Teaching: https://pawar1550.wixsite.com/claflin-courses
Student gallery can be found below:
- Vereen Marquis, Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA https://www.claflin.edu/
- Kelchi Award Number: 2242812, Award/Fund Agency Code: 4900
- Kurt Abraham, United States of America (USA). Program Element/Reference Code (PEC/Congressional District): 193Y00, 075Z/03, Assistance Listing Number: 47.083.
- Pricilla Enola
- Jadeyn
- Chris
- 34. **Caliese J. Beckford
- Subhash ∑: Thesis Advisor. (National Science Foundation (NSF) South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR), Grant/award/project title: “AI-enabled Devices for the Advancement of Personalized and Transformative Healthcare in South Carolina (ADAPT)”,RII Track-1 award funded Role: Co-PI, NSF Identifier: 000879633, Award Number: 2242812, Award/Fund Agency Code: 4900, Program Element/Reference Code’s (PEC/Congressional District): 193Y00, 075Z/7715/8037/9150/SMET/03, Assistance Listing Number: 47.083 (Direct costs, Effort=100%) project) https://scepscor.org/adapt-in-sc-thrust-2/ https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2242812&HistoricalAwards=false
- Daniel Developing a Machine-Learning Driven Wearable Vest for Early Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease through Vitals Analysis, Connecticut Stem Fair, USA, 1 February, 2025, by Aryan Shrivastav, Pawar Shrikant.^^ Poster Presentation. https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2025/01/Aryan-Shrivastav-Poster-PDF-300×225.jpg
- Daniel
- Jasmine Love
- Bibek Itani
- Chandler A Glover
- Jaelyn
- Enoch Abraham
- Nichelle A. Tomlin
- Robert
- Mendel Rivers
- Maya B. Taylor
- Lydia Goosby
- A Agrawal
- Alote Jones https://www.claflin.edu/ **Mr. Jaylin McCollum, Biomarker Identification for the Diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2026). π +.
- Jalyen
- Chandler O. Logan
- Ben’Aje Parker
- Emanuel Nbuski
- Joshua
- Madhu
- Jasmine
- Rushikesh
- Anika
- Rahul
- Rohan
- Evan E. Simms