elsevier Data in Brief Paper ^^^
  • Traffic-Counter-ML: https://github.com/spawar2/Traffic-Counter-ML [Python: os, numpy, cv2, mrcnn.config, mrcnn.model, MaskRCNN, pathlib, twilio.rest, Client, kivy, App, Label, GridLayout, TextInput, Widget, BoxLayout, random]^^
  • Calcium-Interactomes: https://github.com/spawar2/Calcium-Interactomes [R: CytoHubba, Cytoscape, String, GSEA], collaboration with Dr. Yang, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://cas.gsu.edu/profile/jenny-j-yang/ Dr. Rakshya-Gorkhali https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rakshya-Gorkhali
    Nature Publishing Group NPG Scientific Reports Paper^^^
  • Harr-Fisc-Transformations-Microarray: [*2013:4] [**161718], collaboration with Dr. Rinehart, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA https://www.wku.edu/artp/webpages/bisc_dir.php
    https://github.com/spawar2/Harr-Fisc-Transformations-Microarray [R] Poster BioMed Central BMC Bioinformatics Paper^^^^
  • Linkedimm: https://github.com/spawar2/Linkedimm [Python: plotly, tidyverse, htmlwidgets, plotly, tidyverse, htmlwidgets], collaboration with Dr. Kleinstein, Yale University, New Haven, USA https://medicine.yale.edu/lab/kleinstein/ Dr. Kei cheung, https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/kei_cheung/?tab=bio
    BioMed Central BMC Bioinformatics Paper^
  • 2nd CMI-PB Prediction challenge: https://github.com/spawar2/2nd-CMI-PB-Prediction-challenge/tree/main^^

  • HSET-Ovarian-Cancer-Biomarker:  [*2017:1, 2016:1] [**12], collaboration with Dr. Aneja, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA https://biomedical.gsu.edu/ritu/
    https://github.com/spawar2/HSET-Ovarian-Cancer-Biomarker [R: BGmix] https://sites.gsu.edu/bgsa/ PosterBioMed Central BMC Journal of Ovarian Research Paper ^^^
  • Binary-Search-Tree-In-Java-Implementation: https://github.com/spawar2/Binary-Search-Tree-In-Java-Implementation [Java]^^
  • Comparative-analysis-endemic-Coronaviruses: Taylor and Francis Libyan Journal of Medicine Paper https://github.com/spawar2/Comparative-analysis-endemic-Coronaviruses [R: ggplots], collaboration with Dr. Bagasra, Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA https://www.claflin.edu/academics-research/faculty-research/meet-our-faculty/omar-bagasra^^
  • Prostrate-Cancer-Biomarker-Analysis: https://github.com/spawar2/Prostrate-Cancer-Biomarker-Analysis. [R: edgeR, hgu133plus2.db, tidyverse, Affy] [https://www.linkedin.com/in/zion-ratchford-07514b1b9. This project in collaboration with **Zion Ratchford, Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2023). https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2024/04/Zion-Presentation-80fd6d81d5b4f75b-rotated-e1712021318501-225×300.jpg https://www.linkedin.com/in/zion-ratchford-07514b1b9 https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2024/01/Final-Prospectus-Edited-7e17c09b3e8c4813.pdf https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2024/04/ROLE-CIRCULATION-BIOMARKERS-IN-PROSTATE-CANCER-DIAGNOSIS-4dbb44b57f793d6a.pptx]^^

  • Internship: https://github.com/spawar2/INTERNSHIP [This project in collaboration with **Yash Singh, *Sai and Mohit, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA. Biomarker discovery in prostrate, lung and breast cancers (Spring 2024). https://github.com/yashsingh43 https://github.com/AbhayR43 https://github.com/Msai32005 https://github.com/rrchada https://github.com/arnavmadderla] [2024:**41] Poster^^
  • National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health analysis shows correlations between fast food consumption with physical and mental health of adults facing food insecurities Github [R: Tidyverse, ggplots]^^

  • Acid Ceramidase in colon cancer, with Dr. Harikumar, RGCB Github [R: Deseq2, ggplots]^^

  • Speech to text conversion using BytesIO: https://github.com/spawar2/Speech2Text [Python: BytesIO, b64decode, google.colab, IPython.display]^^

  • Diabetic Retinopathy Detection: https://github.com/spawar2/Diabetic-Retinopathy-Neural-Networks/tree/main [Python: tensorflow, keras, layers, numpy, pandas, random, os, shutil, matplotlib.pyplot, imread, keras.preprocessing.image, ImageDataGenerator, categorical_accuracy, sklearn.model]^^

  • Atrial Fibrillation Detection: https://github.com/spawar2/Atrial-Fibrillation-Neural-Networks [Python: numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib.pyplot, sklearn.metrics, classification_report, sklearn.model_selection, f1_score, confusion_matrix, to_categorical, class_weight, OS, warnings]^^

  • Murmur-Neural-Network: https://github.com/spawar2/Murmur-Neural-Network [Python: warnings, matplotlib, pylab inline, tensorflow, Keras, os, pandas, librosa, glob, matplotlib.pyplot]^^

  • Artificial Intelligence Based Framework for Predicting the Spread of Climate Change Related Infectious Diseases (Scired: Scientific Research & Development): https://github.com/spawar2/SCIRED-Analysis, collaboration with Dr. Desowky, Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA https://desoky.com/^^

  • Neural networks on CTA in peripheral arterial diseases (PAD): https://github.com/spawar2/CTA-PAD-Neural-Nets [Python: pytorch, tensorflow]

    (National Science Foundation South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR) NSF RII Track-1 award funded project Role: Co-PI, (direct, 100%)): https://scepscor.org/adapt-in-sc-thrust-2/. This project in collaboration with https://github.com/Caliese **Caliese J. Beckford, https://www.linkedin.com/in/caliese-beckford-25851821b/?originalSubdomain=jm (Graduate student), Undergraduate student: **Mr. Sabb, Dinari, (National Science Foundation South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR) NSF RII Track-1 award funded project Role: Co-PI, (direct, 100%)), Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2023). Machine learning application for biomedical device development. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dinari-sabb-0b62b51ba https://github.com/DinariSabb^^

  • Generative AI ChatBot using gpt-3.5-turbo engine: https://github.com/spawar2/Generative-AI-ChatBot-using-gpt-3.5-turbo-engine [Python, HTML: numpy, pandas, pydicom, matplotlib.pyplot, math, cv2, tensorflow, keras, OPENAI, model: gpt-4-turbo]^^

  • Summer-Undergraduate-Research-Internship-2024:  [R: edgeR, hgu133plus2.db, tidyverse, Affy]  (4 students) https://github.com/spawar2/Summer-Undergraduate-Research-Internship-2024/tree/main This project in collaboration with **Felicia Forrester: https://www.linkedin.com/in/feliciaforrester, **Subash Neupane, https://github.com/CoolSubash https://np.linkedin.com/in/subash-neupane-aa07ba228?trk=public_profile_browsemap, **Amrinder Singh, **Ian, **Bimal https://www.linkedin.com/in/amrinder-singh-b74426251, Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2023). Machine Learning applications in computer aided diagnosis (CAD) in hemorrhage, brain tumor, stroke, and cervical fractures. https://github.com/FelForr; https://github.com/AmrinderGlLL; https://github.com/bimalitani100; https://github.com/IanAAdams; https://github.com/jybvby^^

  • Hemoglobin and cancerous mole monitoring using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), image analysis techniques, and machine learning: https://github.com/spawar2/NIRS-Machine-Learning. In collaboration with *Aryan Shrivastav, sophomore at Amity Regional High School in Woodbridge, Connecticut, USA. https://github.com/AryanS-0101^^

^^Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA 

^Yale University, School of Medicine, Department of Genetics, Yale Center for Genome Analysis (YCGA) New Haven, USA.

^^^Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA

^^^^Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA