The Department of Defense (DoD), Army Materiel Command (AMC), Grant/award/project title: “HBCU/MI Equipment/Instrumentation grant award” (2024–2025), Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Total Award (Direct and indirect costs), Role: PI, Effort=100% $410,596. (May 1, 2024- August 31, 2025), funding award number (FOA): W911NF23S0014, Grant Program (CFDA) 12.630: Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering: Intel Xeon NVIDIA GPU Server for Enhancing Computational Capabilities at Claflin University.
National Science Foundation (NSF) South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR), RII Track-1 Award: Grant/award/project title: “AI-enabled Devices for the Advancement of Personalized and Transformative Healthcare in South Carolina” (ADAPT 2023-2027): Total Award (Direct and indirect costs) Role: Co-PI/co-PI (Principal Investigator), Effort=100% $20,000,000.00, Claflin Sub-award $414,000.00. A multi-institutional grant collaboration between Clemson University in partnership with Benedict College, The Citadel, Claflin University, College of Charleston, Francis Marion University, Medical University of South Carolina, South Carolina Research Authority, South Carolina State University, Tri-County Technical College, University of South Carolina, and Winthrop University. GitHub. Poster. Funding supports Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA, students **Caliese J. Beckford+π (Thesis Advisor), **Mr. Oluwademiladeayo Ashade+π (Thesis Advisor), and **Mr. Sabb, Dinari+π (Thesis Advisor). **Mr. Subash Neupane+π (Thesis Advisor), Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2026). **Mr. Amrinder Singh+π (Thesis Advisor), Undergraduate student: Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. (Fall 2026). (National Science Foundation (NSF) South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR), Grant/award/project title: “AI-enabled Devices for the Advancement of Personalized and Transformative Healthcare in South Carolina (ADAPT)”,RII Track-1 award funded Role: Co-PI, NSF Identifier: 000879633, Award Number: 2242812, Award/Fund Agency Code: 4900, Program Element/Reference Code’s (PEC/Congressional District): 193Y00, 075Z/7715/8037/9150/SMET/03, Assistance Listing Number: 47.083 (Direct costs, Effort=100%) project). Role: Co-PI, NSF Identifier: 000879633, Award Number: 2242812, Award/Fund Agency Code: 4900, Program Element/Reference Code’s (PEC/Congressional District): 193Y00, 075Z/7715/8037/9150/SMET/03, Assistance Listing Number: 47.083, (August 1, 2023- August 31, 2027) (Direct costs, Effort=100%) Thrust II: Techniques of computer vision for image analysis, Education and Workforce Development, Project Implementation Team [*2023:9, 2024:16], [**38, 40, 42, 43]. Presentation, PPT, PPT. [**2024:47],GitHub, Poster 1, Poster 2.
- National Science Foundation South Carolina Established Program for Stem Cooperative Research (SC EPSCoR), RII Track-1 Award, Subaward, Clemson University https://cecas.clemson.edu/biophotonics/ GAIN CRP (Grants for Applications in Industry and Networking Collaborative Research Program, AI-enabled Devices for the Advancement of Personalized and Transformative Healthcare in South Carolina (ADAPT)): Grant/award/project title: “AI-Enabled Construction of Aligned Collagen Using Two-Photon Techniques” ((May 1, 2024- August 31, 2025)): Total Award (Direct and indirect costs) $70,000.00 [**43, 50], Poster Funding supports Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA students **Caliese J. Beckford+π (Thesis Advisor) and **Mr. Sabb, Dinari+π (Thesis Advisor). Role: Co-PI, NSF Identifier: 000879633, NSF Identifier: 000879633, Award Number: 2242812, Award/Fund Agency Code: 4900, Program Element/Reference Code’s (PEC/Congressional District): 193Y00, 075Z/7715/8037/9150/SMET/03, Assistance Listing Number: 47.083, (Direct costs, Effort=100%). [by Steve Ramirez, SC EPSCoR communications specialist].
- Title III and Special Initiative Office SEED Funding, Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA: Grant/award/project title: “Biomarker Identification for the Diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)” (May 1, 2023- August 31, 2023): Total Award (Direct and indirect costs) $8,840.00 Github Students involved **Lierra Rivera+π (Thesis Advisor), Presently doctoral student at Clemson University, Bioengineering Program, **Germari Cull+π, **Mr. Adrian Lockwood+π and **Kalyn Wesby+π (Thesis Advisor). Role: PI, (Direct costs, Effort=100%). GitHub, Report.
- ChestAi.org gets funds from Rothberg fund at Yale University (January 1, 2020). Poster Link, Product. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.12.13.
Link Link
- ChestAi.org receives Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub (May 1, 2022) Azure Credits! Product! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.12.13.
Link Link
- ChestAi.org gets funds from Connecticut Entrepreneurship Foundation Fund (January 1, 2020)! Product 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.12.13.
Link Link
- March 1, 2021: Importance of understanding novel structural variants and machine learning, an editorial in SelectScience.
by Charlotte Carter, Life sciences editor.**
- March 1, 2021: We have consistently shown that machine learning can be effectively utilized for identification and characterization of molecular gene signatures in progression of benign tumors. Our presentation and Association for Computing Machinery CM publication from 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems.*
- March 1, 2021: Unsupervised techniques like clustering identify common check-point genes in 6 different cancer types. Our presentation and Springer Bioinformatics & Biomedical Engineering publication1 & publication2 from International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering.*
Presentation, PPT.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2665-9913(23)00098-X, Issue: 5, Volume: 6, Pages: e316-e329.
- March 1, 2021: A graph database for integrating data from multiple sources: LinkedImm (BioMed Central Bioinformatics)
**DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-021-04031-9, Issue: 22, Volume: 9, Pages: 105.
- March 1, 2021: Our recent publication in Wileys Chemical Biology and Drug Design shows that the common cancer biomarkers of breast and ovarian types can be effectively identified through artificial intelligence.
*DOI: 10.1111/cbdd.13672, Issue: 3, Volume: 96, Pages: 995-1004.
- March 1, 2021:TechGuide Expert.
- March 1, 2021: Interesting presentation from our collaborator, Dr. Stanam, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA at American Public Health Association APHA’s Annual Meeting and Expo. Poster Link.
***DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2665-9913(23)00098-X, Issue: 5, Volume: 6, Pages: e316-e329.
- March 1, 2021: Sustainability is important and here’s how: Sustainable Solutions (Springer) for Overcoming Transportation and Pollution Problems in Smart Cities. Poster Link.
- March 1, 2021: We should sought for the best, and best should be Scalable, Reliable and Robust! (IEEE) **
- March 1, 2021: American Association for Cancer Research AACR was fun! Important work presented at AACR Atlanta. Poster Link, Predicting the prognosis for cancer patients with interleukins gene expression level.***
- March 1, 2021: Machine Learning has been promising in predicting financial series, the direction of the medicine, stock market, macroeconomic variables, accounting balance sheet information and many other applications. Here’s one application in time-point forecasting data. Presentation, PPT, Springer Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology.*
- March 1, 2021: Solution for an inexpensive and uncomplicated colony management software? We have it and here it is: RodentSQL: a software suite for colony management of animal protocols (Future Science OA).
***DOI: 10.4155/fsoa-2018-0054, Issue: 4, Volume: 9, Pages: FSO330.
- March 1, 2021: Presenting a unique approach (bioRxiv) of Single Shot Detector (SSD) with a VGG-16 network as a backbone for feature detection of bounding box algorithm to predict the location of an anomaly within chest X-ray image.
Video, Product.
*Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.21.461307, Issue, Volume, Pages.
Managing research effectively, June 1, 2023 online summer school by Narayanan A, Lahiri C & Pawar S, Center for Research, Innovation & Translation, Department of Biotechnology, Atmiya University, India. Summer_School_Bioinformatics
- AWS Machine Learning Bootcamp for Educators Certificate
Certificate Amazon Web Services (AWS) Machine Learning Professional Development Intensive Bootcamp Part I for Teachers 2023-2024, The Coding School: Data Visualization, Machine Learning Models, Ethics Responsible Artificial Intelligence. https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2024/07/pawar-July-2024-AWS-Machine-Learning-Bootcamp-Part-I-Certificate.pdf*https://campuspress.yale.edu/shrikantpawar/files/2024/10/September-October-11-2024-Certificate-of-Completion-AWS-Machine-Learning-Bootcamp-Part-I-Certificate.pdf
- March 1, 2021: Our new method generates a significant improvement in validation loss with an increase in the labeled dataset size by around 42 times compared to the traditionally used self-learning semi-supervised techniques (Springer Computational Vision and Bioinspired Computing). Product.
- March 1, 2021: Our recent work tests importance of Cyclical Learning Rates (CLR’S) for Improving Training Accuracies and Lowering Computational Cost (Springer Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering) Product Poster (National Science Foundation RII Track-1 award funded project Role: Co–PI, NSF Identifier: 000879633, (Direct costs, Effort=100%)). GitHub.
Presentation, PPT, PPT.*
March 1, 2021: ChestAi product gets listed on AL4HLTH from United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS StopTB), Partnership & Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), Product 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.12.13.
March 1, 2021: Why does COVID19 cause severe illness in some patients but not others? Cell Reports Medicine with Dr. Kleinstein, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Dr. Leying, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, Dr. Arce, Dr. Kho, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
March 1, 2021: The Impact of Digital Learning on Minoritized and Poverty Affected College Students, Course Redesign Digital Learning & Courseware Equity in Higher Education, by Patricia O’Sullivan, Every Learner Everywhere.
@Joshua Kiprono Good NLP work! More collaborations ahead. #nlp #machinelearningtraining Deploy: https://t.co/XXKBPmwpym pic.twitter.com/j93wg5TmAi
— Pawar (@wolfcry123) February 16, 2023
[Affiliated from ****Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA; ***Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA; **Yale University, School of Medicine, Department of Genetics, Yale Center for Genome Analysis (YCGA), Connecticut, New Haven, USA; *Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, United States of America (USA).], π: Classes taught: CSCI/HNTH391/392.
Award (Start date- End date).